Does anyone else play this? I tried it at a friend's house and it was amazing. I'm considering buying it myself
i have it. its one of the few games i bought (i usually pirate stuff) the game was too awesome i just had to buy it so i could play it online :yup:
Awesome I tried Halo 1&2, Far Cry, none of the illgeal keys is working Most of the keygens just don't seem to work properly.
Played it and it's too repetitive for me. All you do is kill zombies, no plot, no character development, so point. Overhyped if you ask me.
I loved it. It was one of those games that you just get really into, like I was scared to peek around corners and go into dark rooms. lol. Stuff would jump out at me and I yelped a couple times. My hubby was looking at me like I was an idiot but I didnt care cuz I was having fun.
Creepy well yeah play it at night no lights and no other spunds then those so after you stop playing it then try to go to sleep i can assure you it takes sometime before you fall into sleep
aye, i agree with u, its kinda like that game that came out a while ago called serious sam. Enjoyed it for the first hour then got abit bored :/ Its pretty fun online though must admit.
Yeah, online this game is a lot of fun, especially in versus mode. But if you arent playing online, it is pretty boring
You can go online without buying it. Pirate a installer for L4D, then install it, use hamachi to play online. If you don't use hamachi then you can't play online, you'll have to play offline.
That was the idea behind the game. Everything in society is reduced to its bare quality, survival. There is no plot, simply because society destroyed itself so quickly. The only clues as to what happened is given by individuals in the safe rooms by things written on the walls. There is no character development since really there is no room for a relationship to grow when your always being chased by zombies and on the brink of death. The point of the game is survival. These 4 people have been Left for dead and all they want is to survive. It's really a revolutionary game as it verges away from typical gameplay and focuses entirely upon the muliplayer and interaction between humans for it to be enjoyable. Plus the "AI Director" ensures that your always on your toes when playing since the game is never the same twice in a row. No game will appeal to everyone, therefore some people logically won't like L4D since it has almost no plot and no story. But that's its appeal and charm in my book
I think I'll get Left 4 Dead the Game for xbox360 today ;-) I have a 2 year old gamestop giftcard I might as well use it... Lol...
I downloaded and played it on my Macbook. The game seems awesome but the gfx card on my mac is too crappy to play this properly.
I didn't find it too much fun. It just kinda seems plain to me as a game. Nothing in it really sticks out to me.
Yeaaa i lvoed this game to start with, it was amazing. like me and my there mates blasting zombies whilst doubling as a outlet of anger >=] Seriously, theres nothing like rushing onto an oncoming horde spamming the melee button and firing the shotgun. But.. after like the 3rd play at the net cafe, things got abit boring even the versus mode where you play as zombies was boring with the 20second respawn time.. if you guys have heard of Zero Punctation, this is his review on it ... eft-4-Dead if not, YOU HAVE TO WATCH HIM. his amazing.
L4D is an awesome game. Bought it last weekend when it went on Steam for $25 I feel bad for all of those who missed the sale.