Please !!! I've got no more usefull idea. I don't want to program an AB since there's enough of them around.
program-ideas-f5/auto-stock-buyer-t28215.html Other than that... -Board spammer? (spams random topics in a specified board) -auto spinners that go on a schedule (does each daily/game then waits until you can do it again) -Auto NP maker: This means... Fashion Fever All Dailies with no risk (IE: slorg) a couple sponsors if you can find em...
Oh, I want a Cellblock autoplayer xD I hate Cellblock because I suck at it even with all the guides -.-
do the sponser links still work? if so a sponser doer (with cookie import ) would be very appreciated other than that, do you think you're up to programming a sser as the only one we have is slaughter's? (yes its amazing but its not ours)
Tharoux, I'd agree with Cheat APer. I've suggested this several times although it was never completed
Don't we have Ricky's Flare Score Sender? I can't find it in the downloads section but I'm sure I saw it 7 weeks ago before I left..
As for the SSer, I've got one almost working. I'm missing the key used for encrypting the last "POST" to send the score. I sniffed the result from TnT and my result was a bit different. I did make a score sender for verpets and even for the arcade here (in 45 minutes) just to piss off whoever it was. I understand how it works but I'm missing an important part in the middle.
Maybe a combination of both a Neomail Spammer AND NeoBoard Spammer with proxy support? Ugh, you usually can get IP banned and chain-iced that way though without proxies.