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Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Lexicon, Jul 15, 2009.

  1. cozetta

    cozetta Level I

    May 1, 2009
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    Re: Girls who let themselves go.

    Okay so, for topic one, none of my friends have ever stopped working out after they started dating, but that's probably because we fall behind quickly if we don't train. BUT, I can see how some girls, who only work out to impress others, feel that they don't need to impress now, and thus work out, because they've already impressed someone. OR, they're spending the time that they would normally exercise in with their bf.

    For topic two, I'm not going to go into that because it's a personal matter...maybe you should gently ask her why she think that she's second best to your exes when she's the one you're with? I dunno. Just a suggestion.

    For topic three, I've been through this and it's HUMILIATING. If a guy moves on too quickly (ie 1-2 weeks, in my opinion) then it makes the girl look and feel disposable and unimportant and the guy look like a heartless pig with no remorse for the feelings of a person he once cared about.

    Just my opinion here. :)
    Hope it clears some things up.
  2. Attempt

    Attempt Level II

    May 18, 2007
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    Re: Girls who let themselves go.

    girls who let themslves go


    People who let themselves go

    now for your question, its because they feel the WON, they dont need to try anymore. I personal think you should incorprate excersise in your activitys with her, "hey lets get a two person bike, wouldnt that be fun?" or "hey lets pick up *insert sport here* together" you will bond and burn calories. its not hard.
  3. jhedra

    jhedra Level I

    Jul 7, 2009
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    Re: Girls who let themselves go.

    I don't really know what to say to any topic but number two, it's possible that she's concerned you think they're prettier than her, though it's obvious that you don't or you wouldn't be with her. I have this problem with my boyfriend all the time, if he calls other girls pretty I get jealous, though I'm not entirely sure why. XD
  4. CrC

    CrC Level II

    Nov 18, 2006
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    Re: Girls who let themselves go.

    Your simple solution is to get them involved in what you are doing... Have them feel apart of the situation. Make it feel comfortable for both parts and make it seem like it will help you out.
  5. casraecal

    casraecal Level I

    Aug 4, 2009
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    Re: Girls who let themselves go.

    Topic 1:
    As someone who has been married for a year now to a man she dated for 6yrs. I don't feel i have let myself go but i know some girls do let themselves go. I think perhaps this could be because once they are dating someone they are spending extra time with that person so that limits the time they can spend at the gym. 2nd Not all girls go to the gym and then stop sometimes its the apperaence of letting themselves go because you go out to dinner and other things as dates, they get eating out more often which can cause weight gain. I know when i was first dating my husband we went out for dinner lots and i ended up putting on a good ten pounds even though i was still fairly active.

    Topic 2:
    Girls obsess about there weight because we want to be better than the girl next to us. I know at times even i say that I'm fat even though i know i'm not and a lot of those time i just like hearing people say "You look good" or "Your so slim/thin or fit looking" It seems to me that it is a girls way of getting an ego boost. Try telling your GF that she is thin before she says anything to you about being fat I'm sure it will elicit a great response.

    Topic 3:
    I don't have much of an opinion on that cause there are SO many double standards I think they all work out equal in the end
  6. Raider

    Raider Level II

    Aug 10, 2009
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    Re: Girls who let themselves go.

    Topic three:
    It annoys the crap out of me when me and my boyfriend breakup (weve dated on and off for 2 and a half years) and he goes out and finds a girl in a week. Finding someone else that fast is out of the question for me. I cant get my boyfriend off of my mind enough to even see people, let alone look. If you can get over someone that fast as to find someone in a week, its just a lack of respect and lets the other person get the feeling that they obviously werent memorable enough for you to sulk. I couldnt date for a LONG time after me and my boyfriend break up.
  7. PrincessLuna

    PrincessLuna Level III

    Aug 11, 2009
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    Re: Girls who let themselves go.

    I can only speak from personal experience, and I can only speak about topic 2.
    I'm overweight and female.
    For me, exercise=pain.
    Running/jogging/walking really fast kills my knees, even though I'm still a teenager. Walking slow is boring. I've got very poor coordination, so sports=injuries to myself and others. But I do like badminton, but I can never find anyone to play with/anyplace to play in my small, rural community.
    And I eat too much, but that comes from lack of willpower...
  8. draze

    draze Level II

    Aug 11, 2009
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    Re: Girls who let themselves go.

    Ok, I'm a married guy so take it how you will, but this is my honest opinion...

    1) I think in general it is because they get comfortable with a person they are with and are more focused on being with that person than focusing on themselves (same goes for guys if they are really into the girl)... But, my wife for example, some women will begin working out again if they have in the past and are not comfortable with how they look (even if they are still smokin hot...)... All we can do as guys is support them and DO NOT call them fat or over weight, that is just wrong... if they are uncomfortable with how they look and are verbal about it, you CAN tell them that you still think they are hot, but if they are uncomfortable with themselves, find out what you can do to help. Workout with them even...

    2) This is because of the media and the perception of what beauty is in the world has been molded to an ultra skinny person that is usually touched up with a paintbrush... So if a lady is not feeling thin (even if they look it), could even be bloating, they are going to think they are fat... Just keep ensuring them how you really feel, and how beautiful they look...

    3) This is a difference between the emotional makeup of a man and woman... (typically, not always) A woman can remain emotionally attached even after breaking up, especially if there is a big fight, and still have feelings for the man. Men live more in the how i'm feeling now (instant gratification if you will) and if someone breaks up with you, you feel ok, i guess they don't want to be with me any more, better start looking... Personally, i do not agree with breaking up, getting back together, breaking up... I think this is just plain silly... if you really like each other, work through the hard times... this is a model fora married relationship after all... IF you don't care enough about the person to stick through the hard times, keep looking, you will know when you find the right one. I know there are always certain circumstances that make situations different, so i'm not saying in all cases for any of this, this is just in general.

    Again, this is my OPINION, not to be taken as command, take it or leave it as is.