I found a new Pokemon website http://www.pokemonindigo.com You can create a starter Pokemon, you can catch pokemon and heal your Pokemons. Its really awesome.
, is the link down? It doesn't work for me. Is this another version of pokemon, I swear I remember the next one was going to be platinum. Any other pokemon fans in this forum?
here is one http://rank.pokemonindigo.com/ Please don't double post. Use the edit button I think the server is down.
I got it fine.. Look at the attachment for a screen shot I took... The server is up... --- The website probably has like a premium membership where you have to pay like 20 bucks a month somewhere. :-/
i remember playin that After i found out how to make any pokemon spawn at any level i quit and got Bored with it.
lol, i used to play pokemon crater. if anyone knows what that was. the only reason i did is so i could help my little cousin get good at it >.>
I played pokemon crater for like 2 weeks back a few years ago. It's downfall is definitely how slow it is.
So..is this game like an online pokemon where you battle other characters online? Is this game any good, ratings?
I tried out Pokemon Indigo once, but I found the way of refreshing to move around (and how overpopulated the maps all were) annoying... I've gone through all the official Nintendo versions, though. =P
I play Pokemon Indigo. And Pokemon World Online. (http://www.pokemonworldonline.net) I prefer PWO. It has a lot of potential once they're out of beta and have everthing in the game. Of course, I'm 20 years old, and haven't ever stopped playing Pokemon.