a smooth criminal and a thriller, you will be missed

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Charlie, Jun 26, 2009.

  1. Charlie

    Charlie Level IV

    Dec 28, 2006
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    rest in peace michael
  2. Zer0

    Zer0 Level IV

    Mar 2, 2008
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    Home sweet home
    I've been re-listening to his music on YouTube for the past few days. Great singer and amazing dancer @_@
  3. Dreamerz

    Dreamerz Level III

    May 9, 2009
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    North America
    As his father said yesterday its too bad people realize how great he was now that he is gone compared to the amount who did before... sadly I am one of those people...
  4. Rexx

    Rexx Level IV

    Mar 24, 2007
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    As his father also said, "Oh hey, I have a new record label, oh, and we lost a great entertainer." (Not quoted exactly, but essentially)

    He didn't mention his son as a son, rather a great entertainer, that man has money written all over him.
    Unfortunately, I'm one of the people who could care less if Michael Jackson is alive or not. It's important to separate the art from the artist. His music will live on forever, even if he doesn't. The Michael Jackson that passed away was not the same Michael Jackson from twenty years ago, people need to realize that. And I'm sorry here, but a ton of people who, for example, on facebook have status's such as: RIP MJ, really need to check themselves. I know tons of friends who pretended to give a shit about Michael Jackson's death when months ago Michael Jackson jokes were all the rage!

    The art is still alive guys, even if the artist isn't. The Michael we've seen in recent times isn't the same Michael from the past.

    So let's value his song and dance, because it will truly live on forever.
  5. Charlie

    Charlie Level IV

    Dec 28, 2006
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    good point, but I for one, grew up with him. I danced to Billy Jean in the 6th Grade Play, I tried and failed miserably for years to do a moonwalk. I absolutely love his music. So I really do mourn his loss. I didn't really listen to all of those allegations of what he did or didn't do to those children.

    and yeah his father, for anyone who didn't know, was abusive when MJ was a kid.
  6. Ice Nine

    Ice Nine Level IV

    Nov 15, 2008
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    PA, USA

    Guess what? You're a dick.

    By your logic we shouldn't mourn the deaths of those who have lived past their prime. This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard, and your lack of respect disgusts me.

    What you have said about his father is true, though.
  7. Rexx

    Rexx Level IV

    Mar 24, 2007
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    That's your opinion.
    Look at the tormented man Jackson was, I for one saw the change even over the past few years since the molestation trials. He became reclusive, and definitely did NOT want the media in his face anymore. This tour was a good fairwell tour, it was his way to say "oh hey, I'm stillhere, here's an encore." Other than that, the Jackson everyone loved died long ago.
    Stupidest thing you've ever heard? Enlighten me fellow.
    I respect his music, and he paved the way for many musicians and entertainers today, but does that mean I have to respect him as a person?
    It's all about perspective, I may seem like a dick, but at the end of the day I'd rather state what's on my mind than go along with the main-stream media who, years ago and up until his death continued to crack out jokes about Michael.
  8. Frozshtaliar

    Frozshtaliar Level II

    Aug 25, 2007
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    As weird of a person and mysterious as he was. I still cant help but think how much stuff he accomplished and ill miss him.
  9. sammoth

    sammoth Newbie

    Jul 4, 2009
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    It's sad...everyone thought he was a child molester, and I don't know for sure that he wasn't, but I really doubt it. It seems like he was in the limelight for so much of his childhood that he never really grew up himself, and just stayed at age 12, and therefore related/got along better with younger boys. He seemed like a great guy, if not a little odd/tragic.
  10. blindlywaiting

    Jul 5, 2008
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    To the point given about how he became very reclusive after the molestation trials and wanted the media out of his face: Michael Jackson was always like that. Beginning around the time of the release of Off The Wall and then Thriller, he became reclusive. His interview with Oprah in 1993 was the first he had done in about 14 years, which really encompasses the height of his solo career. He disliked the media before that time, but of course with all the allegations I'm sure he became even more wary of them.

    And as far as saying that the Michael Jackson that everyone loved had died long ago, that's your opinion. Yes, he was a troubled individual, but that didn't just happen overnight. There were a lot of things leading up to it. And yes, he made bad choices, though I for one would like to believe that he never molested children and was just a troubled individual trying to reconnect with his childhood. But the Michael Jackson that everyone loved was still alive until June 25, 2009. Just look at the demand for his This Is It tour. People even committed suicide in response to his death. To say that the Michael everyone loved had died long ago is not the complete truth (though I do understand where you're coming from).

    But I agree that his music will live on forever (at least I would hope, and I hope that for all music). Just look at all the music that is still played by orchestras/bands or sung by choirs that has lasted hundreds of years. A similar fate awaits Michael's music.

    I unfortunately fall into the crowd of people that didn't appreciate Michael's music while he was still alive. It just wasn't something that I was introduced to much as a child of the 90's, though I do remember the song "Scream" a bit as well as "You Rock My World" since it came out in 2001. Now I've been listening to it so much and hearing songs where I'll think, "Oh wow, that was one of his songs? I love that song!" like, for example, "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough." LOVE that song. And as a singer myself and a person who loves to perform, I can't help but respect his ability as a performer/entertainer and everything he accomplished not just for himself but for the artists to follow him.

    And I will admit that I cracked jokes about him, seeing as all I really remember of him from my childhood up until this point is all the allegations made against him and the court trials and what not. That was before I knew his history and all the stuff, but before that I just remember thinking, "Um, yeah, there's definitely something wrong with this guy."

    ANYWAY, this response has become way longer than I intended it to be xD
  11. Coolkronic

    Coolkronic Newbie

    Jul 6, 2009
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    I am one of the many who never really understood anything about MJ, I also am a child of the 90's so all I ever herd about was the all popular child molestation trials. I never really herd or listened to any of his music, except of course Thriller which was still played at dances when I was a senior. I like everyone else craked the popular MJ jokes, but the other day i watched one of those life biography shows on MJ, it was not by my choice one of the kids I babysit was watching it, but as I watched you could see MJ fading from his original glory, listening to some of the clips they showed, I really do like his music. You could see how great of a person he was, and to see how he grew up in the limelight, I feel sorry for him, I know what thats like. His mother even said they made him who he was they forced him when he was younger. I think that if he had been able to live his own life a lot of things would be diffrent. I respect him as an artist, but i think he made some bad personal choices, but everyone does the only diffrences is you don't have the media breathing down your neck all the time.
  12. Lightning

    Lightning Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 8, 2008
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    Florida, USA
    I kinda think that the media is barging into Michael Jackson private stuff a little too much. It's the only d*mn thing I see whenever I turn on the TV...it's really annoying. The media should kinda leave the family alone. He was an amazing dancer and singer.
  13. cozetta

    cozetta Level I

    May 1, 2009
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    i agree its sad and quite unfortunate he's dead, but i think that it's being over reported. i think that they should let the issue have some privacy and move on.