I am happy that Obama got in. I live in Aus and everyone here jumped on the bandwagon. But I am just happy because he is a democrat. We (the world) needed those rednecks out of the White House.
Erm aren't the McCain supporters noticing something here? Pretty much everyone from outside of America is happy Obama won. That in itself is worth him being in power because with Bush as leader for 8 years pretty much the whole world turned it's back on America. America cannot survive on it's own especially not at this time when things are set to just get worse. Obama won't be remembered as a great president because of the massive problems facing him. At the moment the best anyone could do is restore hope which Obama has done politics is like the economy if there is no faith in the system it collapses. America can now rebuild relationships with other countries which are in tatters. Pretty much all world leaders were backing him. In regards to taxes... America is in debt by trillions of dollars and it needs to be repaid... The money has to come from somewhere and in Obama's plan it doesn't have a tax increase for people who already are scraping the bottom of the barrel it taxes rich already successful companies/people. It has to come from somewhere. Why I think he won't be remembered as a great president though is that he has no money... At the moment the presidents job isn't improving education or healthcare it's just trying to stop America from collapsing.
In his acceptance speech he said something about everyone around the world talking about this is the america they used to know. The one they hoped to see again. I think he's right. Maybe with a fresh face in office things will start going a little better. Gas prices where I live have already gone down $2 from their original price. Did he do that? Of course not, but let's see if he can keep them that way. I think he should have had palin and McCain should have had Biden. Something about Biden just irks me. I like Palin. Her and Obama would have made a really good team and there could have also been 2 firsts: the first african american president, and the first female vice president. I don't think it will be easy for him JUST BECAUSE HE'S AFRICAN AMERICAN. If he were caucasian and he screwed up, yes people would be mad, but like bush, they would get over it. I hope he does well just to prove everyone who doubts him wrong.
I almost cried when he held his speech. It was so amazing. And I'm happy he won. I know it's going to affect the world in a good way. I'm afraid of the racists in America though - I heard some people would rather die than having a black president People are loon.. Well, he won and YAY for that =D I was pretty surprised about McCains speech, it made me respect him more. I lost a lot of respect for him because of his campaings .___. but he would've been a good president too, I guess. I just like Obama's healthcare program A LOT. To me it's insane that people can't go to the hospital/doctor/whatever for free. We can here xD
I know, it's kind of shocking that in a western democratic prosperous country some people in America will go without stitches because they can't afford to pay the bill at the end of it. It's unfortunate but I think personally a lot of propaganda has been created to make a lot of Americans scared of universal healthcare it's branded as communist, socialist and that it's a bad idea for the healthcare system to be in government hands. These are my top 5 reasons Sarah Palin should never get into power: 1. She is the worse example of separating church and state. 2. She didn't know Africa was a continent not a country. 3. She is really shady (lied about clothes prices, abused her power by firing someone because of a family feud, did support the bridge to nowhere and lied about it, lied constantly throughout her speeches fact checkers went crazy) 4. She clearly is a well constructed folksy image she has no substance or intelligence. 5. She is the polar opposite of Obama and would alienate America from the rest of the world in short her views are similar to a cave woman.
I don't think you should say she isn't intelligent. I bet she is older than you, and I'm pretty sure she is more intelligent than you. Not saying you're not intelligent, which I know you are very smart, way smarter than me, but I don't think you should say she has no intelligence, because she does.
That's actually pretty irrelevant, since fendi_future isn't running for President or VP. But when we're talking about VP merits, Palin does come off as the least intelligent of the two.
I do agree that she is the least intelligent of two, since Joe Biden has tons of experience. But that doesn't mean she isn't intelligent.
Palin wasn't a total retard or anything, but she was just lacking general education needed for the role of VP. Personally the most annoying thing about her was that she didn't believe humans were causing the climate to change. Wasn't it around 95% of scientists who claimed that human activity strenghtens the natural greenhouse effect on our planet, which causes the temperatures to rise and the weather conditions to change?
No...she really is an idiot. She didn't know what countries are part of the NAFTA. There's only 3 countries!
i guess she didn't grasp the concept of it being North America free trade agreement. also... i can see Russia from my house.
:lol: wow.... I didn't know that. Honestly, what countries did she think were in the North American Free Trade Agreement?
she left out Mexico. they are a part of the agreement too. It just saddens me... She has no foreign relations skills and searches for the media spotlight. did any of you guys hear of the prank phone call that she was fooled by lol.. funny stuff.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbEwKcs-7Hc the prank call was amazing! Those guys had the most ridiculous accents and she still couldn't tell.
Finally! I'm glad the US has finally turned to the right direction. A pity that Prop 8 passed in California though. Way to elect a Democrat and then simultaneously deny civil rights to a group of individuals...only in America!
well.. it happens i guess. there are more bigger issues the prop8 (says the nation of America) but i think the civil liberties of people and same sex couples should be upheld. It was about time a Black president was elected so i think it will just take time for prop8 to be excepted. It was passed in Canada so why not the rest of North America.(wasn't called prop8 tho) also i didn't know what a stir this thread would cause. lol.... >