China is going to take over the world?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Fexxel, Feb 18, 2009.

  1. Fexxel

    Fexxel Level IV

    Jan 28, 2009
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    Don't post before you read this!!!!
    This debate comes from the "US reached its highpoint" topic.
    Here is a post from me which explains it all.
    So my questions are the following.
    -Do you think china WILL infact take over the world or a large portion of it?
    -If not, do you think there is another country that will take over the world?
    -Do you think china is a powerful country? Why or why not?
    -If you answered yes to question #1: when do you think they will start to go into other countries and take land?
    So the topic is quite simply..
    Disclaimer (so I don't get flamed):
    This topic does not adresse all chinese persons, just the people who currently live in the country China. Please do not flame me.. I am not a racist. Chinese people rock.
  2. SoC

    SoC Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2007
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    I removed you line about chicken whatever, its' stupid in my eyes for such lines and i find it pointless.

    Anyway on the matter, china wouldn't risk invading other countries, infact I don't think ANY country would risk it, there is so many atom bombs are nuclear missiles etc that can easily be fired into any country trying to attack its a stupid idea.
    China is powerful, it owns a LOT of exports and could damage the USA and the UK markets horribly if they changed policies on such things, but that would also negate their own production as a developing country. So the world will just carry on spinning as it is :)<3
  3. Anfan

    Anfan Level IV

    Feb 12, 2009
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    Quite frankly, at least for now, China's not going to be ABLE to take over the world or whatnot.

    It's internal structure is too weak/corrupt; it needs to strengthen it's economy, food (as you said), etc., before it's strong enough internally to start any external campaigns; otherwise it'll fall from the inside out.

    And I have to go...I'll check this topic again later.
  4. Fexxel

    Fexxel Level IV

    Jan 28, 2009
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    1. I think it was quite a good idea. If someone misunderstands what I'm saying and just replies to the topic and flames me I will blame you >:) :lol: .
    2. Exactly. They could threaten to damage us so much that we would not be capable of attacking them!! We'd have to negotiate. They have our economy (kind of)
  5. Lightning

    Lightning Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 8, 2008
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    Florida, USA
    Umm, as a Chinese and knowing my relatives in China, I don't think they would want to go to war just to take over the world. Plus, there is no Hitler to convince anybody to do so anyways...they prefer peace and calm, and they like things the way they are right now. I don't think they are dumb enough to start World War III.
  6. ceneret0023

    ceneret0023 Level III

    Jun 10, 2007
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    under a rock

    o_O wow did you really just say that? Didn't you read anything that SOC said? If they stop exporting to the US/UK that stunts the whole developing process of that nation because developing cost major $$$$ and i don't think China will take over the world or even try for that matter in history China has always wanted to stay kind of isolated and coming out of isolation threw it as a nation for a huge loop and they have to stabilize so since China isn't a developed country yet they have more important things like keeping they're food supply up to support the population so they can become a developed country, and in China like more than 70% lives on the coast all jammed into it... they'll probably spread out into the other oh 5000 miles they have of their country? And look at history world conquests don't work unless you have a very very good government, and very very good army with some advantage over the world, look at Rome one of the first empires to try to take over the known world, they conquered quite a bit but once they started pushing into Asia it split into East and West Rome at which point the West fell and the East remained stable. Next lets look at the Mongols they came closest to conquering the known world and actually were able to maintain the territory until one of Kenghis's great great great etc. etc. grandsons was too lazy to run the government. Now look at Napoleon, he conquered much of europe but when he tried to capture Russia with an army of 100's of thousands strong, he got caught in the middle of winter and came back to France with 2 to 3 thousand men in his army. And finally let's look at Hitler... Hitler was actually just pathetic to every other attempt xD every other attempt at least gained large amounts of land but Hitler was just like a todler compared to an adult. So as we go through a years worth of world history AP lessons we can see that in history many attempts have been made to conquer the known world but ultimately fail because of corrupt government or stupid moves on the part of the army/government :)

    sorry for the extra long post xD just had to make my point xD Although China might become a next world super power, which is different from ruling the world :) A world super power is a country such as the U.S., Britain, France, Germany, and Japan(? i'm not sure on this one) which are considerably more powerful than other smaller, less developed countries.

    Also sorry if i got any of this info wrong trying to recall all of the history stuff was tough xD and the super power thing i wasn't paying too much attention when my teacher went over this stuff so it might be a little( or a lot xD) faulty. :)
  7. Fexxel

    Fexxel Level IV

    Jan 28, 2009
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    I'm not saying that China is going to take over the world NEXT YEAR!
    1. I am being HYPOTHETICAL RIGHT NOW. I'm not saying this is going to happen.
    2. Well, lets remember the Communist days shall we?? Their government wasn't very strong then.
    3. I DID read what SoC said... FACE IT. THEY ARE ONE OF OUR LARGEST ECONOMIC SOURCES. WE WOULD BE SCREWED. When someone has something you want,you can't fight them. If they were to invade some small country that most of the US hasn't even heard about (and lets face it, Americans really don't care about others that we don't know...) we would let them do it. We would let them take over more land. It's kind of depressing- seeing as we probably would let them take over another smaller country so we could keep our products. Paraphrasing- we would let them kill people so we could play Xbox.... xD
    4. A portion of their country is inhabitable due to polution hazards (cancer rates in some parts of china are up to 7 times higher than the US)
    5. I don't think you understand... They can't just keep on spreading in their country- when (or if) they get so overpopulated that they need more land to live (seeing as they are the largest country in the world) the most logic idea for them would be to take over more land. More land=more people=more power... Everyone wants more power- its greed. Its in our genes.
    6. Seeing as you have indeed gone through more school than me (middle school history isn't really helping my point that I'm trying to make right now) I agree... Russian winter is concidered one of the best strategic forces. Because a large majority of Russians are used to cold climate, they have become more comfortable there.
    7. As for Napoleon.... You need to understand that there have been SIGNFICANT technology advances that we have now that Napoleon didn't have. He didn't have helicopters, planes, plasma guns (still in developement, but if China were to invade we would probably have them by then), Gas Grenades, Poison/Toxins, clothing advances that we have now that he didn't have, more knowledge/information, ect... There is a huge difference. Don't try to compare now to then...
    8. Your opinion on Hitler is COMPLETELY clouded with bias and things that you have heard from others. Since neither of us have met the guy, I suggest we just stay off the topic of Hitler. I don't feel like making an anti-semite arguement today... Or any day. (Please do not assume I'm a Nazi xD.. I'm not a fan of Hitler.)
    Jeez that took forever.
    If you REALLY want to fight over this, post away.... I'll be here all day *takes a bow* :lol: *pwnt*
  8. jamesfroe

    jamesfroe Level II

    Apr 25, 2009
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    About 80% of the population of China is living in poverty.
    I doubt they'll take over anything for a while. I bet first there will be some sort of massive working-class revolution (according to Marx :p). Although, since they're already Communist, and it's thought that the working class would overthrow the elites and create Communism, IF they DID rebel, what would be formed? Supercommunism?

    According to Eric Cartman, the invasion has already started O_O ... obrem.html
  9. Arkley

    Arkley Level III

    Mar 19, 2009
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    China is less capable of taking over the world than France is. They have no ability to power-project beyond their own doorstep and their economy, while growing (and growing quite quickly) could not possibly even dream of funding an invasion and occupation of even a nearby third world country. It would cost them far more than they would gain.

    If China wants to start being seriously influential and powerful, and even dream of a worldwide reach like the US & UK, they have a long way to go.
  10. x_lildragonboy_x

    Apr 19, 2009
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    At the moment I think No.
    Like people already said, most of China is living in Poverty so they're probably as a country gonna concentrate of that first.

    However, I think China has the potential to take over the world... Its' certainly big enough, and has a large enough population...

    I don't know though - it would all depend on who was leading China and what hey wanted out of it..... I guess....
  11. daFalco

    daFalco Level III

    Apr 19, 2009
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    China becoming something we'll seriously worry about? I highly doubt that, for a number of reasons

    China's economy, however fast it is growing, cannot even begin to compare to that of the US and the European Union. Secondly, it has no military power, in terms of training, technological advancements and equipment. United States has got entire control, militarily, with is control over the seas, and soon to be/already space.
    Thirdly, China's government and just the inner workings of the country itself faces corruption.
    As well, its economy relies heavily on exports.

    And then there's the topic of USA reaching its highpoint, which I vehemently oppose.
  12. Arkley

    Arkley Level III

    Mar 19, 2009
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    This is another great reason for why China will not become a dangerous power any time soon. A simple trade embargo of China would be enough to cripple its economy. Also, even if enough nations could not be persuaded to boycott Chinese exports, China has relatively few seaports for a country with such a large coastline, and China's navy is spectacularly weak; a naval and air blockade of her exports would be a relatively simple way to quickly and decisively remove any kind of economic edge China might develop.
  13. satenschild5

    satenschild5 Level I

    Apr 14, 2009
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    no i doubt china has any chance or will in the future if they tryed i can almost bet that the u.s would be the first to act on it look what happen to japan many of years ago they tryed to extend a war that was over and in result us bombed them with an atom bomb?
  14. Will

    Will Level IV

    Mar 1, 2009
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    -Do you think china WILL infact take over the world or a large portion of it?
    They already have the largest export by mass, and are filling Australia with more Chinese people.
    So I'd say they already have, to an extent.

    -If not, do you think there is another country that will take over the world?

    -Do you think china is a powerful country? Why or why not?
    Sections of it, that are Westernized, are. The small fishing villages, etc are peaceful, and wouldn't want to be involved with anything.

    -If you answered yes to question #1: when do you think they will start to go into other countries and take land?
    You can take over the world in ways other than wars. This is what a majority of Americans seem to overlook.
  15. Brian

    Brian Level I

    Apr 14, 2009
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    Daytona Beach, FL
    i am sure that if it does happen i will already be dead so doesn't matter to me :)
  16. Arkley

    Arkley Level III

    Mar 19, 2009
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    As I've pointed out, an economy so massively export-based, like China's, is the worst possible kind. China would be ridiculously easy to cripple economically because they need the world more than the world needs them, and it is for this precise reason that China wouldn't dare any kind of world takeover, be it subtle or military.
  17. daFalco

    daFalco Level III

    Apr 19, 2009
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    Anyways, China's population is starting to be controlled and probably won't continue growing as much (if at all)
  18. Will

    Will Level IV

    Mar 1, 2009
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    Ah, but the fact that they export so much is powerful.

    While trade embargoes would cripple China economically, it would also rape most of the Western world too, as they wouldn't have access to cheap labour, materials, etc. Therefore crippling many multinational corporations that almost rely on the cheap labour of countries such as China and India.
  19. Arkley

    Arkley Level III

    Mar 19, 2009
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    I disagree. The Western economy is far less dependent on China than some think, and while some major corporations would suffer initially, the effect on economies would not be as drastic as is first imaginable.

    Yes, cheap labour and equipment would no longer be available from China, but in the long run, this would actually stimulate the home economies as particular companies would be forced to create manufacturing facilities in the home nation - leading to job creation, higher internal revenue, more government taxable income and expenditure, etc. Granted the companies would all take a pretty large hit at first, but in the long run, moving all production to home nations would benefit the economy in general - this is why so many governments oppose outsourcing, yet refuse to tighten immigration. If cheap labour works in the home country, it generates taxable profits for the nation in question, rather than another.
  20. blake916

    blake916 Newbie

    May 10, 2009
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    I think China could because how crowded it is xD such a crowded place :/ anyways thats my opion