Hitting a girl.

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by cameronCRUNK, May 2, 2008.

  1. Knux

    Knux Level I

    Sep 21, 2008
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  2. surreptitious

    surreptitious Level III

    Dec 6, 2008
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    I'm going to sound like a total brawler with this statement - trust me, I'm not, I've just been in some sticky situations.
    First off, on the fragility front: I'd just like to state that in my experience, I have never broken a girl's nose, whereas I have broken four boy-noses in my life. Yes, three of them were accidental. But the point stands. Nose-wise, girls win.
    Secondly on the fagility front: girls are designed to have more body fat, (designed, mind, this obviously isn't always true) and so gererally, if you look at a guy and a girl with about the same build, then the girl is actually going to be able to take the hit better.
    Finally on the fragility front: some girls have really big hair. Think about punching that. It's all cushiony, and the hair pins are likely to impale your hand, anyway. Not wise.
    It's usually just a pain tolerance issue, and usually girls have lower pain tolerances. I'm sure that there are statistics proving this point somewhere on the interwebs, but I do not think that they're necessary. This isn't an essay.
    Yes, boys are stronger. They have the build for it.
    Now, I'm not saying that a 5'5", reedy math-type (sorry math-lovers. my calc exam is tomorrow, and I'm not exactly loving les mathematiques at this precise moment) is not going to get his ass handed to him by a 6-foot rugby girl, but let's face it - men win the strength competition.
    Girls can be twits as easily as guys can, if not moreso. I mean, this discussion isn't really about serious fighting, but I'm going to bring it to that level for a few lines.
    Like, say you're a girl trying to break up a brawl. Why shouldn't you use the fact that you're female to your advantage? Surprise, I'm dainty. Slap a deer-in-the-headlights, what's-going-on type look on your face, and buy yourself a few seconds. It could save your life.
    On the other hand, say you're a girl hitting a guy just because it's fun and you can get away with it. Enough hits, and you activate the flashing sign that hoovers over your midsection, saying "you should punch me in the ovaries."
    And anyone who goes into a serious fight goes in expecting to be hurt - otherwise they won't last long. If you're shocked when your opponent's fist makes contact, then you loose precious time in which he or she will be able to set up another whack.
    Yeah, violence sucks, but crap situations do arise. There are times when a Delfin Clutch just isn't going to cut it, and you're going to have to get physical. Don't let someone demean you as a person, and take away your rights just because she has goo-goo eyes and a few curves.
  3. turato

    turato Level III

    Aug 3, 2007
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    Well if a girl hits me, I'll hit her back with as much strength as she used. Treat everyone equal, girls do not deserve special treatment
  4. kelliequek87

    kelliequek87 Level I

    Dec 5, 2008
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    well i tink if a girl hits a guy, its still not an excuse for the guy to hit her back. violence doesnt solve anihting. it would jus lead to more violence and the problem ll jus get worse. its best for the guy to restrain her, and yell sum sense into her, then walk off and leave the girl alone for awhile. solve the problem after the girl calms down. sumtimes seeing the guy walk away is more hurtful for the girl than physical pain. but wadeva it is.. i tink guys shld not hit girls.
  5. surreptitious

    surreptitious Level III

    Dec 6, 2008
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    I know how to solve this problem. Men should cater to women's every need, so that we never have a reason to hit you. Be obedient, intelligent (for once in your lives) and hold our purses while we take nine years in the bathroom. Then we won't feel the need to whack you in the first place.


  6. Bacardi84

    Bacardi84 Newbie

    Dec 4, 2008
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    A typical girl doesnt hit, she slaps. Hitting back isnt really required. Just catch her flailing arms and pin her them to her side til she gives up struggling and marches off in a huff. If its a girl who knows how to hit then again, catching arms is the best bet but throw in a little blocking and try to avoid her hitting your face. I would never agree with a guy punching a girl whatever the circumstances but he is welcome to defend himself if a situation arises.
  7. incendia

    incendia Level I

    Nov 23, 2008
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    In cases of serious self defense, if a woman is trying to assault a man & he is cornered I believe he should do whatever he has to protect himself, as I would do so in the opposite situation.

    However, if the woman is not really going to hurt the man or the man can run away I believe he should attempt to do so. I would in both cases in the opposite situation.

    I do not suggest restraint of any form unless the woman is seriously going to hurt you. I also suggest calling the police first if you think she's going to. In NY and FL whoever calls the police is the one that doesn't go to jail... and someone always goes even if it's just from being called from loud yelling. If you can't get away from the beating with the phone a woman can claim the restraint was a form of assault itself.
  8. nckheinrich

    nckheinrich Level II

    Nov 2, 2006
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    Ok. I recently got hit by a girl. But I've had this theory forever. I'm a fighter but I don't start fights. So if a dude was to hit my I'd beat the crap out of him. If a girl slaps you. She is acting like a girl and O well its like telling a dog he was bad. But if a girl close fist hits you then she wants to be like a guy then I'll beat the crap out of her. Like a guy.

    By the way that girl that hit me in the face. I didn't beat the crap out of her. Some guy grabbed me and I beat the crap out of him instead. :D
  9. Liwi

    Liwi Level II

    Dec 11, 2008
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    I don't think it's right to hit a girl unless they hit you first (slapping doesn't count). If she punches you, I think you have every right to punch her back.
  10. GhettoNeopet

    GhettoNeopet Level II

    Oct 18, 2008
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    Under any circumstances, except perhaps life threatening ones, it is never ok to hit a woman.
    Seriously, if you're a dude and you hit a woman you are scum. I don't care if she punches you in the face or something, she is a chick, so don't hit her. Obviously you will be able to do more damage to her than she can do to you, so it's just a dog act to hit a woman.

    p.s. I just remembered, my signature is about this. I got it from a song but.
  11. surreptitious

    surreptitious Level III

    Dec 6, 2008
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    I do like the restrung version. :)

    What about women who hit women? Is that magically acceptible? Usually, hitting someone once is mostly a mental thing anyway - when you get a whack, you feel far more on the emotional plane than you do physically.
  12. invaderzimmeh

    invaderzimmeh Level I

    Oct 22, 2008
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    I'm a chick, and the way I see it, if I hit you first, I expect retaliation.

    However, out of anger, not gonna happen.
  13. boogerwaiter

    boogerwaiter Level I

    Dec 13, 2008
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    If she is physically assaulting me who wouldnt fight back? Only hit her at last resort, Run if you have to but try not to hit you will be seen as a jerk even though it was self defence,
  14. bladeoftalwar

    bladeoftalwar Level IV

    May 20, 2007
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    pull/pry them off or overpower/hold them down. don't friggin hit them though, that's rediculous
  15. dolltronic

    dolltronic Level I

    Dec 12, 2008
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    I'd only condone it if it was self defence.

    If I hit my boyfriend, I probably wouldn't be able to hurt him much and he has the strength to restrain me.

    However, if I was beating the crap out of him then he should defend himself.
  16. nckheinrich

    nckheinrich Level II

    Nov 2, 2006
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    Think about this. If you get hit. The first thing that goes through your mind was wow I just got hit. Then you want to attack back. So your not even thinking its a girl.
  17. CoS

    CoS Level IV

    Jun 16, 2008
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    dont hit girls unless self defence...
    unless they are beating the shit out of you in which case just try and restrain them :O
  18. Liwi

    Liwi Level II

    Dec 11, 2008
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    I agree. If she's some psycho freak and she's going all out on you, you're not gonna just lay there and take a beating. I think everyone's initial reaction to being hit is to hit back.
  19. bladeoftalwar

    bladeoftalwar Level IV

    May 20, 2007
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    i honestly think i'd be more inclined to get her in a hold than hit her though. is that just me here? haha :X:
  20. Liwi

    Liwi Level II

    Dec 11, 2008
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    I guess it just depends on the situation. I mean for me, if she's swinging punches at me, hitting her back is the only way for her to realize that it hurts like a ****, and maybe she won't do it anymore. Of course MOST girls won't swing punches at you, so it's probably almost never that I'll have to hit back.