Barack Obama- Good or not so good?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Fexxel, Feb 14, 2009.

  1. Raito

    Raito Level I

    Feb 6, 2009
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    Yes, I'm really Japanese.
    Thanks. : D Actually, I'm tri-lingual. My French is much better than my English.
    I still need to improve a lot in English. It might sound weird, but now that Japanese boards don't exist anymore and that I'm on the English ones, I'm obligated to practice.
    So I'll get better, I suppose.​
  2. Fexxel

    Fexxel Level IV

    Jan 28, 2009
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    Wow that musta taken a while huh? I can't learn a third language.. I never will :'(
  3. Raito

    Raito Level I

    Feb 6, 2009
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    Well, my parents wanted me to take some French classes.
    So I take some since I'm pretty young. I guess that helped me a lot. :)
    And English classes are obligated at school.
    And why wouldn't you be able to learn a third language ? ;o​
  4. Fexxel

    Fexxel Level IV

    Jan 28, 2009
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    I will then flame you away.
    Bad stuff about bush:
    -George bush TRIPLED the national debt
    -The Bush Administration sent troops into battle without adequate body armor or armored Humvees
    -During the Bush Administration's war in Iraq, more than 1,000 US troops have lost their lives and more than 7,000 have been injured
    -The Bush Administration has spent just $1.1 billion of the $18.4 billion Congress approved for Iraqi reconstruction.
    -Vice President Cheney told voters that unless they elect George Bush in November, "we'll get hit again" by terrorists (CLEAR MANIPULATION)
    -Between January 20, 2001, and September 10, 2001, the Bush Administration publicly mentioned Al Qaeda only one time
    -President Bush used images of firefighters carrying flag-draped coffins through the rubble of the World Trade Center to score political points in a campaign advertisement (MORE CLEAR MANIPULATION)
    -The Bush Administration turned a $236 billion surplus into a $422 billion deficit
    -The Bush Administration increased tax audits for the working poor
    -In 2000, candidate George W. Bush promised to protect the Social Security surplus. As President, he spent all of it.
    -President Bush broke his promise to place limits on carbon dioxide emissions, an essential step in combating global warming
    -The Bush Administration said that even though the weed killer atrazine was seeping into water supplies--creating, among other bizarre creatures, hermaphroditic frogs--there was no reason to regulate it
    -The Bush Administration ignored pleas from the International Committee of the Red Cross to stop the abuse of prisoners in US custody
    -When asked at an April 2004 press conference to name a mistake he made during his presidency, Bush couldn't think of one
    Do you feel flamed enough?
    As for Obama, I'm not going to even try to defend him. My hand hurts from tying.
    I must ask though. Why do you hate Obama?

    Sources for all this bad stuff about Bush: (lol)
    Because I'm slow when it comes to languages. I just don't have the willpower to learn another one.
  5. Ariathell

    Ariathell Newbie

    Feb 17, 2009
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    day one fore him he makes it so americans pay for abortion in other countries which is crap, there shouldn't even be abortion

    Post 2 -

    he sucks
  6. keevarr

    keevarr Newbie

    Feb 7, 2009
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    Northern Ireland
    God some people are idiots.
    Butyeah, I pretty much love Obama and his policies even though I'm not from America.
    I do plan of moving there in a few years though.
  7. Fexxel

    Fexxel Level IV

    Jan 28, 2009
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    Are you saying that people who get raped shouldn't be able to get rid of an accidental baby?
    God, people are such idiots (lol).
    I want you to go into someone who got raped's shoes, and see how it feels to know you have to keep the baby of your rapist...
    Raptor304 likes this.
  8. Zack

    Zack Level II

    Aug 16, 2008
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    Earth...but no, seriously, Toronto
    lawl, Bush was so jokes though. Walking into things, confusing left from right hands. The way he talks, and clearly has no idea what he's talking about, or what half the words even mean.

    I just think there was too much hype over Obama. I know he's black and thats a big thing for America, but it has nothing to do with his competency as a president. People were acting like the world would change the second he was elected...

    oh, and...
    you suck
    go have a child before you talk
  9. Raptor304

    Raptor304 Newbie

    Mar 7, 2009
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    Just have to say.... that was very well said. What gives people the right to decide what others do with their body especially in the case of a rape victim. I won't go into pro-life or pro-choice here since this is going off topic. Obama has made a number of accomplishments so far given the time since his inauguration. It is still true however, that there was much hype for Obama which gives him high expectations and a heavy responsibility. I see many in this thread agree that more time will be needed to decide whether Obama is good or not which is very reasonable since not much time has passed since he got into office. I'v seen many so far jump the gun and accuse Obama of destroying the country for every little action he did so far... this calm discussion with logical assumptions is refreshing :yup:. By the way, u guys might be interested in this link if u did not already know about it
  10. Dark_knight2008

    Dark_knight2008 Level I

    Jul 26, 2008
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    Haven't seen many changes yet. Will wait and see
  11. Will

    Will Level IV

    Mar 1, 2009
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    Okay, that's your bad things about Bush.

    Now if you're asked to find bad things about Rudd, the new Aussie PM, you won't find anything. Know why? HE HASN'T DONE ANYTHING FFS.

    At least Bush did something while he was in office. Admittedly, they were bad things that only reflected the redneck hicks from Texas with their over nationalistic BS, but he actually did something to reflect the views of some of the people of America.
  12. tampatbbucs44

    tampatbbucs44 Level I

    Mar 22, 2009
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    I honestly think that he is setting up our country for socialism.
    He's making it so that there are no benefits for working hard. Its not good
  13. Aye Pod

    Aye Pod Newbie

    Mar 15, 2009
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    I am canadian... but i am scared of his name... sounds like il' bomb ya'

    It might just be me but still... I think he will do good.
  14. Arkley

    Arkley Level III

    Mar 19, 2009
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    It's really far too early to be judging Obama on a whole. We can judge his individual actions, but really only time will tell if he's going to be good for the US. I think he's done a pretty decent job so far, albeit while doing nothing particularly special.
  15. miranda

    miranda Level II

    Sep 25, 2007
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    Hahaha I completely agree with Will Kevin 07 is a waste of space.
    Obama will do great things :)

    Whats that movie/show when someone says "Obama? Isn't that the guy we're trying to kill?"
  16. hawoo

    hawoo Level I

    Feb 23, 2009
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    for me, it comes down to this.. for the united states to get back on our feet and see the good times again, we're going to have to suffer for a while. i personally don't think obama has it in him to fix this country, he has no military knowledge and a strong military is whats needed to run a country in my opinion. i for one do not believe in peace, because if you want peace, prepare for war. life to me is a huge struggle, and it'll always be that way. and by the way the economy is going, pft.. i dont need to say more. but if obama can pull something out of his ass, and not fuck things up worse than they already are, ill have more respect for him as a leader. granted hes already had to deal with a lot these past few months in the chair, i just dont see much happening any time soon.

    /edit - i may sound dumb and all over the place but thats alright, i don't follow much on politics :}
  17. rarehunternick

    rarehunternick Level II

    Mar 18, 2007
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    Although Obama seems like a great man, I don't think he has the skills to make the United States better. Everyone one is blaming Bush for the bad economy, however, Barack Obama is tripling the national debt in just this 1 year compare to what Bush did in 8 years. It makes absolute no sense. Bailout here and there...wasteful spending. I mean come on: changing a bowling alley to a basketball court, adding the White House garden, where the hell is he getting on the money from? From us. Not only that, the administration promise Gaza strip $900 million to rebuild their homes just because they were involved in their own war. Why do we have to bail them out...just because it was our weapons, we can't dictate what to do with them.

    All Obama is good for is being a puppet to the Media and the Democratic party. Seriously. His administration is corrupted and they want to go after businesses who are evading because they feel that they should not receive the burden of their hard work. The treasury dude is a total douche...and not only that Obama told him to keep his job, but when a CEO is in trouble, Obama is telling that character to step down. What the hell is up with that? Not only that, but who gives a flying f*** about what dog the Obama's want...why is that America's concern. People are loosing their jobs, homes, and all the American people care about is the damn dog that Obama is getting for his family. Even the wife is joke.

    I'm sorry...but everyone that believe that Obama can save us, you better take a look at everything that is actually going on and you'll see that he is making it worse.

    The American citizens need to wake and smell the damn coffee and see that this whole Obama fab is a damn joke and we are heading to worse situations
  18. miranda

    miranda Level II

    Sep 25, 2007
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    ^ Bush left him one hell of a mess to deal with remember. Plus he did say things could get worse before they get better. Have some faith?
  19. Arkley

    Arkley Level III

    Mar 19, 2009
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    Obama's approach to spending like hell is actually his way of fixing the economy. It's controversial, but tightening budgets and not spending doesn't actually fix the economy - it just stabilises it at the point it dropped to. People and the government need to spend to keep businesses running to keep people employed. The government needs to bail out businesses to keep them running and keep people employed. Businesses need to stay running so they can expand and make more money and employ new people. All of this results in businesses and people making money that the government taxes. If the government has bought stakes in failing businesses, then when the businesses recover, they too will make money for the government. I know it seems crazy, for the reaction to having no money to be "spend money", but it is a viable method for repeairing an economy, and the USA isn't only country taking that approach. It might increase the national debt but it's only increasing to fix the economy so that it can be paid back eventually more easily. If we were to just strap ourselves in and weather the storm by not spending, we'd end up with the same national debt Bush left us with, and with a stable but less productive economy to pay it back with.

    Note that the above is a very very dumbed down basic explanation of economic recovery, but I hope it explains to a few people why mass spending is a viable tactic.
  20. Brian

    Brian Level I

    Apr 14, 2009
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    Daytona Beach, FL
    I do not like him at all I believe he is a socialist pig and that this country needs a revolution right now. If you would like for me to provide way too much information on these 2 topics 1. Obama 2. Revolution, I would be more than willing to provide. But those are my opinions.