What rights does one have over someone else?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by DeNo, Dec 25, 2008.

  1. DeNo

    DeNo Level III

    May 4, 2008
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    Remember, this is for the sake of debate and does not indicate any of my personal beliefs on this topic. Do not presume what I believe in, it is not up to you to comment.

    Okay, you may be scratching your head here..
    But think about it.
    Who has the right to tell you what you beleive in? Your parent's?
    Who has the right to decide your future?

    The cool and usual response is probaly "I decide my own future and I listen to the advice of those that matter".
    But really, how far can you're friends 'advise' you?
    Do your friends have a right in your love life?
    Your career?

    Does your family have a right to intrude upon your opinions, relationships?

    Does the GOVERNMENT have a right to tell you what habits (smoking) you should pick up? What items to have (firearms, fireworks, lasers), or what sexual orientation you are allowed to be?

    Cause' think about it, if no one has the right to tell you anything, then can't you just go off and kill as you please and everyone else has to withold judgement? The more I think about it, the deeper it gets, and the less I'm sure.

    List a few here (preferably abit contentious) and tell me your opinion of them.
  2. unskillful12

    unskillful12 Level III

    Dec 30, 2006
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    it's all relative. your parents have the biggest influence on your lives when growing up. next is other relatives/friends/teachers/coaches etc. at a certain point, one should tsart to slowly make more and more important decisions for themselves and this will also depend mostly on their parents. at a certain point, when a person is responsible enough (this is debatable within itself), they can take full control of their lives and make decisions for themselves only while taking advice from others when they want it or ask for it. another interesting point would be to think about mentally or physically handicapped people and what rights do peole have in taking care of them.

    EDIT: i didn't touch on all that you pointed out in your post but i was obviously speaking on how people learn while growing up and which people influence you most and how much control they can or shoul dhave over you. i will discuss other aspects of the argument if someone else brings it up, lol
  3. heartstrings

    heartstrings Newbie

    Dec 23, 2008
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    I don't think the governtment has any right to tell me what to believe, and my parents too (It just so happens that I believe the same as them anyway xD) They can teach it to us, but they can't force us to believe it.

    I think it's okay that they tell us what to buy and what not to buy, because a lot of times it's for safety. (guns, sharpies, etc) But I mean, once you get to a certain age, you can buy that.

    I feel kinda hypocritical (sp? sorry) because I think most drugs should remain illegal. Like weed, I heard that Obama was going to make it legal.
  4. woooot

    woooot Level II

    Nov 8, 2006
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    I have the right to do what i believe in, i wouldnt let my parents stop me from doing something i want. as rude as it sounds, it's a simplistic yet efficient lifestyle. government... well i guess its more like i have the right to give up some rights for the good of the people? if that makes any sense
  5. unskillful12

    unskillful12 Level III

    Dec 30, 2006
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    Even if you don't want your parents to influence you, they will. Regardless of how rebellious someone believes they are, if they grew up in a different environment they would likely be completely different.
  6. heartstrings

    heartstrings Newbie

    Dec 23, 2008
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    Exactly. I went through a stage where I fell in love with everything my mom hated. And after awhile I started liking things that all the normal people hated. Which means I was one of the strongest, most educated Republicans in my town. I'm still Christian, and patriotic. Since I was born like that, it would be too hard to change.

    Even if I hated my parents so much, to the point where I'd move to turkey and change my first, middle, and last name, I would never change the things that my parents taught me... like.. my foundation? However, she did not teach me what music I have to like, and she'll never make me. She doesn't tell me what to wear, because that would be impossible (she's a little.. behind the times)

    Anyway, I still remained a harmless, innocent little girl, the same one that my mom raised. I only looked different. You know, eyeliner, blue hair, "grr". But it had nothing to do with what I believe in, and now were back to foundation.
  7. SinkingThoughts

    SinkingThoughts Level I

    Dec 19, 2008
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    I believe in the preservation of freedom with respect to the individual autonomy of others. Pretty simple way to look at things, unfortunately, the world is a lot different >.> We are not born equal, but it should be the peoples' burden to treat each other equally.
  8. krilas

    krilas Level II

    Jan 1, 2009
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    The only right that one have over another is how they influence them to be. Our parents brought us up to be able to judge and fend for ourselves. Afterall, no one is perfect and even our parents wouldn't be as good as somethings that we are. Having been given the ability to judge for ourselves, it all boils down to the fact that we have to make our own decisions correctly. We are influenced by our peers and the media, sometimes even emotions. Yet the truth remains that we can still decide whether we are to be manipulated by these influences or not. Afterall some influences are good or can be malice.