
Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by WingedOne, Jun 8, 2009.

  1. WingedOne

    WingedOne Level II

    Jun 4, 2009
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    So far I have found out of all the people I know, maybe only 1 or 2 Supernatural (t.v series) fans. Are there any fans out there in this forum? :p I think it's worth it to start a thread because it's such a good t.v series, and I really want to hear what others have to say about this. If you have watched the show, what are your predictions for the next season? Also, who's your favorite character ( ;) you know Dean is superawsome!)

    (On a sidenote, anyone watched Royal Pains?)
  2. yoyoyokao

    yoyoyokao Newbie

    Jan 17, 2009
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    Is supernnatural about that boy that can see ghosts?
  3. surreptitious

    surreptitious Level III

    Dec 6, 2008
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    Errr... no.
    It's about two vurry, vurry sexy brothers who drive around in a kickass Impala killing evil things and now, apparently, struggling to save the world.
    I still watch it because - let's face it - Dean is a fox, but I must admit that I liked the earlier episodes better when there wasn't quite so much... plot. The only part that I really like about this whole fourth season thing is Cas. He's the first character that they've introduced in the last couple of seasons that I've actually liked.

    I'm disappointed with the casting for Lucifer, but I find it interesting that Meg is coming back. I guess that they needed a new babe after the whole Ruby thing, but I think that that's a little bit lame.

    I'm not sure which I like more: the gorgeous boys part or that carrr. Ooooh, it is such a nice machine. It's fab that it justifies the Mullettown soundtrack, too, because I think that that atmosphere is a nice background for the show.

    I think that it's unfair that it devolved into such a fangirl thing, because it had potential to be something good. But I guess that I'd probably be unhappy if they'd cast different people so that people focused more on the show than the attractiveness factor.
  4. Ice Nine

    Ice Nine Level IV

    Nov 15, 2008
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    PA, USA
    I thought this thread would be about the Santana album...I was sorely disappointed :(
  5. WingedOne

    WingedOne Level II

    Jun 4, 2009
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    But but...archangels????? Q_Q Come on the prophecy guy was just so cool :(.

    The plot was fantastic for some of the episodes, and it was great for the season ender...although there were a few episodes that were just tedious. I miss the trickster god...they should bring him back for a few episodes, I really enjoyed that. Q_Q Poor Cas...<3 him.

    OMG just saw casting for Lucifer...that is horrible...Lucifer should be so SOOOOOOOOOOO much hawter, come on we're talking about LUCIFER.

    I didn't realize this show has a devolved fanbase :( that makes me really really sad.
  6. surreptitious

    surreptitious Level III

    Dec 6, 2008
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    I love Loki! You're totally right, he should come back. He was my favorite Norse god for ages before the show even existed, and his part was just fabulous. He should definitely return.

    And that wasn't technically supposed to be how the season ended.
    Supernatural was only supposed to be four seasons long, but because of the writers' strike, they had to extend it.

    They should have cast David B-somethingorother from Bones as Lucifer. I've been recently informed that he played Angel, which means that he has to be able to be Lucifery, right? And he's a total babe.

    I didn't like the prophecy guy very much; I thought that the concept was rather contrived. I mean, I suppose that it fits, but that doesn't mean that it should exist.

    I think that I'm just cranky because they don't go after new and exciting myths anymore. Once they worked their way through to djinn and vampires, I suppose that there wasn't really anything else to fall back on, but it still seems unfair that it's all angels this and apocolypse that.
  7. WingedOne

    WingedOne Level II

    Jun 4, 2009
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    Yeah :( well now it's all down to headgames and mindf***ery which is fun... if you're a character IN the plot (and not getting screwed over).

    If it's anyone from Buffy it should be James Marsters, but to be honest both him and David Boreanaz are getting way too old :S. They looked much better when they were younger. I feel like they should get some new faces in there, have Lucifer look really young.

    UGHHHHHHH WRITERS STRIKE...god I hated that period in time. That last episode also irked me....GAH I HATE CLIFFHANGERS especially if it's a season ender WTH.

    I'm expecting more out of the prophecy guy the next season, at least have him do something dramatic-like.

    The angels and apocalypse thingie was really starting to grate on me, especially when they were like "Omg that one gun can kill demons" then it became "Oh snap there's now a billion ways to kill demons." However, I will give credits to some of the cooler concepts, like "grace" and archangels and the fact that they can make people experience entire different lives (<3 that episode when Dean was in a suit).