tarzan...i think? when the leader ape dies at the end I was just like awwwww T.T I also remember the nightmare before christmas scare the crap out of me. :lol:
Mine was some locally produced movie. I cried cause the character's family was falling apart, mother in hospital, brother in gangs, father outta money. yeah.
Crash - I was pregnant on my first child in the last trimester and the part of the movie that looks as if the mans daughter gets shot totally attacked my emotions and I teared up and cried, watched it like 3 times after that with months in between and still causes me to cry.
Wow... that's a tough question. Up made me cry at the end with the happy ending. Call me a sap ^.^;; Out of sadness though, I barely remember watching Lion King the first time with my older brother. I bawled. It was horrible. >>; It was the lonely Simba cub that got me, when he starts pokin' at his dad...
Mine was Titanic - When she watches as the love of her life slips away... Was really sad and in the movie Click, the scene where he dies.
probably Artificial Intelligence: AI. i was about the same age as the robot kid when i saw it. when the mom abandoned him i was so sad
OMG THANK YOU. Such an underrated movie. Nobody ever talks about it. It's the first movie i actually /remember/ crying at the end of. I think i may have cried at the end of the lion king, but it was so young I didn't remember.
Probably not the first movie that made me cry, but the first memorable one that comes to the front of my mind would be Crossing, a movie that was filmed to raise awareness about the human rights issues in North Korea. It was pretty much based on the (sadly not uncommon) stories that refugees brought with them, such as the loss of a friend or an entire family, or the hardships they endured while escaping. It's really quite a sad movie that could reasonably reflect the life of the average citizen living in North Korea at the moment.
I've never had a movie that made me cry...I'm not a very sensitive person, but I've never seen a movie THAT deep enough to make me cry. I have been moved by one, but never cried during one yet
I have a heart of stone! I haven't yet cried at a film once, I've been close to it, but no actual tears.
Well, the only one I can remember flat out crying about is The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. The ending is really sad...