[Legit Guide] Igloo Garage Sale- The Game

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by invaderzimmeh, Jan 18, 2009.

  1. invaderzimmeh

    invaderzimmeh Level I

    Oct 22, 2008
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    I personally don't like using a lot of pictures in my guides, so meh.

    Igloo Garage Sale- The Game

    This guide is to help you get a higher score on Igloo Garage Sale, or even a decent score if you're no good at it.

    Here's all the dropped items, ordered by points given:
    • 100 Dubloon Coin: 50 points
      Darigan Morphing Potion: 10 points
      Rainbow bottle: 5 points
      Green Umbrella: 3 points
      Striped Stick-thing: 2 points
      Pink Bag: 1 point

    Game play is very simple. Slide back and forth using the L+R arrows, jump using the up arrow. The ICE is slippery, so you will not stop immediately when you let go of the arrow. This can both help and harm your game. Miss 5 items and it's game over.

    During a level, as you catch the items, points are obviously added to your score. The clock is counting down during the level, and at the end, if you caught every item, your end-of-round score is doubled. That means, if you're lucky enough to get a few Dubloons in your round, thats a few hundred points added to your score.

    Not all items drop at the same speed. Sometimes one item will drop slowly, and a second will drop really quickly. Normally, you should go for the faster one first. However, there are cases where you need to choose which one to go for (IE if they are on opposite sides of the game screen). You should always go for the one of higher value (see list above)

    Also, not all items that are dropped are helpful. Bombs and pianos are dropped randomly throughout the game. I've seen them dropped more often in higher levels. While it is possible to jump over a bomb before it explodes, I have not been able to do so over a piano. I don't suggest trying. When you are hit with a bomb, you are temporarily stunned. A piano can cause game over. It is possible to recover quickly enough to not miss any items, but it is very hard to do so in higher levels.

    There will be cases where something like a Dubloon is dropped in the same area of a falling bomb. In situations like this, either way you're going to miss an item. I suggest trying to get the Dubloon before being hit, and get the 50 points, over trying to get the items dropped elsewhere (and not get stunned).

    Finally, as I've mentioned before, there is a time limit. When there's only a few second left (3-5) and the last item is falling, jump and get it. If you touch the item before the time runs out, one more item will fall. While this is usually a good item, there is still a chance for it to be a bomb or piano, so watch out.

    There is one cheat code, though it does not always work. Type in 'dubloon' to make one falling more likely. Don't use it during the faster levels, or you risk missing other items. If it manages to work for you, consider yourself pretty lucky.

    So to recap:
    1. Arrow keys to move and jump
    2. Ice is slippery
    3. Bombs and pianos are bad.
    4. Catch everything to double score
    5. Drop 5 items and it's game over.

    Lightning, gaz and Sapphire like this.
  2. Sapphire

    Sapphire Level II

    Jan 13, 2009
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    Chi Chi
    Nice, look complete.

    Would be nice with screenshots

  3. invaderzimmeh

    invaderzimmeh Level I

    Oct 22, 2008
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    I'll work on making screenshots.

    Thanks :)
  4. Hally

    Hally Level IV

    Nov 16, 2006
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    Just like in almost every flash game, there's a code you can enter for epic win results.

    Type in "dubloon" and you'll make a dubloon falling more likely.
  5. invaderzimmeh

    invaderzimmeh Level I

    Oct 22, 2008
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    I've tried that, it doesn't always work. Since you risk missing items while typing it in, the chance isn't really worth it. I'll include it at the very bottom.
  6. gaz

    gaz Newbie

    Jan 19, 2009
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    Sweet, I may have to play this game more often...
  7. Lightning

    Lightning Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 8, 2008
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    Florida, USA
    Looks almost complete. It is missing some screenies and color. That should bring life to the words, lol.