I am new to this type of stuff....

Discussion in 'Neofriends Help and Suggestions' started by 13khost, Jun 29, 2009.

  1. 13khost

    13khost Newbie

    Jun 29, 2009
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    So yeah, I am new to all this autobuyer stuff, I had a few questions about some things.
    1. What is a proxy?
    2. How to you use Auto Buyers?
    3. Are autobuyers from others sites safe?

    I know that there is always a risk I could get frozen for autobuyers, but I just want to know more about them and stuff! :D Thanks
  2. boomm

    boomm Level IV

    Nov 1, 2006
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    1. A proxy is basically using a different i.p address, we use proxys to remain anonymous on the web, or in this case, neopets. :p.

    2. Different autobuyers vary. But the bases of every autobuyer is you load up a ab list of your preferred shop, put down the number of the shop your abing on, your refresh intervals then press start.

    3. Yes every program on this site is safe, we have to approve every download submitted. But of course, if you abuse the programs there is a high chance your account will get frozen.
    13khost likes this.
  3. 13khost

    13khost Newbie

    Jun 29, 2009
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    1. so when using an AB, you should use a proxy?

    2. Why are some WAY more expensive than others?

    3. But are ABers on other sites safe? Can they give viruses?

    Also, What is with the different colors on the autobuyers and downloads? Like What is Scar, or Perl etc.

    and is it safe enought to use your main account with?
  4. boomm

    boomm Level IV

    Nov 1, 2006
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    1. If your abing on a side account and don't want it connected to your main then yeah. (If your side gets frozen, all your other accounts that have the same ip are most likely to get frozen too.) But proxies make your internet connection slow, so sometimes it is recommended not use it. Just be careful when your abing, not too fast refresh rates, leave your aber on for a reasonable amount of time etc.

    2. Some are more advanced than others, as in they have more features. And also there are different types of abers, igloo, usershop.. etc. They're priced accordingly.

    3. Yes they are safe, no viruses at all. They have to be approved by staff before they even reach the downloads section. And they are also made by some of the most respected members of the site. :)

    4. That's just the language those programs were written in. So some of the programs open up differnetly like the perl aber is opened up in command prompt..
  5. Rhett

    Rhett Level IV

    Dec 2, 2007
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    No, it's very unwise to ab on your main account. The key to cheating is not to over do it. You will lose a few accounts before you learn to moderate your cheating and how to be super sneaky about it. I lost about five accounts before I learned the method of cheating that works for me. Along with those accounts, I lost probably around ~50mill NP. But I've learned from the freezings and I moved on. x) A good tip - research. Research a method of cheating thoroughly before even attempting.
  6. 13khost

    13khost Newbie

    Jun 29, 2009
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    No, it's very unwise to ab on your main account. The key to cheating is not to over do it. You will lose a few accounts before you learn to moderate your cheating and how to be super sneaky about it. I lost about five accounts before I learned the method of cheating that works for me. Along with those accounts, I lost probably around ~50mill NP. But I've learned from the freezings and I moved on. x) A good tip - research. Research a method of cheating thoroughly before even attempting.[/quote]

    Where can I research, and what is a good way to spread it out? How much is a safe ammount? like once a week? Also, is it possible to Ab on a side and transfer items to a main without getting caught?

    1. What do you mean not connected to your main? Also, how do you know if you have the same ip?

    2. Is the more advanced they are the better?

    3. But about ABers off of this site?

    4. Does it affect anything? Can I open it no matter what computer I have