What are your favorite arcade games?? Favorite site for arcade games?? Personally, I like super stacker, Storm The House 3, and Age of War. Territory War, Grow Cube, Grow Island, and Ultimate Defense 2 are also some fun games. My favorite arcade site is andkon...got used to the site because my school didn't block it last year so I just got to used to playing there. ;p
My favorite game is curveball. I even had the high score here for a few hours I also like The World's Hardest Game and Ball Revamped, but I'm not very good at either. My favorite site is the only one my school didn't block: geocities.com/markmeir (random, I know)
I kept holding the Soul Caliber II record in one of the near casinos for a while... (then I stopped going there)
Hmmm...I opened this thread expecting people to have posted actual arcade games...guess not Pac-man is always near the top of my list...along with Asteroids
I actually like the "slap a nerd" game LOL. I have much fun playing that. I have yet to try other ones though.