I need to buy the Munchkin (card game) expansion packs 3+5+6+7, but I don't know where it would be cheapest and most reliable. I need a site that won't eat my credit card, that has those expansion packs available, and also has them on stock. Also it would be a plus if there was no shipping fee, or that they have a low shipping fee for Canada. I need them fast, so shipping days matter. +rep (and some candy?) for the person that finds the cheapest place to get them that's actually reliable.
http://www.google.com/products?q=munchk ... e&resnum=4 Thats my best try. Sorry for kinda stating the obvious. Other than that, try ebay? ebay is normally cheaper than any retailer.
Yeah that function would work really well...if I was in the states...unfortunately most of those companies cost upwards of 30$ just for shipping fees (the cards are only 6$-12$ per pack >_<) and some don't even ship outside the states. E-bay as far as reliability goes...is not very reliable, I've had stuff ordered from there...and it was exactly what I didn't want. I need specific place/site/thing or at least someone who's reliable to sell me this stuff :x.
eBay has always worked well for me. If you're trying to find something very specific, message the seller and ask them questions. Normally power-sellers are quick to answer questions and very nice about answering them as they take ebay very seriously. For a lot of people, eBay is how they make a living, so they like to keep customers happy. Spoiler i had to.