Crisis Courier Guide

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by mjnskivt, Nov 20, 2008.

  1. mjnskivt

    mjnskivt Level III

    Aug 9, 2008
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    right behind you
    Crisis Courier
    This is personally my favorite game on Neopets.​

    Object: To guide the Yooyu through each level collecting goodie bags for points while avoiding obstacles.


    Normal Goodie bags = 5 points each
    Red/Blue Goodie bags = 10 points each
    Minitheus = 10 points each

    Yooyu forms:
    Fire - the beginning form for every level, can kill red Minitheus and collect normal and red goodie bags, obtained by left clicking
    Ice - the alternate to fire, can kill blue Minitheus and collect normal and blue goodie bags, obtained by left clicking
    Mutant - can kill both red and blue Minitheus and collect normal goodie bags, CAN NOT collect red or blue goodie bags, obtained by grabbing a fig
    Faerie - can collect normal goodie bags for 20 points each and both red and blue goodie bags, CAN NOT kill any color Minitheus, obtained by grabbing a wing fruit

    Use the whole screen to your advantage: if you know what is ahead, move forward to give yourself more time to collect goodie bags or fruit. The converse is also true, though: if you don't know what's ahead then stay toward the back of the screen to give yourself more time to react to approaching obstacles.
    Don't move too fast: in my experience, waving the mouse wildly around the screen to try and collect a large cluster of goodie bags doesn't accomplish much because the game can't keep up with the mouse. You will probably end up missing most of the goodie bags.
    Don't be too eager: if you see an easy to get fig or wing fruit, don't automatically go for it. Sometimes these are placed where they will cause you trouble, i.e. putting a wing fruit right before a crowd of Minitheus - you won't be able to kill any of them.
    Think ahead: try and remember levels so you know what's coming next. This will allow you to get more points on each level while losing less lives.

    My Tips:
    Always play with the largest window size available. This gives you more precision when squeezing through tight spaces or going after those goodie bags that are right next to an obstacle.
    Move the game window so that the very back edge is located slightly off screen. Without doing this, you will sometimes find that your mouse will leave the game window, meaning that you no longer can control the Yooyu. If you do this, your mouse will not be able to leave the window and you will always have control.
  2. Blulightning

    Blulightning Level I

    Nov 12, 2008
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    nice guide, unfortunately I can't play this game for the life of me o_O
  3. Epsilon5

    Epsilon5 Level I

    Dec 17, 2008
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    Not a bad guide. Since its release, this game has always been a personal favorite of mine. Hopefully i'll be able to get some higher scores now!