From what I can remember about it, it looked like a DVD player. Used CDs. Back in like, 1997. I don't know if it was popular or not. I can remember it playing a Zelda game. ...And that's about it. I've been on a heavy emulator kick, and I remember those old games. Wanting to play 'em. Just don't know what to hunt down. Any help? :\
Is it the NES? 1997..I can remember the playstation 1 as well. Gamecubes didn't come till around 2000ish.
NES date back to 1987 Dreamcast = sega so it had to be gamecube... the first nintendo console to use small cd... than the wii Before those, they were all using cartridges on the same note... can you identify each drawing to the right nintendo console ??? I know I do
Maybe second from the bottom, in the middle. I think it was Link, it's the only thing I can think of that would have a Rupee currency. It wasn't gamecube, it's nothing mainstream. Not that I can think of, anyway. This was back when I was still playing things like DOOM, Hexen, Redneck Rampage and thinking they were the bestest things ever. It's a fairly old thing. I can't even remember what it had for a controller. I'm wanting to think something television remote-esque, but it escapes me completely.
I may be thinking a little earlier than 1997, and I don't know if it had a Zelda game, but didn't the old Sega Saturn use disks? I remember a friend and I playing Rayman on one.
yeah, saturn was using disk but like I said previously, zelda = nintendo. edit:you should go there and read a bit I didn't know nintendo was producing instant rice and running a taxi company while creating video games . Futhermore, take a look at how many console they've sold in the world: 118 millions gameboy. Damn !
No windwaker Link? He looks really different due to the cell shading in that game. I can't be too sure about the older games for Mario and DK, but for link: NES GBC NES SNES GBA N64/Gamecube N64/Gamecube Wii And uhh....the gamecube doesn't look like a dvd player. It's a cube. Unless there are cubic DVD players I haven't seen. And if it was around 97 then it doesn't fit. Windwaker was released in '02, so that leaves me a little bit confused. But anyway....all the Link games are great!
I think it was something made by a TV/DVD company. I'm thinking Toshiba? But it was kind of like the extras on a DVD where you used a remote to click through the side-scrolling levels. Had 3 zelda games I believe. Really bad reviews, and it didn't last long. I'm 100% sure it wasn't nintendo. Philips maybe? Toshiba? Something of those sorts. OH! Now I know! Are you thinking of the Phillips CD-i? Bam! Thank you much, Cheeto. Picture is what I remember it as. Had some games I thought were really fun at the time, I'm hoping there's emulators for 'em. With all those buttons though, I have my worries.
No problem. I remembered my Zelda Obsessed cousin always talking about it. Hope you find the emulators if there is any!
Sega Genesis, comes with the little attachment? But genesis also took the game packs too so.... Please don't gravedig, this topic has been inactive for a long time - Commy