Barack Obama- Good or not so good?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Fexxel, Feb 14, 2009.

  1. Arkley

    Arkley Level III

    Mar 19, 2009
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    I'd be delighted to hear why you have such drastic ideas.
  2. Rhett

    Rhett Level IV

    Dec 2, 2007
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    You're entire post makes me want to cry. Not the emo,'oh he doesn't love my bff, obamy', but 'holy hell, wtf is he smoking? where can I get some?!'. You think Obama is the first president to revamp the White House to suit their own needs? Bull! It happens with every new president. On the day of inauguration, EVERY new president spends about one to five million dollars repainting walls, changing out carpet, new furniture, etc. Don't b!tch about a basketball court. Oh, and as for his limo. (I know that you didn't mention this, but someone will.) The reason he has a need for the "most expensive limo in presidential history" is because of nuts that thing once Obama took office, All keeda was going to come and take our children and bomb Wal-Mart.
    As for "People are losing their jobs, homes, and all the American people care about is the damn dog that Obama is getting for his family." I really can't see how this is an "Obama fault". That's a "Let's distract ourselves so the losing my job doesn't hurt so bad." Obama just needed something for the kids to play with while he does his job.
    Socialism - boohoo. Canada can do it, why can't we?

    Edit: Oh, and I do believe the Obama hype is overrated. He is black. Idc.

    Oh, and enlighten me on Obama being a socialist (I agree with) pig (I do not), as well as why our country is in need of a revolt?
  3. wutwutinthebutt

    Apr 14, 2009
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    No, I hate obama, I'm not racist, I just hate him. You guys should watch the Obama Deception

    He's not the president, the elitist bankers are the presidents
  4. Arkley

    Arkley Level III

    Mar 19, 2009
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    I've seen it. While I'm not a fan of Obama either, that piece of crap is nothing more than a spectacular congelation of paranoia, bigotry, fallacy, idiocy and neoconservative propaganda.
  5. Rhett

    Rhett Level IV

    Dec 2, 2007
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    Yeah, the 'elitist theory' has been around way before Obama. Nice try for a conspiracy though.
  6. rusting

    rusting Level I

    Feb 12, 2007
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    A lot of the presidential judgment is personal. It completely ignores the facts and the actual events.
    This man isn't a leader, he represents the country. Don't focus on his potential alone.
  7. helloomisslady

    Jul 6, 2009
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    I think he is doing poorly. So far, he has not done much for us, which is OKAY, because he hasn't been in office too long... but I find him to be very hypocritical.
  8. vixehy

    vixehy Level I

    Jul 6, 2009
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    I agree. He has seemed to fall short on many of his so called promises of change. the economy is still kind of the same, so... :/
  9. Arkley

    Arkley Level III

    Mar 19, 2009
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    People whining that Obama hasn't yet fulfilled every single promise he made are ridiculous and clearly lack an understanding of how modern politics work. I'm not exactly his biggest fan either, but in the grand scheme of things he's barely settled in yet. Furthermore, he's not a king. The USA is not a monarchy. He cannot just demand and have it be so. Things take time, things take hard work, and these things need to be worked from the inside out. Just because he isn't putting gas in your car and paying your damn mortgage doesn't mean he isn't working on keeping to his word.

    Now, if two years pass and he has still not accomplished any of the things he promised nor made significant progress towards them, then you can whine like your panties are full of sand.
  10. Lightning

    Lightning Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 8, 2008
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    Florida, USA
    Ok, people, the economy isn't that easy to fix. What he promised was ways he could slowly improve...we would have to wait a while before we really see the results. I think he actually is trying his hardest to help the nation. His speeches make it seem so easy, but it really isn't :lol:. Yeah, but I'm just hoping, just hoping that it'll get better. It really sux though right now...
  11. Bankai

    Bankai Level I

    Jun 27, 2009
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    Upstate NY
    I'm just going with one thing. Good. He means change people. :p
  12. greightone

    greightone Level II

    Jul 8, 2009
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    He is definitely one of the most compitent presidents we've had in a few terms. His bad mouthing of Venesuala and their democraticly initiated socialist switch kind of left a sour taste in my mouth. Other than that he has been doing as much as we can expect from someone stuck in our bogged down government.
  13. Star

    Star Level I

    Jul 13, 2009
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    Well the only problem I have with Obama is the abortion.
    I am against it, and he is pro-choice.
    But when I think about it, if he wasn't pro-choice he wouldn't be able to be a democrat.
    But, I can understand him wanting the people to choose what they want.
    I can respect him for not making choices and forcing his opinions onto others, even if I dont agree with them.

    I also think he has be an extremely busy man, doing more in just a few months than many have done in a few years.
    But, he has alot of change, and alot of promises to us.
    I am looking forward to the free health insurance.
  14. Jane

    Jane Level IV

    Nov 19, 2006
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    Pwning the world one step at a time
    I don't live in America so I haven't really seen the effects of his presidency so far. And I take really watch or listen to the news. xD
    But at school the debating team did a topic on him and it was really interesting.
    He better do some good things though.
  15. Windkind

    Windkind Level I

    Jul 16, 2009
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    >>; <<;
    Change isn't always for the best. I'm going to go with not so good right now. A president's first 100 days in office are the busiest, and the first really good prediction of how the President will do in his following years. President Obama got a lot of things done, but in my opinion, they weren't the right steps to take. The next three years are going to be incredibly slow follow up laws and bills.
  16. Synidaeum

    Synidaeum Level I

    Jul 16, 2009
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    Well yeah, Windkind, but that's to be expected. The entire point of having a system of checks and balances is to slow things down. Quick change can off balance and destroy things sometimes.

    I'm grateful we're still a little gridlocked on not having the democratic party control the presidency and congress. When that happens, things tend to get shoved through on party lines and it all goes sour really fast.

    I happen to hate our governmental system in general, but I'm sorry... having Palin anywhere near office was never the better option. I suppose that's an opinion for a different debate though.

    Obama's doing okay. He's certainly redeemed the US a little bit in the eyes of the world (from what I hear talking to overseas friends in Europe/Australia/etc), and that alone is enough to make me want to hug the man.

    Anyone who doesn't have a firm understanding of how the branches of government work should probably not be too forward in criticizing until they do their research, either; Obama does not have the power to shove a bill through congress. In fact, any laws to be voted on are still introduced by congress members. So, you know, if he really ticked off the democrats in congress? No more effect at all on laws short of vetoing. And of course the democrats still don't have their 60/100 in the senate, last I was keeping up with things at least.

    I think Obama represents a good change, but at the same time I like to judge the president post-terms served, just because I know that I didn't like Bush while he was in office, but when he left office I looked back at him and decided he may have been a bit bumbling, but he did the best he could in the end and we can't expect more than that out of someone we vote for.

    The presidency is not an easy job.
  17. Star

    Star Level I

    Jul 13, 2009
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    Change in this situation, is a good thing. Look at our economy. Do you think that we should just sit here and let over 10 million americans remain jobless and let everyone just get poorer and poorer? Eventually money will be so hard to come by there will be more crime, threats, people being held hostage, banks being robbed, people getting killed, etc. We are in extreme need for change. Thanks alot to the bushes for messing this all up.
  18. Attempt

    Attempt Level II

    May 18, 2007
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    Not good! that nazi is ruining out economy
    Tofurky likes this.
  19. Raider

    Raider Level II

    Aug 10, 2009
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    I completely agree with this. Bush started at a bad time as well, if someone else was in office at the time, everyone would be blaming that person. As far as Obama, its my honest opinion he got picked because he was "different", and not because of his views either. You cant honestly tell me he didnt get the african american vote? im not being racist, but most of the people voted for him without knowing a thing about him and what he plans to do, just because he is african american. I watched several street interviews and all the people who voted for Obama (who were AA) didnt even know anything that he had said, or his campaign partner, but just voted for him because he is of african descent. I see the bills he is trying to pass through because my mom works with people who are high up in government, and Obama is giving most americans the shaft, big time. Have any of you seen the health care bill? Sheesh. Also the back door deals. I just hate government in general to be honest. A bunch of people making six figures a year, that want to make it harder on the little guy, but dont want to take pay cuts themselves. Does anyone honestly think congressmen will use the same healthcare that you and I use? Heck no. Does anyone else see how things are moving towards communism? In a new bill the government will have access to everyones bank accounts! o_O. I will take all of my cash out. It is also being made that all the hardworking americans money is going to people who dont do anything to deserve it. I feel like people who have jobs are working to support those that are too lazy, and dont have jobs. Whatever happened to work hard and good benefits will come from it? I dont want to work my butt off to support anyone else. It is ridiculous and sickening to my stomach.
  20. Quadratic

    Quadratic Level II

    Aug 22, 2009
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    It's still way early to tell how he will do. The fact that people want to compare his policies to nazi germany and socialism doesnt help much. Those people think medicare and the mail arent run by the government. I wonder if they called Benjamin Franklin a socialist.