Leaving the toilet seat up.

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Hally, Jan 3, 2009.

  1. Hally

    Hally Level IV

    Nov 16, 2006
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    It really bugs me that guys are expected to leave the toilet seat down at all times so the women in the house can just sit down and do their business.

    It makes no sense to me that women can't just put it down themselves. So many of them get upset when they're left up. When I was in residence at University earlier this year, the bathrooms were individual bathrooms without a set gender, spaced around the floor. One girl ranted at one of the floor meetings about how guys are always leaving the toilet seat up.

    Girls tell us to put the toilet seat down. We listen. We pick our battles. We don't get annoyed.
    Well I'm a guy and I'm annoyed.

    I put it up to pee, you put it down. It shouldn't be an annoyance to you. It's just what we do. Set the toilet to the correct position for your anatomy.

    Even from a physics point of view, it takes much less force to put it down than to put it up. So females are even getting an advantage there.

    You women talk about gender equality. Can we include the toilet seat in that?
    Thoughts please?
  2. mjnskivt

    mjnskivt Level III

    Aug 9, 2008
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    right behind you
    This is actually a very serious issue. :p Marriage counselors report that its one of the most common problems in unhealthy marriages.
    I think that the reason women don't want to deal with putting the toilet seat down is that they don't want to touch it and get their hands all germy, hence us men, being the outstanding champions of chivalry that we are, should always do it for them.
    This is where equality comes in. Women can't pick and choose what ways they want to be held equal in; it's all or nothing, including the toilet seat.
    It's not even that bad to put it down, all you have to do is give it a little tap to get it started and let gravity do the rest.
  3. Heya_old

    Heya_old Level IV

    Mar 31, 2008
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    yup... i have to agree with all thats said. if women want equality (which i think they have gotten by now), then things like this are in there too. if i were you hally, i would even put it up for a semesiter, if you pee on the seat, too bad for them :p its a way of rebeling from them, and showing the equality they all want (although, you might get some girls really really pissed at you :D). If they want it down, but won't put it down, why should we put it up? we do all the work and they do nothing...
  4. surreptitious

    surreptitious Level III

    Dec 6, 2008
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    Everyone knows the real reason that men leave the toilet seat up. It is only well-cultured men who do so: they put the seat up so that women are safe and they don't get their dainty little bottoms all wet, and then leave it up in case the next man to come along is an insufferable boor who can't be bothered. It is a courtesy to us as ladies. We should be thankful to have such kind men in our lives.

    Oh, and "do nothing?" If that's the general assumption, I hope that you're all reminded of that next time you want some. I mean "something."

    Seriously, though, I do understand where these prissy little betchez are coming from - it's not only that they don't want to put forth the effort to put it down again, it is a hygiene thing. Why wouldn't you touch the germy, toilet-water sprayed underside of the toilet when you're DONE with your business, and not make them do it when they're going to be bringing their hands near their cookie? Like, think about that.

    Though, I do think that this is not a question of equality at all - it's a question of courtesy. It's just manners, plain and simple. How can you even bring women's rights into this? I don't see how that fits in.
    Oh, yes.
    I forgot.
    It's now a right to be able to use the toilet without putting forth actual effort.
    Seriously, we've graduated from medieval times, kiddies: it's no big. It's just a toilet seat. It goes up, it goes down. Whatever.

    And women have NOT gotten equality by now.
    Yes: there are some ways in which women are equal - hell, there are some ways in which we are (I don't want to use this term, so someone please give me a more appropriate one?) better off than men - but that means jack all. I will not take this on a women's rights tangent, because that would be counterproductive and dim of me, but seriously. It's still an issue.

    Personally, you leave the seat up, you put it down: I don't give a damn. It's not like it's hard to give a flick and knock it down again. But I do understand why these women are so peeved by it.
  5. GhettoNeopet

    GhettoNeopet Level II

    Oct 18, 2008
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    There is nothing wrong with it.
    Just women being women, complaining about it, really.
    Mountains out of molehills really.
  6. weldn

    weldn Level II

    Dec 7, 2008
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    that serious issue just surprises me like hell.
    Which is because :


    i guess it may have two reasons :

    (1)Based on the asian culture, we always have our bathrooms/toilets gender-set almost everywhere.

    (2)When i was in junoir high or senior high, these were our main toilets (regardless of boys or girls):


    so what else can we do with the "toilet seat" anyway ?
  7. bladeoftalwar

    bladeoftalwar Level IV

    May 20, 2007
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    my toilet seats are clean. i just sit like a girl [...]
  8. Fendi

    Fendi Level IV

    Apr 9, 2007
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    Amy Winehouse's Beehive
    I don't get guys who stand up using a normal toilet... If it's a urinal fine but I live with two other guys they leave the toilet seat up and a sprinkling of pee on the floor pretty much every time -__- It is impossible to aim so sit the hell down I'm sure it's some deep rooted "macho" thing.
  9. krilas

    krilas Level II

    Jan 1, 2009
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    There's two females in my household and I don't get any problems with that.

    Well basically from watching "What Happens in Vegas" I could get a vague idea of what's going on, but I seriously don't see the problem with leaving the seat up or down. There should be mutual understanding amongst everyone who use the toilet to keep it clean after usage, so then why should there be complaints about having to touch the seat to move it down. If it is such a hassle then maybe there could just be two toilets, one for each gender.
  10. interhacker

    interhacker Level IV

    Jul 24, 2007
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    My misses hates the whole "pea on the seat" scenario, it got to a point where people would piss on the seat just to piss her off xd
  11. Genocide11

    Genocide11 Level III

    Feb 23, 2008
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    I don't see the big deal about this toilet seat issue. Anyone with common sense would keep the bathroom sufficiently clean and hygienic, so lifting or pulling down the seat shouldn't be that important.
  12. interhacker

    interhacker Level IV

    Jul 24, 2007
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    Clearly you dont live with a woman.
  13. Genocide11

    Genocide11 Level III

    Feb 23, 2008
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    That's true. I also don't intentionally piss on the seat :)
  14. Hally

    Hally Level IV

    Nov 16, 2006
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    I'm so confused by what's been said.

    What I was talking about is standing up to pee while putting the toilet seat up.

    Not peeing while the toilet seat is down. It's a much smaller hole, smaller to aim into. Yes, the possibility of peeing on the seat is there.

    There are guys that sit down to pee? I don't understand that at all. Why sit if you don't have to?

    If you can't aim, then there's something wrong with your junk.
  15. incanmage

    incanmage Newbie

    Jan 16, 2009
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    We actually talked about this in my pre-marital counseling. It's aparently a big issue...

    My thought was always..... I have to put it up... you're a big girl... PUT IT DOWN.

    Then the councelor said, just think of it this way, every time you put the seat down, you are saying a little, "I love you" to your wife.

    I had never thought of it that way, now I happily do it... I really love my wife. :)
  16. dreamlorde

    dreamlorde Level III

    Feb 17, 2007
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    I do what I want - if it occurs to me to put the toilet seat down, I do it. If I'm not thinking about it, it gets left up. I wouldn't purposely not put it down just to "prove" anything but it gets left up sometimes regardless.

    I've had several relationships go bad over some very dumb ish. The downfall always started with nitpicking about this or that habit of mine. Now me, I'm a very easy to get along with-guy. I know I have faults and I'm more than willing to overlook other's faults, especially if they're my girl. But it never worked both ways. You snore, you kiss with your eyes open, you get toothpaste splatter on the mirror - you name it, I've been b***hed out about it. And so I've gotten past the point where I worry about what other people think about my habits. I know myself and I like myself, and I know the difference between a major flaw and minor quirks.

    Point of the story: If my girlfriend who leaves her laundry all over the apartment, pushes the shower curtain the wrong way so the water runs on the floor, mispronounces words & phrases, is constantly sick, has a horrible memory, and is a walking hazard to her own health because she's as uncoordinated as it comes wants to make a big issue out of a minor quirk, I'm very short and uncompromising in my response.
  17. Ice Nine

    Ice Nine Level IV

    Nov 15, 2008
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    PA, USA
    I often sit, part of the reason is that you then don't have this whole lifting and putting down the seat, which actually makes sitting less work...and ometimes you just don't know when you are going to need to take a crap...once you pee you might realize there's a bomb waiting to go off in your rear

    Also, surreptitious made an awful post in which she made some inane argument about hygeine that didn't make sense...let me break it down for you:

    1) In the situation where the man is "chivalrous" he will raise the seat prior to taking a piss. Thus, he has touched the seat before going to the bathroom. Aiming requires you to touch your junk. Hence, by your hygeine defense, men should be annoyed that the default seat position is down instead of up.

    2) Women don't have to put their hand near their "cookie" in order to take a leak...it's just a hole...there's no aiming it. Perhaps using some TP for cleanup, but that hardly counts since there's no direct contact. Combining this with point #1, the hygeine argument actually fails for women, but prevails for men.

    3) Way to champion gender equality by threatening to withold sex if men do not comply...I won't even go into this because it's just about the dumbest thing in the history of dumb things to be said (although you may have been joking, but it was unclear)

    4) Based on the previous points that I have made, the hygeine argument is a false one. So, either these "prissy little betchez" are using a false argument (in which case you should not understand the argument) or they are in fact just being prissy little betchez. By claiming to understand where they are coming from and then attempting to defend their position, you have made yourself extremely vulnerable. I now ask you to choose between the following options that your actions have given you: a) Are you a prissy little beetch? (Which I don't think you are...especially since you have stated that you don't care about the toilet seat thing) or b) Do you in fact not understand the argument for women to put down the seat, thus admitting defeat? The choice is yours.
  18. Zack

    Zack Level II

    Aug 16, 2008
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    Earth...but no, seriously, Toronto
    haha well I have my own washroom all to myself so it doesn't really make a difference
    I win!
  19. Ice Nine

    Ice Nine Level IV

    Nov 15, 2008
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    PA, USA
    Or do you lose since you don't have a partner?
  20. Royal

    Royal Level IV

    Jun 20, 2007
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    I agree with the fact that guys put it up to pee, then women put it down, guys go again and put it up. One puts it up everytime one puts it down. THe guys shouldn't have to do up and down, even though it doesn't really matter.