[customtable=Weekly Graphic Competition]This week's competition is about... ...Pokémon!!! (cause my little brother is over yonder playing super smash bros brawl ) The style of this week will be Signatures The entry with the most number of votes wins. Prizes: Winner: 25 cash points + 100,000 Neopoints Runner-Up: 25 cash points + 50,000 Neopoints[/customtable] Please PM me if you win as I am terrible, and I do mean horrible, at tracking winners down. New Gfx Comp Rule: No member may win two consecutive rounds. In the case of the vote turning out in such a way, the Winner and Runner-Up will automatically be switched. (Sorry moo, but I can't have you winning every round now can I? ) Hallandale Edit: Since Lazypando is indeed lazy, I've put up the poll haha. Vote for the one you like.
Sheeesh! D: I actually only do vectors, so I wasn't guna plan on entering unless I can vector a pikachu, but yeah..THAT'S JUST..NO..TOO MUCH WORK. *walks away and mumbles about Pando's big head*
psssssh but your last one was soo cute <3 i just didn't think other people would be too happy about the same people winning over and over. there have been complaints in the past
Aww thanks :yup: It was 3 hours well spent. The NP I earnt went towards my awesome cupcakes / muffin gallery! <3 Anyways i'll stop spamming here now. Good luck to contestants. Cuz pokemon is the only shameless thing in the whole entire world for all ages. <3
there's not really a size restriction for graphics comp. sigs (though there is one for the forum) just you know...around a normal sig size
Yes, I did it for teh lulz. Yes, I did it in paint. Yes, I think it's hilarious. Yes, I think everyone should vote for me. No, I do not think I will win
I threw something together just for shiits and giggles. It looks a big messed up at the bottom but its still cool looking i think.
I voted for myself. I'm not ashamed to say it...no, I don't deserve the vote, but it's not like anyone else is gonna vote for me so I don't feel bad
;lol i would feel bad voting for myself.. heck even if i as to by some fluke make presidential candidacy i still wouldnt vote for myself guess im just weird like that
Technically voting for yourself is a punishable offense... you could be banned for it. Not that you will be but you could.