I used to be able to do graphics fairly decently (If you hunt in the graphics section very far back you can see some examples) but now I'm on a mac and have no clue what programme I should download. My media studies coursework is basically creating a magazine cover & contents page now the photography and text I can do no problem but basically I need to know what programme to download which is like or is photoshop and is compatible with mac. Anyone know any :\
http://forums.macworld.com/message/15319 Somebody asked the same question on Macworld, hope that helps! http://www.osalt.com/paint-shop-pro There's a list of open source alternatives to PSP or Photoshop, some of which are compatible with Mac. But we have Photoshop on the Macs at college, so you can get it somewhere xD I myself have used CorelPaint on a Mac, I downloaded mine with LimeWire and it's really expensive if you don't, but it's an amazing program. I'd recommend it.
http://www.adobe.com/products/ Adobe offers a lot of the top of the line graphical designing programs how ever they come with a price! :yup:
opensword.org/Pixen/ Pixen I used to use this baby before my mac got outdated It does Gif animations too and it's super easy, you can do layers, create color palates, its amazing, and... ITS FREE!!!!!!
Yeah I still need something to be honest I've been a bit lazy with this project so far xD I don't mind it it's legit or not.