I'm working on a few programs, and they include: AutoRefresher - Ability to use a list to refresh, set random delay times and logs the random events. DailyDoer - Ability to choose what dailies are to be done, as well as options for delays between each daily. ShopBuyer - Ability to search for single-item, and multi-items in the Shop Wizard. Options for delays between each search, as well as a limit to the spending for each item. KadoatieFeeder - Ability to feed the Kadoaties, with options such as the max spending limit, how many you wish to spend as well as how many Kadoaties you wish to feed. Please note that these programs will not be rushed and created any time soon. I am working on the programs now, but other factors may increase the time before release. You can check the status of my creations in my signature!
You should try out a picture signature with your name in it or something. Anyways... When do you excpect to be done with them by (regardless of the variables)? Good luck Fex