For semi-legit rsers like myself (right now ) All it does is place the cursor in the textbox on the haggle page right when it's loaded. Maybe I'm just spastic, but the single reason I miss good items is usually because I get excited and can't manage to click into the box fast enough
if you can do that, might as well add 000 into the box and have the cursor be before the 0's. That way all you type is the thousands digits
If you've got a 4 monther and are in stamp, magic, etc. then that might be a good idea, but right now I'm on a 1 week account and I rs in pharm, where pretty good stuff can be found for under 1000. Besides, I think that when all of your buys come up as perfect thousands, TNT would be much more suspicious than If you really had to haggle.
when i used to restock long ago in magic i always did 000 at the end and was never iced for it. Maybe now they catch on, but i dont know for sure. I use macros to restock now so was just giving suggestions.
I don't think tnt would get supscious if you did something like 000. I personaly rs everything to the nearest 50 so... o and all my 70+ are rsed at the selling price so...
if your going to do that, why not juse use a auto haggler? you can even get one that smart haggles like 12121 and all you would have to do is scroll down and click the captcha
Use the greasemonkey script which automatically fills in the haggle amount (98%) that way you just have to click confirm and you've saved a second or two