It's called Angels Online It's a really great RPG game. My cousin played it in Chinese when I went to HK a few summers ago and to my surprise it was available in English a yr or two later, so I tried it out. I am a chef in the game, and basically chefs ride on robots {You can buy new robots as yu lvl!} And yeah, chefs level up by cooking and doing recipes / request around town. Also, other classes gets to buy pets to ride on too xD There are cool lookin wolves, but the first one you can ride is a piggy. They have lvl requirements. The rest of the aspect of this game, I have yet to try because I remember I played awhile ago, quit and I reformatted and forgot to reinstall it. Not to mention I was busy and what not. Also instead of everyone in the same world, there are different worlds you can go to. {There's a place that looks like heaven, and there is a forest, shadowy place, etc} But yeah anyways..if anyone does feel like playing, my IGN is Mooie and i'm at the server Atlantis! OH BTW. I sorta just started GBing if anyone wants..feel free to add me up. IGN Mooie
Gunbound was fun! Although it changed a lot and now you can use items 2 which is so cheap >.> They make you buy ijji coins to buy some item 2 items also.