Fat people on planes

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Milanos, Jun 14, 2009.

  1. Molly

    Molly Level III

    Jul 13, 2007
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    It would take a lot of money to upgrade all the seats in planes just so bigger people can fit. And if they did, there would be less seats to a plane and the companies would start charging more per ticket to make the same money. So, skinny people would end up paying more because of overweight people.
  2. Milanos

    Milanos Level IV

    Nov 2, 2006
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    In your nose
    Yeah, that'd make sense. People who aren't overweight because they do try to stay fit have to pay more because other people can't control themselves.

    ... Doesn't really make sense to me.
  3. lolcow

    lolcow Level III

    Jul 28, 2008
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    Stop projecting your insecurities onto other people. omg touching other people is icky!
    Besides, this would never happen in real life. Airlines would never raise prices for fat people. All the negative publicity they would get would equate to a drop in stock prices, leading to unhappy investors, etc.
  4. audio2000

    audio2000 Newbie

    May 26, 2008
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    I do fly a lot and I hate being stuck in the center seat between two fat people… however since I have flown a lot I have managed to gain elite status on my favorite airline and because of that I can select the exit rows which has a lot of extra leg room plus the risk of getting stuck between two fat people there is slim to non because the arm rest on those seats are fixed and will not move up and they have to be able to operate the exit door… anther advantage I do not have to pay checked baggage fees because of that and I can get first class upgrades … woooo... the only down fall that all that flying..... *DELAYS SUCK ASS*
  5. Milanos

    Milanos Level IV

    Nov 2, 2006
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    In your nose
    http://archives.chicagotribune.com/2009 ... ts-april15
  6. WingedOne

    WingedOne Level II

    Jun 4, 2009
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    Dr Ruther added: "This finding will promote research into the development of drugs that modulate FTO activity. We strongly suspect that, in man, FTO might have more complex effects on both food intake and energy expenditure than has been so far suggested and that it is still not clear what the overall effect of inhibiting FTO in humans would be."

    They tested it in mice, humans =/= mice.

    Personal space is VERY important, even though you might not notice it, but it is. Just take a look at sofa's, and the way that they are formed. Sofa's have separate cushions that are created for the purpose of reinforcing private space, same with most public transportation.

    The ONLY time it would happen is when a lawsuit ensures, or enough people complain (more than 80%). Other than that, yeah, upgrade your seating.

    lol, and I was right....complaining will get you places :p.
  7. Dreamerz

    Dreamerz Level III

    May 9, 2009
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    North America
    Well the way I see it it all depends how over weight the person is, if the person is slightly over weight why should they have to pay more, but if they take up a seat and then some how is that fair to the person being smothered by them next to them. I mean if I weighed that much then I wouldn't fly or at least would understand why I would have to pay for double seats or something like that. So I totally agree fat gene or not that someone of extreme weight should pay more or not fly at all!
  8. assasin

    assasin Level IV

    Nov 24, 2007
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    If they do increase the cost for fat people surely they would experience less income and also acquire negative comments from people...So if it is a private airlines it will hurt them more...So the point is airlines wont do it!

    But for my opinion i have to say that fat people have to pay extra amount...as they are taking up useful space which can be used by another person...
  9. Jubixion

    Jubixion Level II

    Jun 11, 2009
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    Then at the very most, the fat people could just seat in business class. That would be somewhat paying the extra amount. But then again, it'll obviously cause a huge uproar in the fat people community, indirectly making them pay for a body they have that they themselves don't want to have.
  10. Molly

    Molly Level III

    Jul 13, 2007
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    If they really don't want to have that body, then they should do something about it. Exercise and a good diet can do wonders. If America wasn't so obese in the first place, there wouldn't even be a need for this debate.
  11. Arkley

    Arkley Level III

    Mar 19, 2009
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    While some people are more prone to overeating and obesity than others, it in no way excuses them for allowing themselves to become so. The "fat gene" may indeed exist, but people still have self control. They can choose not to eat that third big mac, they can still choose to go for a bloody walk from time to time. If they're already fat, they can choose to do something about it and the only thing preventing them from doing so is their laziness, not their genetics. And don't say it isn't as simple as that, because it really is. I know this for a fact, as I have 21 years experience in not being fat.

    There are people out there with far more troublesome genetic issues, such as overproduction of testosterone which can lead to violent behaviour. However, I challenge any of you to say that a man guilty of attacking another should be allowed to go unpunished simply because self control may be more difficult for him.

    Fat people are fat because they made themselves fat and have not yet undone this. If they are an inconvenience to others because of this, then it is entirely their own fault and they should compensate for it. If that involves forcing them to buy two plane tickets rather than force a healthy, normal sized person to endure a seven hour flight sitting virtually on an obese man's lap, then so be it.
  12. Rhett

    Rhett Level IV

    Dec 2, 2007
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    Although I truly think some people just have huge frames, there isn't an excuse for those who let themselves get to 500 lbs. Also, some people can't control what they eat, or how much. It's more of an impulse or reaction to stress or sadness - 'eating their feelings'. I know that being fat is the own person's fault, but they can't be held 100% responsible.
  13. Lights

    Lights Level I

    Jun 14, 2009
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    I don't where to start, haha. I would sort of agree with this rule since it's pretty unfair for the people who pays.
    I've never been towards a fat person in an airplane, but if they take like "two seats", it must be pretty annoying, thanks.
    But in another hand, I'd feel sorry for them. I mean, if I was myself fat (I'm not D:), I'd be totally against that rule and would find it unfair. Maybe it wouldn't be my fault if I'm fat. Yes, maybe these people don't eat very well, but I still believe that in some cases, it's in their genes and not their own fault.
  14. invasion

    invasion Newbie

    Jun 16, 2009
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    Ok I have no sympathy for fat people sorry. If you have a medical condition other then, "I like foo000000d. num num num*crumbs fall from mouth*" then I don't care your fine. but those people that just let themselves go should get the reality check. if that means you make them buy two plane tickets fine. you can't please everyone, and you can not shelter everyone's feelings forever. if fatty doesn't was to be embarrassed get up and exercise maybe cook your our dinner that is healthier or get a surgery(if nothing else works). they will save their lives and pay less for planes. that two-for-one in my opinion.
  15. shadowsolitude

    shadowsolitude Level I

    Feb 11, 2007
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    I think if they're over a certain size they should have to pay for 2 seats, i go first class so the chairs i sit in are like really big but in normal class i can imagine it would be pretty annoying.
  16. greightone

    greightone Level II

    Jul 8, 2009
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    Make them pay more! I had to fly from Kansas City to Dallas, TX wedged between two fatties. My whole flight should have been comped.
  17. cozetta

    cozetta Level I

    May 1, 2009
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    I agree as well. Unless they really can't help it, as in having a thyroid condition or something (hypothyroidism i think?), they should have to pay for the extra seat. People don't have to be fat; they make that choice when they have a poor diet and don't exercise, so they should be made to feel the consequences of that instead of squashing those of us who take care of ourselves.
  18. greightone

    greightone Level II

    Jul 8, 2009
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    Even those with a thyroid problem should be forced to pay more. If someone is born mentally unstable and has to make special accomodations, they don't get free rides. I can still feel their fleshy arms blocking my arm rests. :(
  19. cooldude1234

    cooldude1234 Level I

    Jul 14, 2009
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    Well, yeah I agree to you to a certain extent. (I'm sure my stance would be more extreme if I experienced this before, but I haven't throughout my countless times on an airplane.)

    It really stinks for fatter people because they would have to pay double the price to sit on an airplane just because of their physical characteristics.

    On the other hand, the people who have to sit next to these "fat people" have a lot of discomfort, etc, but however, this is how the real life works. Not everything is perfect :/
  20. Star

    Star Level I

    Jul 13, 2009
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    "Overweight people make it harder for the plane to take off."

    Ummm...no? Are you serious? That is absolutely insane. Do you realize how much a plane weighs?

    Some people weigh a lot and they aren't even "fat." I am naturally 5'11 and I weigh 230 pounds and I'm not blubbery and fat, nor have any health problems and I would definitely be pissed off if I had to pay extra money for something that I can't do anything about.

    I don't care if someone weighs 600 pounds, the damn plane is not going to suffer significantly regarding take off power. That is something a 10 year old would think.

    Now, if a person is going to take up two seats...sure they can pay for them but maybe the airline companies should have special areas for larger people. Or you people sitting by the fat people need to just DEAL with it, instead of complaining about every little thing on the earth.

    What about the people who stink? What about the people who have ooze coming out of all the acne on their face? They aren't taking up two seats but I dont want their shit on my shit.