VB.NET Source Codes

Discussion in 'Code Snippets and Tutorials' started by xZel, Jun 16, 2008.

  1. xZel

    xZel Level I

    Jul 25, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Can anyone tell me how to format the text so that it highlights for visual basic?
    And if you guys want anything that isnt commented to be commented, then just post and I will.
    Also, recently neopets has changed some of its code so i would test this before fully adding any of this code you your project.
    Lastly, most of the functions are ricky's functions found in his module. If you guys need that posted I can add that or you can pm him probably.
    I had this right in my wrapper so you may need to change some of this.
    Code (Text):
    1.  Public Function Login(ByRef Pass As String, ByRef User As String) As Boolean
    2. 'frmMain.lblStatus.Text = "Logging in."
    3. Dim strHTML As String
    4. strHTML = Req("Post", "www.neopets.com/login.phtml?username=" & User & "&password=" & Pass & "&destination=%2Fpetcentral.phtml", "http://www.neopets.com/hi.phtml")
    5. If InStr(strHTML, "badpassword") <> 0 Then
    6. MsgBox("You entered an invalid username/password combination!" & vbNewLine & "Please try again.", vbCritical, "Login Failure")
    7. Login = False
    8. 'Check if account is frozen.
    9. ElseIf InStr(strHTML, "This account has been") <> 0 Then
    10. MsgBox("ACCOUNT FROZEN!" & vbNewLine & "Please use another.", vbCritical, "Login Failure")
    11. Login = False
    12. 'Check if we tried to login to many times.
    13. ElseIf InStr(strHTML, "too many times") <> 0 Then
    14. MsgBox("You have tried to guess the password to many times in the last hour!" & vbNewLine & "Try again later.", vbCritical, "Login Failure")
    15. 'If we passed all of the above, then we're logged in.
    16. Login = False
    17. Else
    18. Login = True
    19. Exit Function
    20. End If
    21. End Function
    Stuff For Restocking:
    Code (Text):
    1.  Private Sub After()
    2. strHTML = w.Req("Get", "http://www.neopets.com/objects.phtml?type=inventory", "")
    3. Dim stuffs() As String
    5. stuffs = rickysModule.MatchAll(strHTML, "onclick=" & Chr(34) & "openwin(", ")")
    6. If stuffs(0) = "" Then
    7. SetText(lbPLog, Now & " - Error in After Buy.")
    8. Exit Sub
    9. End If
    10. w.Req("Get", "http://www.neopets.com/iteminfo.phtml?obj_id=" & stuffs(UBound(stuffs)), "http://www.neopets.com/objects.phtml?type=inventory")
    11. If rbStock.Checked = True Then
    12. w.Req("Post", "http://www.neopets.com/useobject.phtml?obj_id=" & stuffs(UBound(stuffs)) & "&action=stockshop", "http://www.neopets.com/iteminfo.phtml")
    13. SetText(lbPLog, Now & " - Item stocked in shop.")
    14. ElseIf rbDeposit.Checked = True Then
    15. w.Req("Post", "http://www.neopets.com/useobject.phtml?obj_id=" & stuffs(UBound(stuffs)) & "&action=safetydeposit", "http://www.neopets.com/iteminfo.phtml")
    16. SetText(lbPLog, Now & " - Item deposited in SDB.")
    17. ElseIf rbGallery.Checked = True Then
    18. w.Req("Post", "http://www.neopets.com/useobject.phtml?obj_id=" & stuffs(UBound(stuffs)) & "&action=stockgallery", "http://www.neopets.com/iteminfo.phtml")
    19. SetText(lbPLog, Now & " - Item placed in gallery.")
    20. ElseIf rbNeoFriend.Checked = True Then
    21. w.Req("Post", "http://www.neopets.com/useobject.phtml?obj_id=" & stuffs(UBound(stuffs)) & "&action=give", "http://www.neopets.com/iteminfo.phtml")
    22. w.Req("Post", "http://www.neopets.com/useobject.phtml?obj_id=" & stuffs(UBound(stuffs)) & "&action=&or_name=" & txtNeofriend.Text, "http://www.neopets.com/useobject.phtml")
    23. SetText(lbPLog, Now & " - Item given to Neofriend.")
    24. Else
    25. SetText(lbPLog, Now & " - After buy messed up.")
    26. End If
    27. End Sub
    OCR: Basically ricky's ocr with some parts taken out. Just thought I should include it.
    Code (Text):
    1.  Public Function ONRScan(ByRef picBox As PictureBox) As Point
    2. Dim neopetPicture As Bitmap = DirectCast(picBox.Image, Bitmap)
    3. Dim now As Integer = DateTime.Now.Millisecond
    4. Dim width As Integer = neopetPicture.Width, height As Integer = neopetPicture.Height
    5. Dim unPixel As Color = Color.White
    6. Dim darkPixel As Color = Color.White
    7. For a As Integer = 0 To height - 1 Step 10
    8. For b As Integer = 0 To width - 1 Step 10
    9. unPixel = neopetPicture.GetPixel(b, a)
    10. If unPixel.GetBrightness() < darkPixel.GetBrightness() Then
    11. darkPixel = unPixel
    12. ONRScan.X = b
    13. ONRScan.Y = a
    14. End If
    15. Next
    16. Next
    17. 'Dim fin As Integer = DateTime.Now.Millisecond
    18. 'MessageBox.Show("The neopet is at :" + ONRScan.X.ToString() + ", " + ONRScan.Y.ToString() + " and was found in " + (fin - now).ToString() + " ms.")
    19. 'For p As Integer = 0 To width - 2
    20. ' neopetPicture.SetPixel(p, ONRScan.Y, Color.White)
    21. 'Next
    22. 'For k As Integer = 0 To height - 2
    23. ' neopetPicture.SetPixel(ONRScan.X, k, Color.White)
    24. 'Next
    25. 'picBox.Image = neopetPicture
    26. End Function
    Auto Buy Function with Addons Built in:
    Addons were:
    Rsban Checker
    Timed Buy/Timed Wait
    Checks login every 20 refreshes.
    Code (Text):
    1. 'Auto buying function
    2. Public Sub AutoBuy()
    3. If chkShopBanned.Checked = True Then
    4. Dim banned As Boolean = False
    5. Do While banned = False
    6. strHTML = w.Req("Get", "http://neopets.com/objects.phtml?type=shop&obj_type=21", "")
    7. If strHTML.Contains("Sorry, we are sold out of everything!") Then
    8. SetText(lbPLog, Now & " - RS Banned. Check again in " & txtBannedCheck.Text & " Minutes")
    9. For i As Integer = 1 To (txtBannedCheck.Text * 60)
    10. Thread.Sleep(1000)
    11. If cmdStart.Text = "Start" Then
    12. i = (txtBannedCheck.Text * 60)
    13. End If
    14. Next
    15. Else
    16. SetText(lbPLog, Now & " - Not RS Banned. Check again in " & txtBannedCheck.Text & " Minutes")
    17. banned = True
    18. End If
    19. Loop
    20. waitTimeSecond = Now.AddMinutes(txtRun.Text)
    21. End If
    22. If chkRunandPause.Checked = True Then
    23. rsTimeSecond = Now.AddMinutes(txtBannedCheck.Text)
    24. SetText(lbPLog, Now & " - Running Program for " & txtRun.Text & " Minutes")
    25. End If
    27. Do While cmdStart.Text = "Stop"
    28. Dim pol As Point
    29. Dim Items() As String
    30. Dim Links() As String
    31. Dim Prices() As String
    32. Dim Bought As Boolean = False
    33. strHTML = w.Req("GET", "http://www.neopets.com/objects.phtml?type=shop&obj_type=" & CStr(txtShop.Text), "")
    34. 'If there are items in the shop, checks to see what items are there
    35. If strHTML.Contains("Are you sure you wish to purchase") Then
    36. Items = rickysModule.MatchAll(strHTML, "Are you sure you wish to purchase ", " at ")
    37. Links = rickysModule.MatchAll(strHTML, "onClick=" & Chr(34) & "this.href='haggle.phtml?ob'+'j", "'")
    38. Prices = rickysModule.MatchAll(strHTML, "in stock<BR>Cost: ", " ")
    39. Dim i As Short = 0
    40. Do Until i = lbItemWanted.Items.Count
    41. For p As Short = 0 To UBound(Items)
    42. If Items(p).Equals(lbItemWanted.Items.Item(i)) Then
    43. strHTML = w.Req("Get", "http://www.neopets.com/haggle.phtml?obj" & Links(p), "http://www.neopets.com/objects.phtml?type=shop&obj_type=" & txtShop.Text)
    45. If InStr(1, strHTML, " is SOLD OUT!") <> 0 Then
    46. 'lstLog.AddItem(Time & " - Missed " & lstItemsPage.List(x) & ". Item Sold out.")
    47. Else
    48. xPic.Image = w.DownloadJPG("http://www.neopets.com/captcha_show.phtml?_x_pwned=" & rickysModule.GetBetween(strHTML, "/captcha_show.phtml?_x_pwned=", ChrW(34)), "")
    49. pol = w.ONRScan(xPic)
    51. SetText(lbAll, Now & " - Attempting to Buy " & Items(p))
    52. SetText(lbAttempt, Now & " - Attempting to Buy " & Items(p))
    54. strHTML = w.Req("POST", "http://www.neopets.com/haggle.phtml?current_offer=" & CInt(System.Math.Round(Prices(p) * txtHaggle.Text * 0.01, 0)) & "&x=" & CStr(pol.X) & "&y=" & CStr(pol.Y), "http://www.neopets.com/haggle.phtml?obj" & Links(p))
    55. If InStr(1, strHTML, "has been added to your inventory") <> 0 Then
    56. 'Logs
    57. SetText(lbAll, Now & " - Bought " & Items(p) & " for " & System.Math.Round(Prices(p) * txtHaggle.Text * 0.01, 0))
    58. SetText(lbBought, Now & " - Bought " & Items(p) & " for " & System.Math.Round(Prices(p) * txtHaggle.Text * 0.01, 0))
    59. SetText(tsAttemp, tsAttemp.Text + 1)
    60. SetText(tsBought, tsBought.Text + 1)
    61. SetText(tsSpent, tsSpent.Text + CInt(System.Math.Round(Prices(p) * txtHaggle.Text * 0.01, 0)))
    62. SetText(lbPLog, Now & " - Waiting 6000 miliseconds")
    63. 'Add Deposit, Stock etc stuff here.
    64. If Not rbNothing.Checked = True Then
    65. Call After()
    66. End If
    67. 'Sleeps
    68. Thread.Sleep(5200)
    69. Bought = True
    70. Exit Do
    71. ElseIf InStr(1, strHTML, "SOLD OUT!") <> 0 Then
    72. AttMiss(Items, p)
    73. ElseIf InStr(1, strHTML, "You don't have that kind of money") <> 0 Then
    74. AttMiss(Items, p, "Not Enough NP")
    75. SetText(lbPLog, Now & " - Withdrawing " & txtAmountWith.Text & " Neopoints.")
    76. w.Req("Get", "http://www.neopets.com/bank.phtml", "")
    77. If chkPIN.Checked = False Then
    78. w.Req("Post", "http://www.neopets.com/process_bank.phtml?type=withdraw&amount=" & txtAmountWith.Text, "http://www.neopets.com/bank.phtml")
    79. Else
    80. w.Req("Post", "http://www.neopets.com/process_bank.phtml?type=withdraw&amount=" & txtAmountWith.Text & "&pin=" & txtPIN.Text, "http://www.neopets.com/bank.phtml")
    81. End If
    82. ElseIf InStr(1, strHTML, "You must select the correct pet") <> 0 Then
    83. AttMiss(Items, p, "Wrong Pet")
    84. ElseIf InStr(1, strHTML, "Your Current Offer</b> : ") <> 0 Then
    85. AttMiss(Items, p, "Offer To Low")
    86. ElseIf InStr(1, strHTML, "Sorry, you can only carry") <> 0 Then
    87. AttMiss(Items, p, "To many items")
    88. Else
    89. 'Error Section
    90. SetText(lbPLog, Now & " : Error Unknown.")
    91. End If
    93. End If
    95. 'Leaves the loop
    96. Exit Do
    97. End If
    98. Next
    99. i = i + 1
    100. Loop
    103. End If
    105. If Bought = False Then
    106. 'Wait Time
    107. Dim mili As Short
    108. mili = rickysModule.MakeRandom(txtMin.Text * 1000, txtMax.Text * 1000)
    109. SetText(lbPLog, Now & " - Waiting " & mili & " miliseconds")
    110. Thread.Sleep(mili)
    111. LoginCheck += 1
    112. 'Login Check
    113. If LoginCheck >= 20 And strHTML.Contains("Login to Neopets!") Then
    114. w.Login(txtPass.Text, txtUser.Text)
    115. SetText(lbPLog, Now & " - Logged back in to Neopets")
    116. LoginCheck = 0
    117. ElseIf LoginCheck >= 20 Then
    118. SetText(lbPLog, Now & " - Currently Logged into Neopets")
    119. LoginCheck = 0
    120. End If
    121. End If
    123. If chkShopBanned.Checked = True And Now > rsTimeSecond Then
    124. strHTML = w.Req("Get", "http://neopets.com/objects.phtml?type=shop&obj_type=21", "")
    125. If strHTML.Contains("Sorry, we are sold out of everything!") Then
    126. SetText(lbPLog, Now & " - RS Banned. Check again in " & txtBannedCheck.Text & " Minutes")
    127. For i As Integer = 1 To (txtBannedCheck.Text * 60)
    128. Thread.Sleep(1000)
    129. If cmdStart.Text = "Start" Then
    130. i = (txtBannedCheck.Text * 60)
    131. End If
    132. Next
    133. Else
    134. SetText(lbPLog, Now & " - Not RS Banned. Check again in " & txtBannedCheck.Text & " Minutes")
    135. End If
    136. rsTimeSecond = Now.AddMinutes(txtBannedCheck.Text)
    137. End If
    139. If chkRunandPause.Checked = True And Now > waitTimeSecond Then
    140. SetText(lbPLog, Now & " - Pausing Program for " & txtPause.Text & " Minutes")
    141. For i As Integer = 1 To (txtPause.Text * 60)
    142. Thread.Sleep(1000)
    143. If cmdStart.Text = "Start" Then
    144. i = (txtPause.Text * 60)
    145. End If
    146. Next
    147. SetText(lbPLog, Now & " - Running Program for " & txtRun.Text & " Minutes")
    148. waitTimeSecond = Now.AddMinutes(txtRun.Text)
    149. rsTimeSecond = Now.AddMinutes(txtBannedCheck.Text)
    150. End If
    154. Loop
    155. SetText(lbPLog, Now & " - Program Stopped")
    156. SetText(lbStatus, "Stopped")
    157. End Sub
    Friend Finder Source:
    Contains 3 Functions:
    2)Friend Request
    3)Auction Check - Checks friends and finds neofriend only auctions to steal their items
    Code (Text):
    2. Private Sub Fird()
    3. Dim y As Long
    4. y = 0
    5. Call SetTextL(lblFFStatus, "Grabbing Names from Avatar Board")
    6. 'href="/randomfriend.phtml?user=, "
    7. For x As Integer = 0 To 20
    8. strHTML = w.Req("Get", "http://neopets.com/neoboards/boardlist.phtml?board=21&next=" & y, "")
    9. Call Extract(lbFFList)
    10. y = y + 41
    11. Wait(300)
    12. Next
    13. y = 0
    16. Call SetTextL(lblFFStatus, "Grabbing Names from Stock Board")
    17. For x As Integer = 0 To 20
    18. strHTML = w.Req("Get", "http://neopets.com/neoboards/boardlist.phtml?board=12&next=" & y, "")
    19. Call Extract(lbFFList)
    20. y = y + 41
    21. Wait(300)
    22. Next
    23. y = 0
    26. Call SetTextL(lblFFStatus, "Grabbing Names from Auctions")
    27. For x As Integer = 0 To 20
    28. strHTML = w.Req("Get", "http://neopets.com/auctions.phtml?auction_counter=" & y, "")
    29. Call Extract(lbFFList)
    30. y = y + 20
    31. Wait(300)
    32. Next
    33. y = 0
    34. 'Call SetTextL(lblFFStatus, "Removing Dupes")
    35. 'rickysModule.RemoveDupes(lbFFList)
    38. Call SetTextL(lblFFStatus, "Done, Grabbed " & lbFFList.Items.Count & " Names")
    39. 'cmdFFStart.Text = "Start"
    40. Me.Frd.Suspend()
    41. End Sub
    44. Public Sub FrRequest()
    45. For i As Integer = 0 To lbFRList.Items.Count - 1
    46. strHTML = w.Req("Get", "http://www.neopets.com/neofriend_requests.phtml", "")
    47. strHTML = w.Req("Post", "http://www.neopets.com/process_neofriend_requests.phtml?_ref_ck=" & rickysModule.GetBetween(strHTML, "name='_ref_ck' value='", "'") & "&neofriend_add=" & lbFRList.Items.Item(i) & "++&dowhat=add_single_neofriend", "http://neopets.com/neofriend_requests.phtml")
    48. If strHTML.Contains("Not receiving Neofriend requests") Then
    49. SetText(lbFrLog, lbFRList.Items.Item(i) & " is not accepting requests.")
    50. Else
    51. SetText(lbFrLog, lbFRList.Items.Item(i) & " added as Friend.")
    52. End If
    53. Wait(txtSpeed.Text)
    54. Next
    55. SetText(lbFrLog, Now & " - Program Finished.")
    56. End Sub
    60. Private Sub PowerAuction()
    61. 'Gets Info
    62. Dim strUserNames() As String
    63. Dim strAccepted() As String
    64. Dim bolPowerStarter As Boolean = True
    65. Dim intPlacement As Integer = 0
    66. Do Until bolPowerStarter = False
    67. strHTML = w.Req("Get", "http://neopets.com/**********.phtml?view=all&search=&range=&page=" & intPlacement, "")
    68. strUserNames = rickysModule.MatchAll(strHTML, "<a href='randomfriend.phtml?randomfriend=", "'")
    69. strAccepted = rickysModule.MatchAll(strHTML, "size=1>", "<")
    74. 'Makes the list
    75. Dim i As Integer
    76. For i = 0 To UBound(strUserNames)
    77. SetText(ListBox1, strAccepted(i))
    78. If strAccepted(i) = "Accepted!" Then
    79. strHTML = w.Req("Get", "http://neopets.com/genie.phtml?type=find_user&auction_username=" & strUserNames(i), "")
    80. If strHTML.Contains("auctions.phtml?type=bids&auction_id=") = True Then
    81. Dim Items() As String
    82. Dim Links() As String
    83. Links = rickysModule.MatchAll(strHTML, "auctions.phtml?type=bids&auction_id=", Chr(34))
    84. Dim x As Integer
    85. For x = 0 To UBound(Links)
    86. Items(x) = rickysModule.GetBetween(strHTML, "auctions.phtml?type=bids&auction_id=" & Chr(34) & Items(x), "<")
    87. 'ListBox1.Items.Add(Items(x) & " - " & "http://www.neopets.com/auctions.phtml?type=bids&auction_id=" & Links(x))
    88. SetText(ListBox1, Items(x) & " - " & "http://www.neopets.com/auctions.phtml?type=bids&auction_id=" & Links(x))
    89. Next
    90. Else
    91. SetText(ListBox1, strUserNames(i) & " has no auctions.")
    92. End If
    93. End If
    94. Wait(txtAFSpeed.Text)
    95. Next
    96. intPlacement = intPlacement + 1
    97. If strHTML.Contains("Next") = False Then
    98. bolPowerStarter = False
    99. End If
    100. Wait(txtAFSpeed.Text)
    101. Loop
    102. End Sub
    Money Tree Source:
    Unfinished if I remember correctly
    Features:Grabs NP, Grabs Items, Grabs *contains
    Code (Text):
    1. Private Sub TreeSub(ByRef username As String, ByRef password As String, Optional ByRef proxy As String = "")
    2. Dim time As Double ' Used to get a random time
    3. Dim Yes As Boolean = False ' used for login
    4. Dim activate As Boolean = True ' used to make sure login is correct
    5. Dim Bought As Byte = 0 ' used to keep track of how many item grab the user gets
    6. w.ClearCookies()
    7. If Not proxy = "" Then
    8. w.UseProxy(rickysModule.ParseLeft(proxy, ":"), rickysModule.ParseRight(proxy, ":"))
    9. Else
    10. w.NoProxy()
    11. End If
    12. Yes = w.Login(txtUser.Text, txtPass.Text)
    13. If Yes = True Then
    14. SetText(lbLog, "Logged in account " & username)
    15. strHTML = w.Req("GET", "http://www.neopets.com/index.phtml", "")
    16. activate = True
    17. Else
    18. SetText(lbLog, "Problem Loggin in Account " & username)
    19. activate = False
    20. End If
    22. Do While cmdStart.Text = "Stop" And activate = True
    23. strHTML = w.Req("Get", "http://www.neopets.com/donations.phtml", "")
    24. If strHTML.Contains("<BR>(donated by") Then
    25. 'Retrives all the data about the page, links, np and who donated
    26. Dim Links() As String = rickysModule.MatchAll(strHTML, "<a href='takedonation_new.phtml?donation_id=", "'")
    27. Dim Items() As String = rickysModule.MatchAll(strHTML, "<br><b>", "</b><br>")
    28. Dim i As Short
    29. Do While i < lbList.Items.Count - 1
    30. For x As Short = 0 To UBound(Items) - 1
    31. If lbList.Items.Item(i).Equals(Items(x)) Then
    32. strHTML = w.Req("Get", "http://www.neopets.com/takedonation_new.phtml?donation_id=" & Links(x), "http://neopets.com/donations.phtml")
    33. 'logs you got or missed it, also if there is something messed up ends the grabbing
    34. toolAttempts.Text += 1
    35. If strHTML.Contains("You got it!") Then
    36. lbLog.Items.Add(Now & " : Grabbed " & Items(x))
    37. toolGrabbed.Text += 1
    38. Bought += 1
    39. ElseIf InStr(1, strHTML, "Oops") <> 0 Then
    40. lbLog.Items.Add(Now & " : Missed " & Items(x))
    41. toolMissed.Text += 1
    42. End If
    43. ElseIf lbList.Items.Item(i).ToString.Contains("*") And Items(x).Contains(lbList.Items.Item(i).ToString.Substring(0, lbList.Items.Item(i).ToString.Length - 1)) Then
    44. strHTML = w.Req("Get", "http://www.neopets.com/takedonation_new.phtml?donation_id=" & Links(x), "http://neopets.com/donations.phtml")
    45. 'logs you got or missed it, also if there is something messed up ends the grabbing
    46. toolAttempts.Text += 1
    47. If strHTML.Contains("You got it!") Then
    48. lbLog.Items.Add(Now & " : Grabbed " & Items(x))
    49. toolGrabbed.Text += 1
    50. Bought += 1
    51. ElseIf InStr(1, strHTML, "Oops") <> 0 Then
    52. lbLog.Items.Add(Now & " : Missed " & Items(x))
    53. toolMissed.Text += 1
    54. End If
    55. ElseIf Items(x).Contains(" NP") And rickysModule.GetBetween(Items(x), "", " NP") >= txtNPMin.Text Then
    56. strHTML = w.Req("Get", "http://www.neopets.com/takedonation_new.phtml?donation_id=" & Links(x), "http://neopets.com/donations.phtml")
    57. 'logs you got or missed it, also if there is something messed up ends the grabbing
    58. toolAttempts.Text += 1
    59. If strHTML.Contains("You got it!") Then
    60. lbLog.Items.Add(Now & " : Grabbed " & Items(x))
    61. toolGrabbed.Text += 1
    62. Bought += 1
    63. ElseIf InStr(1, strHTML, "Oops") <> 0 Then
    64. lbLog.Items.Add(Now & " : Missed " & Items(x))
    65. toolMissed.Text += 1
    66. End If
    67. End If
    68. Next
    69. Loop
    71. i += 1
    72. End If
    73. time = rickysModule.MakeRandom(txtMin.Text * 1000, txtMax.Text * 1000)
    74. SetText(lbLog, Now & " - Refreshed for " & time & " secs.")
    75. Thread.Sleep(time)
    76. If Bought >= 10 Then
    77. Exit Sub
    78. End If
    79. Loop
    83. End Sub
    JenJen, turato and expon like this.
  2. rydinophor

    rydinophor Newbie

    Jul 22, 2009
    Likes Received:
    thankyou alot man ;) 8)
  3. Belaarx

    Belaarx Level I

    Sep 23, 2008
    Likes Received:
    San Diego
    This is VB6. Not Vb.NET
  4. Skyle

    Skyle Level II

    Aug 13, 2007
    Likes Received:
    It seems to work with VB.NET perfectly well. Although I've tested one of them only.
  5. ricky92

    ricky92 Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 10, 2006
    Likes Received:
    It's .net instead, I'm more than sure of this.
  6. Andromeda

    Andromeda Level I

    Aug 19, 2009
    Likes Received:
    The indentation makes me want to kill a few thousand children.