[Funny lolz] How the editorial SHOULD be answered.

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Hally, Dec 23, 2006.

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  1. Hally

    Hally Level IV

    Nov 16, 2006
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    I'm getting really tired of moronic noobs writing in and TNT answering their same questions over and over again with kindness and patience, and most of the time dishonestly. So I'm going to redo each editorial and answer it how it SHOULD be answered. Have fun reading ;D


    Dear TNT, I really like what you guys have done with Neopets! Way to go guys! I hear everyone talking about these constellations in the Neopian Times and I have no idea about how to find any! Could you give those of us who have no idea how to find constellations a couple hints? ~zebradude911
    You, my friend, are a moron. Ever heard of finding a plot guide? Yeah. Thanks. Don't waste our time.

    What's new, TNT? I was wondering, if a Neopet is painted a certain color, are they limited to what they can use? For example, if a fire Neopet played with a snow Petpet or a snow toy, would it/they melt? Or if an ice Neopet played with a fire toy, wouldn't they melt? Just curious. ^^ ~dixielover
    Not too much is new, my old friend dixielover. Oh wait. We don't know you. You're just another generic nobody whose addiction to our site is brining us cash. About your question, well, you're a f*cking idiot. Why the hell would petpets melt? Where would you get this idea from? Do earth's collective gene pool a favour and slit your wrists.

    I was wondering how you choose the items for the Advent Calendar and why do you not sell the items regularly, and do you ever put something in the advent calendar twice? Thanks for listening. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! ~msmurray1girl
    Well, in the past, we've used good items for the calendar, but this has lead to people actually profitting off the items given away. So now, we create pointless shitty items to give away, so nobody can make anything =D Happy holidays!

    December 21's news… Baby Blus can already be painted Christmas... just in case you forgot. ;) ~your_friend_sarah
    What the hell does it matter? Don't waste our time.

    If Jelly World Doesn't Exist... Where is it NOT? (Reverse psychology for you guys!) ~bluefairy123123
    Jelly World does exist. You're a f*cking idiot for writing us yet another jelly world question (yours is the 73rd)

    Hi TNT! When I first started Neopets, I was in the 8 & under section. I just turned 10, though, and I don't belong in that section anymore. So I was wondering if there was any way to change it to the next oldest section without starting over my whole account? Thanks! (P.S. You guys ROCK!) ~purplegerbil96
    Sorry, since you're only 10, you don't have a credit card, so we don't give a shit about you. Have a nice day =D

    I know you've probably had questions like this before but I'm worried that I might lose my account if you think I'm using more than one. See, my home computer broke down and I don't want to miss out on the Advent Calendar so I'm at a library where other people use neopets.com as well. I don't want to be accused of multiple accounts. What can I do? ~dee121105
    Don't worry, no matter what you do, and how safe you play, we'll still freeze you. Sorry, but we're too greedy to hire actual people to investigate accounts, so we hire amateur programmers instead, who create mediocre scripts which automatically freeze anyone who's ever played on more than 1 IP. Sorry, thanks for playing ;D

    I have heard that JubJubs are soon to be limited edition. I have read about this on the boards. I just wanted to get the correct answer from the creators of the site. TNT, is this true? ~tickle_telly_timbits
    Yes. Mass chaos. Go.

    Hi there! I hate to be a pain, since I know you get a LOT of questions about side accounts, but this one has been bugging me for a while. If you have two email addresses, and all the space on one email address is filled (me, like a ninny, self froze all of my old accounts, thinking it would free up space...*hits head with keyboard*), can you create a side account on a second email address, and use it on that same computer? Or would I be in trouble?? *trembles* I wanted to ask before I did it, because I don't want to break the rules... thanx if you answer this!!!! ~saphire_magic
    If you have more than 1 account period, we'll freeze you for making money on more than 1, even if the other ones don't do anything. Oh, but we'll keep the accounts on our database forever, so our user count go up, and we'll make more money from advertisers.

    Hey, TNT. I was wondering, is it allowed to have two main accounts, as long as they don't interact with each other? ~mr_sunshine718
    Are you an elite player like featheralley or hrobi? No? Then the answer is no.

    You got me hooked on this game (Godori)! Imagine my surprise when I went to play it today and it was gone. What happened? When will it be back? Why??? Nice job with the Borovan Day Advent Calendar prank, by the way. I wasn't fooled of course (looks around nervously). ~ania205
    Maybe you should go outside and get some real friends, because our dumbass programmers don't know how to do anything, and our virtual card games suck.

    I went to the Mystery Island training school, and it said for Grasshopper level courses you had to have at least one codestone. It doesn't tell you what type of codestone you need, though. Are you expected to know what type of codestone you need? ~sakamya
    Yes. Make flash cards of each of the codestones, and make sure they're memorized.

    Can Petpets and Petpet Paint Brushes be given out by the Advent Calendar, and if so is there a limit? ~stevensteven0
    Nope, never again. We're working under a new policy of sucking as much fun out of the site as possible.

    I absolutely LOVE Xweetoks, and one day when I was logging onto Neopets it hit me to ask this question: how many Xweetoks are there in Neopia, and also, which rank would they hold if there was a Neopian popularity board? ~stella6552
    Omg maybe you should look at the stat page dumbass.

    First off, allow me to humble myself before the mighty TNT! I love you guys! And... on to the question. Is it okay for me to take care of a buddy's account while they are gone on vacation? And, if I do this, am I going to get frozen for collecting their daily "freebies" for them while they're gone? I wouldn't take them for myself-- it would be their items. Please let me know! ~isthefox
    You aren't going to get anywhere with asskissing. FROZEN.

    Hi TNT! The Petpet lab ray can change your Petpet's name, but I've realized that there aren't too many different names that it generates. Do you think it's possible to add more names to the list? I know there's someone there that's good for creating new goofy names! Thank you! And, while I'm at it, don't you just love unlabelled tin cans? :p Too bad they aren't Petpets! Thanks again. :) ~kittykat00
    Nope, sorry. Too much work. Just change the name manually.

    Hope you've had fun reading, and you know it's what they're really thinking ;)
  2. astrospride

    astrospride Level III

    Dec 12, 2006
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    Haha good read. I can almost imagine them saying all of this right now...
  3. eliminater

    eliminater Level II

    Dec 18, 2006
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    That is what I was thinking about some of the questions, but I'm not TNT. Some of the questions are like....random.
  4. coolchimpy

    coolchimpy Newbie

    Nov 23, 2006
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    I wish TNT would work up some nerve to actually do that :D
  5. thumperkinz

    thumperkinz Newbie

    Dec 23, 2006
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    Hiding in the Shadows
    hahahaha awsome read. and im sure that tnt actually says things along those lines when typing the nice sugar coated answers lol.

    i honestly truely believe they sit there and laugh at questions they think are stupid when someone genuinally doesnt know the answer lol
  6. the_skip

    the_skip Level IV

    Dec 25, 2006
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    these are funny

    I like what you did
  7. the_skip

    the_skip Level IV

    Dec 25, 2006
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    thise were so funny I would hate being someone who does that they prnbley have questions like
    Why do so many people have many neopoints and I only have alittle
  8. xpower

    xpower Level I

    Dec 28, 2006
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    Very funny! Good job!
  9. Reconmiester

    Reconmiester Level II

    Dec 27, 2006
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    Very nice and 100% correct replies. I would not have said it any better myself.
  10. StormyRu

    StormyRu Level I

    Dec 3, 2006
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    United Sates
    Very funny!

    But how much of that did you know when you first started? We were all newbies at one time.
  11. blakish

    blakish Newbie

    Jan 1, 2007
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    TNT probably pick the stupidest questions of them all xD and yet you can find dumber. StormyRu, well I was a newbie but I was also 5 years old so I couldn't even write yet xD. :lol:
  12. StarlightRose

    StarlightRose Level II

    Jan 6, 2007
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    That was honestly one of the funniest things I've heard all day.
    Probably because they DID freeze me today. =X
    =D +REP! 'cause you're amazing for taking the time to do that.
  13. h4x0r

    h4x0r Level II

    Jan 6, 2007
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    Very nice job rofl. I would really hate to work there because some of them would get some odd responses from me. Seriously would the toy melt? Are you kidding? Very stupid people out there that need to be put in a padded cell. Hahaha. :D
  14. marlene

    marlene Moderator
    Staff Member

    Dec 23, 2006
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    Somewhere under the Rainbow (Montreal)
    I'm sure you work for TNT LOL

    Otherwise it would have taken hours to write that...

    <just kidding>

    I can only imagine the kind of things they say behind our backs
  15. goldfishrockster

    goldfishrockster Level III

    Jan 11, 2007
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    Leeds, England
    They should have you write all the replies lol. I used to find the editorial really interesting and informative, not it's just the same old same old. Maybe it's because I've been on for so long but I imagine its just TNT only sifting through the odd few emails. How sad!
  16. boomm

    boomm Level IV

    Nov 1, 2006
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    Rofl...thats hilarious :lol:
  17. Sorandra

    Sorandra Level III

    Jan 7, 2007
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    Oklahoma/Georgia Traveller
    Wow. That really seems like how they feel sometimes. :(
  18. baldudexx

    baldudexx Level III

    Dec 26, 2006
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    In your house

    Can you edit this monthly adding more ?? :?
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