The ABing program my brother made for me (not as good as the ones here) has a way to program buying anything at exactly 2.5k, 5k, and 10k, and even anything 5 digits or higher (over 10k).. does the one on this site do that? If not, I think that'd be a good idea. I'd upload my program, but my brother wont let me (not like I know how to do it anyways).. Anyways, I have more questions hehe. Do the ABers you get on this site refresh randomly between whatever time you set it to? Like on mine you can refresh at 6 seconds, and it will do a random number between 5-7.
ya you can set time intervals..and your idea is a pretty good idea but some UB items don't stock at 10000 np thyoras tear it soem random number near 130k
Thats why it also buys things priced at 10k OR MORE *note the or more part, meaning it could cost 23423423423423423 np and would buy it..
I'll try and explain everything.. so here is a screenshot: (I edited out my username, for safety reasons) So yeah it's not very high tech as the other ones xDD You just change the shop.. and I don't know where the coding for the program is saved, but I know how to get to the item list thing, and then I enter things like this: <shop id="3"> <item name=".*faerie doll.*" /> <item name=".*pinata.*" /> <item price="\d{5,}" /> <item name="Siyana Doll" /> <item name="Psellia Doll" /> <item name="Vanity Doll" /> <item name="Malice Doll" /> <item name="Spite Doll" /> <item name=".*Quiguki.*" /> <exception name="Maraquan Quiguki Set" /> <exception name="Quiguki Negg Hunt Set" /> The .* is like anything before and after it.. the last one on the list is anything with 5 digits (10k) or more. Any smart programmer out there want to try this ?
what would be te point of making it buy items at a certain price? It would probably just buy junk... :?
That way it scans the items faster, plus it is useful in book since the good items all stock for 2.5k, 5k, and 10k exactly. And if they stock for more than 10k, then it buys them with the over 5 digit one. It's not useful in all shops, but in toy the UBs stock at 10k, and same with bakery and choco has good items at 10k and 5k.. but the 2.5k ones are bad so you don't put that on the choco list. I don't know many other stores but it would be useful for book, bakery, toy, choco, and booktastic.
it would just be better to keep an updated list a the magic shop stocks mps for different prices everytime (i think)
I know, thats why it is used in certain shops, like book. All the items stock for 5k, 2.5k, and 10k (that are good). And there is 1000's of books, it really saves time of that LONG list searching through the items.