Woman Has 8 Babies At Once!

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by supracharger, Feb 5, 2009.

  1. supracharger

    supracharger Level II

    Nov 18, 2008
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    Canadia BC eh?
    Honest to god, a women had 8 kids in less than 5 minutes in British Columbia, Canada.
    Hahahaha any thoughts on that little unwanted miracle...
  2. surreptitious

    surreptitious Level III

    Dec 6, 2008
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    Are you sure that you don't mean the woman who had eight babies by Caesarean in Southern California?
    The ones that have been born 9 weeks early, thus have a high likelihood of developmental problems - not only learning disabilities, but also problems with breathing and eating due to the underdevelopment of their systems?
    The ones that were born to a mother who already has six children, none of whom have any kind of father figure aside from their grandfather. The same grandfather who is currently leaving the country to be able to make more money to aid with the financial strain on the mother?
    The ones that were born to a mother who is unable to put the futures of her children, the sanity of her own parents and the good of the community ahead of her insatiable need to reach 400 babbies? She's been leeching off of her parents for the last little while, and her mother is at her wit's end and has decided that she is tired of giving everything that she has to an irresponsible daughter, so she's leaving. Her parents have recently filed for bankruptcy, and it's not because of their own spending. This woman used welfare money to pay for the invitro procedure for these babies. One of her children is autistic, a situation that even in the most mild of cases requires a lot of attention, and she's not the one who is going to have to pay for the hospital bills of these kids, it's the taxpayers.
    I think that she's mentally ill, and wish that whatever doctor who was idiotic enough to follow through with an IVF either without knowing about her background or not caring should have his licence revoked. Most doctors recommend that if a woman has more than three babies at a time, she should abort some of them. It's called selective reduction, and it's the safest thing for the mother and the best thing for the future of her children. I can't believe that there is someone out there who could and would do this. This woman is a professional student at the age of thirty-three. She wants to be able to sell her story for a couple of million, and live off that.
    What I'm the most worried about is that her compulsion is not going to end here. She is unfit to be a mother at all, let alone to raise 14 children.

    Basic summary of my blurb: Boo on babby goals. She needs psychiatric help.

    And if anyone is looking for a less biased opinion than my own on the situation, http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&q=oct ... 1&ct=title voilà.
  3. lizzeh

    lizzeh Newbie

    Feb 1, 2009
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    This sounds absolutely insane. What doctor with half a brain could possibly let a woman who already had 6 children go through with invitro, let alone implanting 8 or more eggs? And she's a single mother! I have nothing against single moms, my own mom is one, but she expects to be able to single-handedly care for 8 babies at once? Or does she expect charity from the community? I mean, this is insane!

    This makes me angry. Those kids are going to grow up in a chaotic and possibly broken home (since it sounds like mom is a smidgen unhinged). I'm not sure what else to make of this. I know one thing... if this woman has anymore kids, she's going to be giving the Duggars (18 kids) a run for their money as America's largest family.
  4. ninjitzumaster

    ninjitzumaster Level III

    Nov 9, 2007
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    It really is very sad, I feel bead for the children. I have 1 child myself, and I wouldn't mind if they took out my whole damn uterus because I have no desire to have anymore. I have so much fun being a mother of one baby, I really love playing with my son, and taking care of him, and everything thing that goes with being a mother, including the sacrifices. Love it. But if I were to have even one more, I feel like it would be too much, and I wouldn't be having fun anymore. I would be too tired and stressed from a full time job and taking care of 2-3 kids. Knowing myself the way I do, I would probably end up taking most of my frustrations out on my children, which is just disgraceful. I would be to stressed to play,and read, and dance, and enjoy motherhood the way it is supposed to be enjoyed. I cant even imagine having this many kids, its just so unfair to them.
    I have to imagine that most, if not all of her kids are being severely neglected, just because its physically impossible for one person to take good care or 14 small babies, toddlers and whatever else in between. Mothers who would bring children into such a life should be bound in the street and shot. I know that my child will NEVER be neglected, and NEVER go without. I would do whatever it took to provide. Mothers who don't feel the same way absolutely disgust me.

    Edit: in regards to the Duggars mentioned above... This is an example of a healthy, happy large family. The mother and father and every child functioning as a family unit, helping and loving eachother, its wonderful. The Duggar mother is an amazing woman, I must say. The difference is that she didnt have 8 babies via invetro just to make money, or headlines or whatever. She takes care of her family, and doesn't rely on her parents working themselves to death to support her. In conclusion: Duggar mom=A+ Other crazy mom=electric chair
  5. lizzeh

    lizzeh Newbie

    Feb 1, 2009
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    Oh, I wasn't saying anything bad about the Duggars. I mean, having so many kids seems a tad irresponsible in and of itself (at least to me) but they have handled it greatly. I actually follow their story with great fascination. Yes, those parents are great and one thing that I like about them is that they will be sending 18 polite, respectful Christian people into the world instead of 18 unhinged children.

    I was only saying that if this womans decides to spawn anymore, she will give them a run for their money as one of, if not the, largest family in the States.

    But this woman is crazy. I don't usually say that about people but she really seems to be.

    I don't personally have kids yet but I hope to one day. But I think 4 would be my limit really. However, any amount of children I have will be a blessing and I know I will love them. But I don't think I'd let myself have 14 kids.
  6. interhacker

    interhacker Level IV

    Jul 24, 2007
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    And is now called the kfc bucket...

    A joke there for the older gentleman.
  7. PrinceErik

    PrinceErik Level IV

    Jan 13, 2009
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    haha wow i dont even see how someone could do that lol, that is amazing
  8. Henry

    Henry Level II

    Jan 30, 2009
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    It happens, the parents must be devastated. I would be.
  9. surreptitious

    surreptitious Level III

    Dec 6, 2008
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    C-section, that's how. Slice and dice, pop out babbies, stitchy stitch.

    And the woman is without a doubt devastated. She has some kind of compulsion to have children, and is probably plotting to have more. She used IVF, and is currently a single mother. I don't think that the sperm donor knows about her latest "batch."
    *pokes post at the top of the page*
  10. misstshy_71

    misstshy_71 Level II

    Dec 23, 2006
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    I can't even begin to tell you how I feel about this subject...... I can't imagine the doctors not warning her about the Consequences of carrying multiple babies. It sickens me to think she never thought this through. The physical and mental devistation is most certainly will cause her children. I have one child that was born at 29 wks she has cerebral palsy and is also a spastic quadriplegic, almost legally blind, wheelchair bound has scoliosis(prob spelled that wrong) and is in great pain 98% of the time...The list goes on. The attention she needs is over whelming. 20yrs ago it cost over 350k just to give birth to my child and it just doesnt stop there. 35k just for an electric wheelchair...
    I can just imagine what it cost today and you know what shes not paying, the tax payers like myself who bust there ass pay... Not once have I ever asked the state to pay for a thing for her. we worked hard and did it ourselves. I hope her children grow up healthy and don't suffer for her poor decision to have so many babies. She needs someone to to give her a reality shake
    marlene likes this.
  11. Frozshtaliar

    Frozshtaliar Level II

    Aug 25, 2007
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    Could anyone explain how this actually happens? Like do 8 eggs drop down into the womb at once spontaneously or something?
  12. supracharger

    supracharger Level II

    Nov 18, 2008
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    Canadia BC eh?
    it was on the channel 6 news, saw it during dinner time.
  13. surreptitious

    surreptitious Level III

    Dec 6, 2008
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    It was IVF: "In Vitro Fertilisation." Slangly, they're test tube babies. The eggs are fertilized outside of the womb, usually in a petri dish - contrary to popular belief - and then inserted with a catheter. In mosst countries, there's a limit of two or three at once, but America is different. :|
  14. WildSnorlax

    WildSnorlax Level IV

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Alberta, Canada
    Sometimes I think this creates conflicts within a family none the same, not because families can't afford them. It's just the fact that people having so many kids don't realize that they might not always have the effort for them. My step-sister is only 4 months old and believe me, my step-mom goes crazy {not as in screaming at people} but she is so restless handling one baby, let alone 8. I think babies aren't something to have as a source of income.

    Not to mention I think sometimes, if even one of those 8 kids feel neglected and ignored because there are just so many siblings mom can pay attention to, their life will end up being a start of a big emotional mess.

    Also..it's kind of weird..that child birth can be alternated with science these days..it's not just the regular routine of, whatever you get is what you will get..it's so complicated these days X_x
  15. supracharger

    supracharger Level II

    Nov 18, 2008
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    Canadia BC eh?
    To be perfectly honest, I found this to be a really interesting topic to bring up...
    but to be this popular at the moment, blows my mind. Like, they obviously tried too
    hard to have maybe a child or two... and for that person who asked about the eggs
    being dropped into the womb, haha as a parent, how could you possibly explain that
    to your children when they grow up... haha oh by the way brad... haha we dont
    really know who your daddy is... :maha:
  16. keevarr

    keevarr Newbie

    Feb 7, 2009
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    Northern Ireland
    I kinda think it's slightly sick.
    I mean.. yuck giving birth to 1 baby but 8!?
    Who would want that many anyway?
    Personally I want 0.
  17. widdget

    widdget Level I

    Feb 9, 2009
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    jesus. i thought MY family was screwed up. i feel sorry for every single one of those kids. especially the oldest one. who will eventually go insane being the oldest and most attentive child to their mothers insanity.

    ignorance really is bliss.
  18. dstarvish88

    dstarvish88 Level I

    Jan 23, 2009
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    Its plan disgusting I saw on AOL today she has a website and is looking for donations. for one she had IVF done not me why should i help and support her she should have knew what she was getting herself into and if she dosent than too bad not my problem
  19. surreptitious

    surreptitious Level III

    Dec 6, 2008
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    *eyes tear up*
    Someone actually /read/ one of my posts?

    I can't say that I didn't see it coming. The worst part is that this is never going to end. Those poor kids. :(

    She won't stop here, and like widdget said, it's not as if they can extricate themselves - they're stuck with her.
  20. dstarvish88

    dstarvish88 Level I

    Jan 23, 2009
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    I see what your saying and i totally agree i cant believe a doctor would even do such a thing. I know IVF sometimes all eggs dont suceed but 8 eggs is alot and with her history there should be a limit of babys by IVF to a each patient