I dont know if this is already a topic. Sorry if it is. You know what I find weird? How it is okay to patronize smokers, and its ok to say "dude, you need to quit smoking, thats disgusting and bad for you" but its taboo to say "Hey, you need to quit eating, its gross and detremintal to your health." My question is when will it become ok to patronize the obese? Being overweight is just as life threatening as smoking, and yet it is unthinkable to say something about someone who is overweight. Both pose serious health risks and yet we deem it forbidden to say anything about it. Any thoughts?
i think that might be beacuse eating over amount of food normally has a deep reason for it, where as somking is more influence, some people do it because they want to look cool, as you dont eat to look cool you eat to stay alive and to feel better
And people want others to stop smoking because it is harmful to the people around them through secondhand smoke. Not to mention, eating is necessary to your health. You need something like 1500 calories a day to survive...
And for those of us who respect others when we smoke? I never smoke in lines or very close to none-smokers. Add this to the fact that second-hand smoking has not yet been proven to be harmful (although I don't doubt that it can be if you smoke very much around another person) and your argument is flawed. Actually, it's 2000-2500 calories. Eating is a necessity, correct. But eating too much is a health risk and downright harmful. It's like saying that if a glass of red wine each day improves your health, you should drink the whole bottle. Excess of anything is not good.
Well, obesity is a very touchy topic to a lot of people. Also, not all obese people can really help it because it's in their genes. Nobody wants to be fat, but on the other hand, yes, it is very dangerous to your health. Those that eat too much, I think, you should give them a little nudge and say 'Hey, you need to stop overeating and start exercising.' Smoking is usually a choice, and a very bad one, I mean. If someone smokes, they should get scolded because it is something you can control. Although recently, scientists have found that there are genes that urge a person to smoke or drink. But still, those are still decisions your conscience can make and control.
I think it's hard to tell some people "Hey, you're getting a bit obese over there" because some people have medical conditions that cause them to have a bad metabolism, etc. I know a girl at my school who has a medical issue that causes her to be a bit overweight, while her parents and sister are extremely skinny. But then, there are also the people who just choose to overeat because of stress or because they like certain unhealthy foods. If I knew that was the reason why, I would try to mention nicely that they should eat a bit healthier. About people smoking, I have asthma, so I recommend anyone who smokes not to smoke around me. Also, there's the fact that my grandmother passed away August 3rd, a little over a week ago, from lung cancer that she received from smoking. So I'm not a big fan of smokers, and I tend to nag people over it, especially now.
This is a touchy topic, even for smokers i feel. The fact is smoking is not good for you period. Eating is necessary... Smoking in excess is even worse for you, over eating is unhealthy for you (assuming it's not due to burning extra calories)... I have a hard time talking to either smokers or overweight people... However, I do not have a difficulty saying something to someone that is smoking because not only will I get smoke in my lungs if you are smoking around me, but it also tremendously irritates my eyes and throat... If you've ever opened a computer from the house of a smoker, you can see ashes caked on everything and smell the smoke and that is just from second hand smoke. If that's in the PC... You can imagine what can get in other peoples lungs. I DO appreciate considerate smokers, I had a smoking friend that was the best at it... I would be riding in HIS SUV and it could be raining, but he would have his window cracked enough to basically hold the cigarette out the window while he smoked. I greatly appreciate that kind of behavior, though that is going to the extreme, it was VERY considerate of a non-smoker. Over weight people may be unhealthy, yes it does increase the risk of a lot of health issues, but a person can be over weight (probably not morbidly obese) and still be very healthy. And their over eating doesn't directly affect any one around them. having said ALL that, I think the world would be a lot better if people could be honest with each other... I don't think you should call someone a fatty or any other rude names, but lovingly talking to someone and helping them want to loose weight should be fine. On the flip side, i've seen some people get bent out of shape for people trying to help them quit smoking... I think it comes a lot down to the individual.
I don't think it is right that it. However many people unlike myself don't say there mind when they should. I think if it is hurting someone or there health then you should be able to freely say that with out being judged for helping those people
i agree, i cannot understand why it hasn't been related more by the government. Obesity is just as common, if not more than smoking. After watching super-size me, i think it is insane that these fattening foods are still legal
Hmm, yes I see what you are saying. Smoking causes major health risks to the smoker. People smoke through choice, whether they thought it was cool to smoke, peer pressure or whatever, they chose to do it. In this day and age they would of been very aware of the health risks and probably even reading on the cigarette packet 'Smoking Kills', yet they still decide to pick up the packet of fags and smoke. However, there are many overweight people who have medical conditions that causes them to be overwight. Yes, there are also overweight people who have only themselves to blame for their weight, but I just think the main issue here with these people is the fact that being overweight really lowers their self esteem and what they think of themselves. It is very hard to tell overweight people to lose some weight without causing offense... whereas smokers have nothing to be offended by when they're told to stop smoking.
Lol, for a second I misunderstood and thought the discussion was whether smoking is a good way to battle obesity , cause smoking makes you lose your appetite I've heard. The reason why is pretty clear to me, with smoking the problem is pretty clear, its the cigarettes. Obesity however can be caused by any number of things, obviously one of these reasons is overeating but its not limited to overeating. Unless you know the person quite well it may be difficult to know exactly what issue to address. For example, the problem of one of the people I care about who has weight issues is sugary drinks and the time he takes meals. If someone was to tell him to stop overeating it would simply not make much sense. Obesity is a more complex issue than smoking, to combat the problems caused by smoking the solution is quit smoking. To lose weight no-one solution is clear, you may need more exercise, more sleep, increase your number of meals (while eating around the same amount), drink less sugary drinks, cut down on snacks or finally just eat less. It could even be a condition that requires an operation or medical attention of some kind. Because people are not sure what the problem is human nature is to leave the issue alone I guess
My opinion and you couldn't beat this: Overweight is NOT dangerous for other person. But Smoking have effect to non-smoking person !
This is true... unless of course you are related to either and know there are major health risks. or... unless someone EXTREMELY obese happens to fall on you... OUCH! (sorry, i don't mean to offend any one... but if someone over 500 lbs falls on you, it COULD hurt you badly... I'm just saying... :| )
They're just as bad as each other. Except, as many other people have pointed out, smoking affects other people around you. Obesity doesn't.
I can't say smokers are treated nicely, but honestly, unless you don't smoke, you can't understand how bad it sucks to have someone smoking in the same building as you. And the "smoking section" in restaurants is a joke. Aside from passing gas, someone over eating doesn't bother me physically, and truthfully, a skinny person could pass as much gas as a big person so that's not an issue. If you want to kill yourself with death sticks, go ahead, but please don't confine me in a room to be killed by your leftovers. You can call it segregation or whatever if you like, and taking away smokers rights to smoke where they want, but smokers take the right away from non-smokers to enjoy fresh air (and their meals if at a restaurant). It's not like my fresh air contaminates your smoking, I mean even outside the wind could blow smoke right into a non-smoker, how fair is that? So, though, I understand it sucks that you can't sit there and enjoy your cigarette at your cube or in a store, it would suck worse for a non-smoker for you to do so. and there is NO escaping it... My suggestion, if a smoker just smokes for the "buzz" or the calming effects, get the smokeless... At least you aren't sucking burning ashes into your lungs (yes, I'm over exaggerating... I know you don't LITERALLY suck down anything burning)
Now you're just assuming that all smokers are pricks. First off I have to say that here in Sweden, smoking isn't allowed at restaurants, cafés, bars or clubs unless they have a separate room for this with extremely good ventilation and in which no drinks or food is consumed. So you don't have to go out and smoke during the winter, but you're not annoying the non-smokers and you can't spend more than 10 minutes in there before you start to feel ill. As a smoker, I like the smoking ban on these places because it makes the atmosphere alot nicer. And every smoker I know prefers this way over smoking being allowed, so the problem with smoking in restaurants in your city/country is not the smokers' fault, you should adress your congressman or local politicians and ask for a smoking ban. I'm positive that the smokers in your town wouldn't mind a bit. Have you even considered this? Second, as a smoker you're well aware that your smoking isn't pleasant for others. For this reason you don't exhale the smoke when you're too close to someone. I always tend to make clear that I'm smoking when in a public place. If I'm in a line for the bus, I walk a few meters to the side to make sure that no one gets smoke blown on them. If, however, a person walks right through my little "smoking area" and gets smoke blown onto them by accident, then it's their fault for not paying attention to my clear signals.
They are both addictions, althought both are health problems I prefer being addicted to smoking, obesity is embarassing.
Well the thing is, some people really are obese due to circumstances beyond their control. Not usually, but it does happen. Smoking, however, while incredibly addicting, is 100% a choice. (But from being around plenty of people trying to quit, I'd have to say sometimes it's better if they smoke... >_>) But yeah, obesity can be a choice as well, if you let yourself go that far. I have a few obese family members, and just, ugh. I would never let myself go like that, but ehh... However, someone's obesity hurts no one but themselves (insert obnoxious fat-person-falling-on-you joke, hurr hurr), unlike smoking. I grew up around a lot of smokers, so 2nd hand smoke is something I have a lot of experience with. When your habits negatively effect other people, then they have the right to complain.
Well the fact is smoking is alot like drugs its addictive and so is eating, But the fact that there is completely no point in smoking. There are completely no benefits, The funny thing about it is all it causes is pain and death in the long run although we all die sometime but why speed it up with cigarettes? as i was saying there is no benefits when you smoke it's utterly pointless the people who smoke are completely in denial, When ever you ask somebody why they smoke, it's always the same response. They are utterly clueless how badly they are being taken advantage off by these tobacco companys. as i said all tobacco smokers are clueless / in denial although i don't see anything wrong with smoking a cigeratte or two as it relieves stress, But when it becomes a habit it's time to put it down. I've smoked in the past but addiction isn't a problem for me.