Legit Restocking

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by boogerwaiter, Dec 13, 2008.

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  1. boogerwaiter

    boogerwaiter Level I

    Dec 13, 2008
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    Well This is my first guide on Legit Restocking, I used to do this before I found any Autobuyers.

    1. I highly suggest that you use FireFox and download this AdBlocker to block all those unwanted Ads. http://www.thedailyneopets.com/articles ... opets-ads/
    2. Open Up your Firefox Brower and open 1-4 different tabs with different shops
    3. Copy and Paste a number such as 2500 or 5000 because many shops restock unbuyables with those numbers, if your going for Magic Shop keep something like 121121 copied. It will save you time when haggling for prices.
    4. Put your shops in chronological order because shops restock in order, their Id's are at the end of the web address. (Food shop is 1 and I usually have it open to tell when other shops will restock.
    5. Once you see the food shop restock refresh your other tabs every 3-7 seconds and prepare to click and haggle fast! Keep your eyes out for those small and dim haggling pictures because they can really mess you up.

    Well this guide was kind of lame, but Its my first. Enjoy. XP
  2. lilmexiboy

    lilmexiboy Level III

    Aug 31, 2007
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    There is already a rsing guide here:

    and most of the information you posted is outdated. Shops do not restock in chronological order anymore. Most mp's restock for 25-60,000 Np's only a few go over 100,000. Items that restock for 2500 are usually rarity 85-89 items that restock for 5000 are usually rarity 90-94. Rarity 95-99 are usually 10,000.

    Please search the forums if there is already a guide made before you post one, its good that you tried to post a guide though :)
  3. daflipster1991

    Jan 5, 2009
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    didnt really understand your guide tbh... plz give more details
  4. Jesterman

    Jesterman Newbie

    Jan 29, 2009
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    I am really slow at clicking the items and the stupid picture, is there any easier way? i'm sure there is not buy hey got to ask.
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