Employment Agency Guide

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by Zer0, Jun 3, 2008.

  1. Zer0

    Zer0 Level IV

    Mar 2, 2008
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    Home sweet home
    Employment Agency Guide

    The Employment Agency is one of the lesser known methods of making some quick legit (assuming you're not using an auto job completer) NP. It is located in Faerie City of Faerieland (I trust that you will have no troube finding it). To make NP here, you first have to get a job. Then you complete the job requirements and return to receive your reward. There are two types of jobs you can get at the Employment Agency, Basic Jobs and Super jobs. You will usually only be going for the Basic Jobs, as they usually only the profitable ones.

    Getting a Basic Job
    Sounds easy enough, right? Just click on the "Basic Jobs" link and...
    What?!? No jobs left? Chances are, you saw that message when you clicked on that link. Don't worry, jobs refresh too, much like the main shops, the kadoatery, etc. Unlike the main shops, the Employment Agency always refreshes jobs at the exact same times. The key to knowing these times is this little sentence that you may have noticed:
    Yep, that's right, the job listings refresh EVERY 10 minutes, 24/7/365.24 (excluding site downtimes, glitches, etc). The refreshes start at the start of the hour :00 NST.

    That would make the refresh times like so:
    :00 :10 :20 :30 :40 :50
    corresponding the minute of the hour.

    Now you have to (well, not really, but it may or not be helpful to) remember that the job listings don't refresh EXACTLY on the second. They usually refresh a few seconds before the scheduled time (ie. :59:57, :09:54, etc).

    Great, you refreshed at the correct time and see a whole fresh load of jobs! What do you do now? Click "Apply for this job" of course! If you clicked quickly enough, then you will be greeted with a nice "You got the job!". Otherwise, it will tell you "This job has already been taken." If you were unlucky or simply not fast enough and didn't get the job, don't despair! Quickly press the backspace key or click back on your browser window, refresh for the latest listing of still untaken jobs, and try again for another job! If you successfully got a job (whether it be on your first or third try), you must finish it as quickly as possible in order to get the maximum possible reward. Once you complete your job, quickly go back to your job description and click the "click here to return and complete the job!" If you finished your job especially quickly, you may have enough time to go back to the job listings page and try to get another job!

    Some Tips:
    You should always have 2 tabs/windows open when going for a job. One is for the job listings page to refresh and get the job. The other tab/window should be the Shop Wizard, search type set to "identical to my phrase", and the cursor set to the text box where you type in your search query.

    Once you get your job, immediately highlight the item you are trying to get (always remember not to highlight the 's' on the end if you need more than one item). Then use ctl+tab or alt+tab (depending on if you are using two tabs or two windows) to switch to your SW tab/window. Press ctl+v to paste the item you are getting. Then buy as many items as you need (use middle click to open the shop page in a new tab(/window?) so you don't have to go back to the SW search page to buy more of the same item). After buying the required number of items, use ctl+tab or alt-tab again and finish the job.

    You are rewarded based on two factors. The first one is obviously the job you get. Certain jobs have a higher base NP reward than others. This is the reward that you will get regardless of how quickly you completed the job (assuming you completed the job on time). Then you will also receive an NP bonus reward if you completed the job "quickly". The faster you complete the job, the higher the bonus.

    Super Jobs
    These are the higher-end jobs with much higher NP payouts than the basic jobs. But you will also notice that you need to a Job Coupon in order to get the job. Job Coupons are extremely expensive relative to the actual "profit" of doing a Super Job. I have personally never done a single Super Job, but I hear that there are some jobs that do pay out enough to compensate the Job Coupon cost.

    There are a total of 11 different types of Super Jobs, each with a corresponding type of Job Coupon:

    Green (lowest)
    Green Brightvale
    Bronze Brightvale
    Silver Brightvale
    Gold Brightvale (highest)

    A Job Coupon can be used for any job that can be requires a coupon of that color or one of a lower color. Once you use a Job Coupon, it won't disappear, it will be downgraded to one Job Coupon lower. So for example, if you use a Green Brightvalue Job Coupon, it will become a Pink Job Coupon. A Green Job Coupon will disappear of course since it cannot be downgraded to anything lower.

    High Scores
    Yep, the Employment Agency has its very own high score list (called the Rankings). This page displays the most diligent workers who have completed thousands of jobs. Honestly, you have no chance of making this list if you are just starting out. These rankings are never cleared, so these guys have several years worth of a head start over you. Dream on.

    There is a daily limit of 5 jobs per user (maybe per pet?)
    This is yet another reason why you have no chance of making the rankings.

    Hope you enjoyed my guide and learned something! Most of the Employment Agency is text based, so I trust you won't need a pic tutorial to figure things out. This guide was made 100% by me. :)
    Dreamerz, Virre and Freja like this.
  2. Phee

    Phee Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 18, 2007
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    +15 cash, nice guide :)
  3. skier101

    skier101 Level I

    Oct 14, 2008
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    by the way so you can edit your guide its 5 jobs per day per account NOT per neopet
  4. Freja

    Freja Level IV

    Sep 20, 2008
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    +rep, thanks alot :}
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Good guide, quick question though; what is the point of paying for the job coupons which cost 100k+ when you can just do the cheap ones for less than 1k? Is there like a bigger payout? If so, by about how much?
  6. Dusk412

    Dusk412 Level I

    Aug 2, 2008
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    I have a few additions for your guide :D.

    1. Always make sure you have 44 items or less in your inventory so you have space to buy the new items (the most I have ever seen for one job is 6). Although one time I actually got and completed 2 jobs on the same refresh so you could leave more space just to be safe :p.

    2. I have found consistently that the jobs actually appear 10 seconds before each ten minute mark (that might be just me - test anyone?).

    3. You can add that if you find a job that is going to lose you quite a few neopoints or if you suddenly find you do not have time, you do have the option to quit the job without it showing up as a failed job. It costs 200 neopoints but that is pocket change for most people. At the bottom of the screen there is this phrase:

    (Note: You can also quit this job, but it will cost you 200 NP to quit!)
  7. cc61

    cc61 Level I

    Jan 8, 2009
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    I saw a guide saying it was most profitable to buy pink job coupons (or eventually purple ones) but I tried it and it's not that profitable considering the price of the coupons and the rareness of the jobs
  8. apelidomat

    apelidomat Newbie

    May 22, 2009
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    good guides , but only saying some of the jobs have loss.
  9. Dreamerz

    Dreamerz Level III

    May 9, 2009
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    North America
    Oooo +rep on this one how many times have i attempted to do this on my legit main and failed bad. Thank youuus :)