Umm, I think there is plenty of auto fighters out there. I have one although I don't use it because I really don't play RuneScape anymore. Umm, you can I guess email or AIM me (
I wrote an autofighter script for RS a while ago. If you want that, I'll dig it up for you. I think Jagex catch on pretty easily to such scripts, though.
I know its a grave dig considering this thread is over a month old but W/E: If you wish to auto your accounts in a safe manner then there is only 2 programmes I would recommend: RSbot: this is a free programme with a decent enough base of scripts. But advanced and complex scripts will cost you money and are hard to come by Nexus: Far superior to RSbot, however this one requires you to purchase an auth (Around $10 a month) if you wish to use the bot 24/7 or anytime. Currently it is FREE to use on the WEEKENDS, but if you want to auto all week, as I said you require an auth. There is also a large supply of free scripts for this bot, however scripts which you have to purchase to use are far, far, more common. Scripts to handle difficult skills such as hunting require you to pay sometimes as much as the auth. Don't go using any other programmes, besides possibly SCAR. But SCAR is incredibly redundant as it's almost impossible to accurately script in human biometric traits which is needed to prevent you from being banned. PS, I supplied the links to prevent anyone from downloading a programme with a virus or keylogger in it.
RSBot is actually faster than Nexus. However, it is more easily detected (not that it matters if all you're doing is creating bots to auto trees or something)
Ok you are right, RSbot is a faster programme then nexus but as you said it is more easily detected. Nexus was limited in its speed to be more human. You can get around these safe guards and speed it up but then you are more liable to be banned. Speed is also based pretty much on the script and the way in which the action is scripted and how efficiently.