I was thinking for those people who dont like to get the timing right on for like a dubloon, there should be a program for you to select -Dubloons, -Attack,-defence,-np, -hp,and so on. So you would just check off the one you would like to have for your pet, so if you chose attack...The program would find the time zone of your place, and then find the time that it will give you attack
I'm not really sure on this, but I read some where that the times for Coltzan don't work anymore. Not quite sure if this is true. Some one correct me if I am wrong
I think so too. I tried to follow the guide on the help forums, but it seems like the prizes are given on a random basis.
Some do still work, but some no longer work. It might be interesting if you could make a program for this though, with specific timings.
for coltzan shrines sometimes even if you click it on :55 for example you get nothing...auctually most of the time
If you pet is too powerful most of the time you get nothing, but one thing is certain, timings have now been changed/randomized.
Yeah. I think they changed it a while ago . Your idea was good, but stupid TNT has to ruin it for us =/
i dont get why they change everyting to random ok, shops i can understand. but coltzans shrine? seriously if they want us to play fair....
Hey sometimes when the internet isn't working properly, you can be a few seconds off the desired time.
i think that's once again useless if you have enough time in a day to fire up the program then you have enough time to go to the shrine yourself