Guide for Missing .OCX Files This guide was created for Neofriends Users ONLY, Anyone caught copying or Plagiarizing this guide without permission will be harassed. Sometimes when you download a program you will get an error saying: Component '(file name).OCX' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid This error means that in your system 32 file you don't have a correct component/file needed to run the program. Its very easy to fix if you follow the steps and don't skip any because you will end up just going back to reread them. Step 1. Go to Google and type: download followed by the name of the file .OCX Example: Dowload prjchameleon.ocx The search engine should result with a few different sites If you can't find a site that will let you download the files for free then you can go to Go to the site, click download file and click save, save the file on your desktop so it will be easy to find later, and DO NOT change the file name or the type to save it as. Step 2. After you have downloaded and saved the file you can now put it in the proper folder to register it. Go to: Start, Run and when the run window pops up type in: C:\Windows\System32\ It will pop up a folder that says System32, when the folder pops up just minimize it. Go to your desktop, copy (Ctrl+C) the .OCX file that you just downloaded. Go to the System32 folder that you just minimized and paste (Ctrl+V) the file (Make sure your not clicking on any other folder or file when you go to paste the file because it will replace the other file. It should paste at the bottom of the folder with a little icon on it, if you scroll up you should see more files with the same icon. Step 3 To find out if you successfully copied the file to the folder and it was registered, Go to: Start, Run and type in: regsvr32 C:\Windows\System32\(followed by the name of the file) Example: regsvr32 C:\Windows\System32\TABC3LTN.OCX If it worked it should come up with a little message saying Dllregisterserver in C:\Windows\System32\TABC3LTN.OCX succeeded If you have done all that correctly you can delete the file on your desktop only and the program should work. If you believe this guide is good please just use the REP tool instead of posting a Thank you, I will answer all questions to the best of my ability ASAP. Skier101
I kind of think a guide was not needed because any retard can use google to search for it. The programmers should always put the ocx in the file when they upload anyhow. Nonetheless, good guide.
Actually many of us regular people that don't live in front of a computer for a living wouldn't really know what a nerd is talking about when he says "O, your missing this ocx file", most people would answer wtf and how do I fix it or can I fix it?
Sorry but I think this link should help install a couple of essential ocx files.