Today my boyfriend flipped to SAW III cuz we're like, new movies usually don't go on TV {not too new but still} and I watched the part..that the guy had to rip chains from the body...UGHHHHHHHHH. Didn't watch how he died anyways, though. I didn't rly even watch. I just listened to him yelling in pain. Disgusting If I knew how they managed to do those effects or whatever maybe it'd make me feel better. What other horrible deaths are in Saw III? >_> I kinda wanna know, just don't wanna watch. I am pretty disturbed right now =S
I remember the part you mentioned about SAW III, that disgusts me as well... Several scenes in horror movies make me quite disturbed, and i don't even bother about watching them. The only help i can offer is, how they manage to do these effects...
There is much much worse Saw 5 was the worst at the very end with a saw and his arm into two or saw 1 when he had to smash his own foot off GREAT films though
I haven't seen any of the Saw films. I'm pretty rubbish at watching horror movies - I go all girly and get upset.. Haha. I did watch Hard Candy the other day though. I was disturbed, but that was because I thought the guy playing the paedophile in it was hot, not because he was castrated while he was awake. I knew I shouldn't like him, but he was just.. :kiss:
I actually like the Saw movies. If you ignore all the gory parts, they have really cool plots I still have to see the 5th one though, it sounds really good.
I've seen them all now. I'm one of those people that sit there and try to spot fakeness all the time. Like I'll be sitting there, guy will get his arm chopped off and I'll be like "That doesn't look like real bone!111" Haha but yeah, that sort of thing keeps me from being scared .
Haha I wish I was as optimistic as you. I used to love horror movies when I was a kid. I hide behind a pillow and peek through a corner, but still I saw the movie But as I grow i'm more chicken shxt
When set saw II when f first came out, midway thought the film a guy dressed as preditor ( aliens vs preditor) came running through the cinema
I'm scarily desensitised to violence/gore I just sit giggling away as some guy is trying to pull a bear trap off his face =]
Ugh, yes. x.x I can not stand anything like that. I can watch movies like Disturbia and Signs where there is no blood/yuck, but anything horror/gore I refuse.
I like the mind fucking in the saw movies, they really mess with your head when you try to get the things what's happening. The deaths that left quite an immage on me were the last one in Saw V, where a guy get's squished between walls and you see the bones snapping out of his arms. Another was at the start of Saw V where a girl loses her head by two sharp edges and a rope that pulls her head between them
He is kind of pretty. I googled him afterwards so that I could see him in a not-creepy context. I love the Saw movies, and Hostel, too. I'm just a fan of movies/books like that, I don't know why. It's kind of eerily refreshing to know that it's not happening to you, I guess. But aside from the schadenfreude, I do marvel at the people who come up with stuff like this. I think that that may be part of the reason too, but I'm really not sure. When I watch a movie or read a book, I think about the thought processes behind it. That is why Jeffery Deaver will forever be one of my fave authors.
It's just a movie. Nahhh it is pretty disturbing. I am a man though, so if I can't sit through it, I have to put up with mates having a dig at me. I do love the twists. Any movie with a twist intrigues me, so these appealed to me. I have only seen the first 4 though. I stopped after the 4th because I thought it was terrible. The worst thing is in the second one when the big buff guy throws the chick into a pile of needles. I pissed myself laughing but it was such a dog act hahaha it's also gross when he cuts the skin off the back of his neck and holds it in front of him.
initially when i seen the first saw i was like wtf.... but by the second one i was like ftw this is awesome and by the third one i really didnt seem to mind the gore and blood. After the first two movies i became really desensitized to the whole blood and guts gore thing .... They are still good movies but i havent seen the new one yet. I dont think it will be the smae because jigsaw is dead and i just dont see how the film would be without him..