Ice Cream Machine Avatar Guide

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by gaspanior, Nov 2, 2008.

  1. gaspanior

    gaspanior Level I

    Oct 3, 2008
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    I'm going to attempt to write a guide for Ice Cream Machine. If anyone feels any information is wrong please let me know and I will gladly edit and update :) After all we are here to help each other.

    Now the goal score to get the avatar is 14,500 points. When you first start playing I know you'll think this is way too high but what would be more fun than actually achieving this goal?

    Alright now let's start with some basics. You play a chia (Adee) who has ice cream coming towards him from the bottom of the screen. These sometimes bunch together. The first round starts with only 25 ice cream scoops. Every round thereafter has 25 more added to the total amount of ice cream scoops that you need to dodge to complete the level. Also as you go up a level the speed of the ice cream gets faster and more of them fly up at you at once. Each regular scoop is worth 5 points, and each scoop with sauce on it is worth 10.

    There are also some things to look for. First, there are ice cream scoops that can benefit you. A red one with a minus sign which slows the scoops down, A purple one with a little Adee in it which makes you smaller, A grey one with a shield in it which will shield you from scoops for 5 seconds, a pinkish one with a heart in it which will give you an extra life, A yellow one with a cherry which is worth 100 points, and a blue fish scoop worth 250 points. Then there are scoops that can negatively effect you. A green one with a plus sign which will speed scoops up. This one can also be beneficial in the first 3 or 4 levels because of how slowly the scoops will go. Go with whatever speed feels comfortable to you. The other negative one is a blueish scoop with a big Adee in it which will make you bigger.

    Often people recommend that you stay at the top of the screen. Personally this is not comfortable for me. I like to stay about 60% towards the top. It gives me room to dodge and go up or down as needed. For me, if you stay at the top, the scoops can come bunched together and you will have nowhere to go. But with any game you should find the area of the screen that is comfortable to you. Also a corded or cordless mouse works the best for me. I am on a laptop touchpad and the highest score I have gotten is 12,500. I can't move around as easily on the touchpad. Again though this is also about finding your comfort level. Another recommendation is keeping the music on. It keeps you aware of being in the game. I can't tell you how many lives I've lost by letting my mind wander from the game.

    Now level 1 through 3 or even 4 should be a breeze. The levels aren't too fast and the ice cream scoops don't bunch together too much. These can also be good practice levels for you. If you find that you are having trouble on level 5, play through level 4 and restart your game. Is this time consuming? Yes, but it helps you get a feel for the game. Level 5 is where it starts to get a little harder. When the scoops bunch up try not to go straight left or right to dodge them. If you are trying to squeeze through a tight spot, go up with the scoops. This will also take some practice. I find myself doing a figure 8 pattern a lot.

    Alright, now this code is completely legit. If you are low on lives, or just want to start level 1 with 4 lives, on the screen that shows what flavor ice cream it is type strawberryvanillachocolate. No spaces. This will give you 1 extra life. However, it can only be used one time.

    With any game this is going to take practice, but in no time you should see yourself with a shiny new avatar. If you feel I should change anything, again just let me know.
  2. youngcanuck

    youngcanuck Newbie

    Nov 7, 2008
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    this game gets pretty hard at around 9000 mark and most of the time, you have to make split-second decisions whether to pass or to stay. some gaps are pretty small and sometimes you almost need to get that mini-item to get pass through b/c it takes a lot of precision to go between the gaps.
  3. chloe_____

    chloe_____ Newbie

    Dec 11, 2008
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    Decent guide, but it would be better if you included a strategy for getting the avatar...
    Thanks anyways.
  4. surreptitious

    surreptitious Level III

    Dec 6, 2008
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    There's also a strawberry bomb which gets rid of all of the scoops on the screen. But I wouldn't suggest using it just for kicks, as the scoops that you delete do not get added to your total. As well as this, if you leave your screen idle for about three minutes in between levels or before you start the first level, then Adee will change into Oliver (aka the Phantom Orange Shirt Guy), and then there's a small chance of getting an Oliver-scoop, which gives you 1000 points. :)

    You can shrink several times (three is the most that I have ever gotten), but when you get most of the powerups (with the exception of the + - ones) you are reverted to your original size. Same goes with speeds, only vice versa. And I think that if you have gotten a shrink-Adee scoop, don't give into temptation and pick up the shield scoop unless you have to to get out of a sticky situation, because being small is much more beneficial than being shielded with respect to how long it lasts and such. As well as this, slower isn't always better: if you've gotten the hang of the speed you're at, stay at it! It's hard when they change speed, because it's unpredictable. And if you use the slow down ones on any of the middlingly-early levels, you'll be totally unprepared when they speed up drastically in the later levels. And, if you can keep your eyes both on the scoops that are halfway up the screen and the cones, you can do a lot better than if you just watch the ones right in your face. The cones tell you where the scoops are coming (especially the ones with toppings/powerups, as those give you extra-early indication) and when they've moved a bit, you can guage speed. Also, when you're stuck, don't just sit there and await your fate. A quick (educated) jerk of the mouse can, in fact, save your life. You get better at it the more practice you get. And yeah, it could possibly kill you, but if you're done anyway... Speaking of done, I'm done now.:D
  5. tomaspbx

    tomaspbx Newbie

    Jan 7, 2009
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    Hmmm... You know, it gets really hard sometimes if you dont get the mini powerup.
  6. surreptitious

    surreptitious Level III

    Dec 6, 2008
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    It's really hard even with the mini.
    I'm currently trying for the av on my current account...russssstyyyyyyyy...
    I can't do it when I'm relaxed, either. I have to be all super-tense.
  7. interhacker

    interhacker Level IV

    Jul 24, 2007
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    If you really cant do it, just use a score sender :p
  8. surreptitious

    surreptitious Level III

    Dec 6, 2008
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    I don't have one.
    And this will be, like, my 200-and-something-th avvie on a 52 month old account. I'd really rather not get frozen. :)

    Besides, game avvies are all biatches anyway.
    They just demonstrate that you have too much time on your hands.
    I'd like to justify it.
  9. tomaspbx

    tomaspbx Newbie

    Jan 7, 2009
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    You have zero chance of getting frozen if you use an ss on your account if its as old as you say it is. Besides, Using an ss on The Ice cream game also has zero chance of freezing :p
  10. yO.

    yO. Level I

    Jan 4, 2009
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    My highest score was around 12,500 too!!I was sooo close to the avatar too!! :D
    Thanx for the great guide!!For your trouble i'll give you +Rep!!
  11. widdget

    widdget Level I

    Feb 9, 2009
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    one thing that it seems was left unmentioned...

    start the game, hit 'play game' and when the first pre-level screen appears, do not click or hit space.

    it looks like:


    wait three minutes on this page and you will hear a loud gong sound, then you will notice ollie following your mouse around:


    in this mode, power-ups are twice as common and you also have a chance at getting a rare scoop worth 1000 points!

    if you got to 12,500 without this...this should make it easy ;)