Simple Aber Guide for Everyone:)

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by Theangeltyreal, Aug 28, 2008.

  1. Theangeltyreal

    May 4, 2008
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    I know there might be a few out there, but i've been abing for .. jeez like 4+ years now.. and this might not be the "fastest profit making style" but it surely is the best way ive found to not get iced.. so i think i could help you guys out..

    New Aber's (Accounts 1Month and under)

    With new accounts it gets really hard to start autobuying.. especially if you have been frozen before or you have the close name of someone iced for autobuying(yes it does get you caught faster sometimes).. what I like to do is start out verrry simple.. go to chocolate shop and pharmacy but try to fiddle around a bit like you dont know what your doing.. buy one of the wrong item.. try to explore the website as if its your first time.., and never, Ever, leave your autobuyer on overnight or for a long period of time, when you have an older account its more acceptable, but when your young, they get you... once you stay on the site a bit longer 3+ weeks you should be able to switch between kaylas magic shop and pharmacy.. kaylas makes more off of one item, but you get much more quantity in pharmacy, so choose wisely, and if you needed a aber list, ive posted a few and i know many other people have as well=)

    Intermediary (Accounts over 1Month)

    Now we can start getting in some real.. "practice".. or at least thats how we want it to look as long as TNT is on your back.. start switching between a few other shops like toy furni and maybe even foods.. yeah these aren't the most common shops and they restock some HTS's, but the greatest part about these shops are that they are the most low key in all of neopets.. not many people expect an amazing autobuyer to be restocking hts's.. but the truth is you make a lot of money off of these.. try to switch off between them and take breaks inbetween, and what i cannot stress enough to anyone.. is spend your neopoints wisely.. many times when i rack them up in the bank and go for expensive investments TNT sees that.. try putting some of the stuff you get into a neohome for a while, go on the boards chat a bit.. this will also help you out later on while trying to sell your stuff.. and when you do sell, dont put them all up at once, or right after you rs them, wait a while.. and if your lucky enough to find a hts reseller.. i say keep holdin on because thats where your gravy train starts.. try not to get gyped out of your np's tho.. look around for face value..

    Advanced (Accounts 3+months)

    Honestly, this is my favorite of them all.. because its the most challenging.. to really get away with abing on a full scale level when you can get r99's is a hard thing to do.. First of all try to make sure you have played lots of games.. got avatars maybe a trophy or two.. and MAKKE SUURE to customize your account a bit.. make it look like your actually playing like you love your pets to death, put up a skin on your lookup, these things help more then you could imagine... because nothing spells out autobuyer more then an empty account filled with neopoints.. I always loved going to magic and toy as my shops, getting lucky once will get you 2-15mil neopoints.. and if you do lay looowww, if you have been talking on rs and chat's people might know you enough.. be careful though because if they dont, your gone.. also try to stop abing as much, maybe an hour a day, make sure you dont buy everything in half a second.. if your autobuyer doesn't adjust times then download something while your abing, keep an online game open, you'll be going just slow enough to fool TNT, try to get 2.5-3.5 seconds.. not many people can go that fast so you'll still get it over them, and if another aber gets it, TNT will easily catch on. And as for shops, like i said my favorites are magic and toy, but really you can go in any shop when your 3+months.. battle magic and battle defense are good shops to go to too, thing is you'll usually be waiting for that big break because a lot of the time the things there are HTS..

    If there are any questions id be more then happy to answer them, pm me or ill be checkin back here=) good luck everyone.. n i hope theres nothing i left out
    Zer0 likes this.
  2. II_warlord_II

    II_warlord_II Level III

    Aug 13, 2008
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    as you said on the "Advanced" section about
    one hour/day
    what if i spend one hour/day on magic shop.
    then Iglooing for 10items?

    what do you think?
  3. ub0r

    ub0r Level III

    Mar 8, 2007
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    That should be fine as long as you do not set ridiculous refresh rates!

    Also, don't be greedy. If you bought a UB that day, don't go looking for more. Lay low for the rest of the day so avoid suspicion. It's all about how they perceive you.
  4. Rider

    Rider Level IV

    Jun 25, 2008
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    Canada =D
    You should include what rarity's each age group can rs
  5. zergses

    zergses Level II

    Jun 23, 2007
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    Sydney, Australia
    haha it seems so scary, im really tempted to get a program but i dont want to lose my accounts, and at the same time i dont want to have to spend ages playing around with newbie accounts..

    is there a guide that exists or anyone that specifically knows how TNT detects autobuyers, like vaguely i've seen refresh rates and things like that but is there a specific formula they follow?
  6. chelsea1

    chelsea1 Level IV

    Nov 26, 2006
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    if we knew, no-one would get frozen

    also, we wouldn't necessarily post it as tnt would just change how they detect people,

    but no, we don't; all we have is speculation based on experience. This can be found throughout the forums, particularly in the level 2 private chat i seem to recall
  7. zergses

    zergses Level II

    Jun 23, 2007
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    Sydney, Australia
    well the other thing i've been wondering was whether when you get IP banned, if they ban all accounts that are related to that IP, or just the accounts that share the email of the offending account?
  8. Zer0

    Zer0 Level IV

    Mar 2, 2008
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    Home sweet home
    Well, they usually ban all accounts related to that IP
    However they're usually careful about IP bans and won't ban 100% legit accounts have have been established prior to illegit activity and have no connection with illegit stuff.
  9. zergses

    zergses Level II

    Jun 23, 2007
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    Sydney, Australia
    so if i started using an autobuyer on another account and didnt physically interact my main with the autobuying account there would be a good chance it wouldnt get frozen?
  10. II_warlord_II

    II_warlord_II Level III

    Aug 13, 2008
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    i'm not trying to be a jerk or anything,
    but i'm pretty sure i seen this thread somewhere from another site...
    but i dont remember the date posted.
  11. neohacker

    neohacker Level I

    Jan 1, 2009
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    Nice guide, but where are the ab lists?

    Please don't gravedig - Commy