Brüno (2009)

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Rhett, Jul 10, 2009.

  1. Rhett

    Rhett Level IV

    Dec 2, 2007
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    "Bruno is somewhat of a sequel to the mega-successful Borat, released in 2007. Sacha Baron Cohen returns to the silver screen in one of his alter egos, this time as gay Austrian fashion fashionista. After losing his job in his home country of Austria, he immigrates to America in search of a new job, a new life and some fun. The film follows a similar style and substance to Borat, as hidden cameras follow Cohen's alter ego around America as he performs the most hilarious, uproarious pranks on the unsuspecting citizens of the country."

    What are your thoughts on this movie? Personally, I want to see it. Unfortunately, my friends who were going to see it dropped out on my at the last minute saying they didn't want to see it. Apparently, it was a bit too vulgar for their tastes. Maybe I'll go see it Saturday instead. XD
  2. Rexx

    Rexx Level IV

    Mar 24, 2007
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    Looks amazing!
    I watched Borat the other day for about the fifth time, but the first time in quite awhile..but let me say it re-kindled my love for Sacha Baron Cohen.
    I have tickets for tomorrow's first screening of it, which is at 12:40 PM.
    Definitely going to be one of the top movies of the year if you're into crude comedy :).
  3. Rhett

    Rhett Level IV

    Dec 2, 2007
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    I can't really get into comedy that bases it's laughter off of originality if I'm watching it for a second time. And the same goes for horror movies. They're only good the first time. :|

    But I hope Bruno is good the first time... if I ever get to watch it. D:
  4. interhacker

    interhacker Level IV

    Jul 24, 2007
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    I will watch it but im put off by the gay scene...

    Gays=fail. :(
  5. Hally

    Hally Level IV

    Nov 16, 2006
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    Rhett, you're 17 and your friends backed out because it's too vulgar? Are you guys the most sheltered kids ever? hahaha When i was 17, 'too vulgar' would be a reason TO see it.

    Also, your username is Acrasie, and your avatar says Arcasie. Which one is the correct spelling?
  6. Ice Nine

    Ice Nine Level IV

    Nov 15, 2008
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    PA, USA
    lol, he totally messed up his avatar. HA

    also, this movie looks great. I don't think it will be as vulgar as Borat, but who knows.

    The Bruno character has been great on all the talk shows around the globe thus far...Can't wait
  7. Rhett

    Rhett Level IV

    Dec 2, 2007
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    No, I'm not sheltered in the least. It's just to two people I'm going with happen to be women... they are the innocent type, I guess.

    And that's what I get for not making my own avatar. :|
  8. Airuku

    Airuku Level I

    Jul 9, 2009
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    Las Vegas
    I liked Borat, but I'll probably wait until this comes out on video. Most my friends are girls as well and likely don't want to see it. The one guy I'd go with is always broke, so I'd have to pay for him. Not a fan of going to movies by myself or with my parents either. Oh well, I can make my decision when it's out and everyone is saying how good or bad it is.
  9. Rhett

    Rhett Level IV

    Dec 2, 2007
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    Just got back from seeing this movie, and I've gotta say... they overplayed the gay thing way too much. There were some really... like really really funny parts, but as for the rest of the movie, I think they stepped over the line a bit too much. Most of the line-crossing was done whenever there was a gay joke or something dealing with Bruno's junk. Most of the gay jokes where hilarious. "A bear ate all my clothes and only left me with these condoms!" But "I'm getting my auschwitz bleached." went too far. :|
  10. surreptitious

    surreptitious Level III

    Dec 6, 2008
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    Just watched got in from seeing this.
    I can't name a single person in the world who is more in to vulgar humour than I am, and I wasn't okay with some parts of this movie.
    I mean, I could deal with most of it - found the majority of it funny - but the talking penis? Okay, that is so, so not cool. Like, really.

    At least I got all the humor from when they messed up the German - /that/ was funny. I mean, most of it was obvious, but there were a few things that made me laugh when no one else did.

    I love laughing when no one else does. It makes me feel superior instead of weird. ;)

    Though, his accent was grossly simplified and not Austrian at all.
    :( I'm such a nerd.
  11. Hally

    Hally Level IV

    Nov 16, 2006
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    Sweetie pie, I'm into vulgar humor just as much as you, and you know it.

    I covered my eyes during the meatspin-y part, just so I'd /seem/ straight. I really LOVED the scene. And you know it :*

    So yeah, i just got back from seeing it. Loved it. absolutely loved it. I don't even remember the jokes they were making, but there was one part with Nazi jokes, I laughed my head off. I find holocaust humor AMAZING. I guess that makes me a bad person. I'm also a jew, so I'm allowed.
  12. Frozshtaliar

    Frozshtaliar Level II

    Aug 25, 2007
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    I was surprised how many homophobes left the theatre during the middle of the movie. It was hilarious though best I've seen in a while.
  13. Rhett

    Rhett Level IV

    Dec 2, 2007
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    Spoiler because it gives away some parts.
    There were parts during the movie where his voice just turned into Borat's. Like when Bruno became "Straight-Gay". xD

    I have to agree with Rachel over Hally, sorry. The talking penis took it too far. Actually, just take out the whole Bruno-show and I'd be fine. The dancing in a cheetah thong didn't help either.

    Now I'll stop hating on the movie and ask everyone's favorite parts?
    My top three-
    1) TAKE IT OFF! I SAID TAKE IT OFF! - I'm going to be the best straight man the vorld has eva seen.
    2) We are just a simple couple. You know... we like to stay home. (Bruno's pygmy boyfriend xD)
    3) A bear ate all my clothes and just left me with these condoms. Maybe I should go inside your tent to protect you?
  14. Rexx

    Rexx Level IV

    Mar 24, 2007
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    Saw the movie on opening night, I was very happy with how it turned out!
    Five people left my theater, considering there were roughly 250 or so in the theater, that's not too bad at all!
    The talking Penis was what was on everyone's minds afterward, and the reason why some people left, but really, if you're going to find that offensive, take your little panties off and sit through it. Does it make you homosexual for looking at a flopping penis? No. If you're fine with your sexuality and comfortable, then you should be fine.
    Unless you're homophobic, which would be quite understandable if you're one with strong Southern pride, but otherwise, you paid to see a movie that you knew was about a homosexual male.
    Was there bound to be penis? Yep.
    Was there bound to be crude humor? Are you kidding me? It's Sasha Baron Cohen, live with it!

    Besides the obvious drama it's going to stir up, I give the movie a 7.5/10, it had great jokes, great comedic acting, but the ending lost some points for me.

    My 2 cents ;)
  15. Will

    Will Level IV

    Mar 1, 2009
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    I just watched this.

    Some absolutely HILARIOUSly funny parts.. but when that dick gets up, and it takes up like half the screen, and goes 'Bruno'.. I was just like .. get me out of here.

    Nowhere near Borat, but I don't think he could ever top that :/
  16. Charlie

    Charlie Level IV

    Dec 28, 2006
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    I laughed so hard at that part.
  17. Bankai

    Bankai Level I

    Jun 27, 2009
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    Upstate NY
    I didn't see it, but i hear great things, but i dont think i want to after seeing the preview with the pink jumpsuit, and the separate slot for his wang and giggleberries....yeah, Sacha Baron Cohen genitals is not quite what i want to see.
  18. surreptitious

    surreptitious Level III

    Dec 6, 2008
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    The pink jumpsuit was AWESOME.

    "Do you think that these sunglasses are too much? I think that they're too much. They just scream 'look at me, look at me'" (not a direct quote, but I don't remember how it goes. Something along those lines)

    I want that jumpsuit. =)
  19. Jane

    Jane Level IV

    Nov 19, 2006
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    Pwning the world one step at a time
    Haha, I saw the trailer for this and thought it was hilarious. My friend really wants to see this so I might go and see it with her sometime at the Cinemas.
    But I want to watch Borat first though. 8D