Please look through my English assignment? ^^;

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Freja, Aug 17, 2009.

  1. Freja

    Freja Level IV

    Sep 20, 2008
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    I'm kinda in a rush, cus I need to hand this in tomorrow, and I just noticed oO
    Anyway, it's a translation from my teacher (I lol'ed at the PS part.. She ís quite weird.. XD)

    ANYYYYWAYY! XD Will someone please look through it for grammar/spelling/whatever mistakes? :} I will love you forever.. :)

    A lot of researches show that men have higher intelligence than women. Therefore: women’s intelligence is lower than men’s. Even though I enjoy reading that sort of researches, I can’t help but wondering what they actually mean. Have the scientists ever considered defining what intelligence is? Do intelligence tests show anything about a person’s intelligence? Do we have a lot of intelligences or just one? What is the most important thing for intelligence’s development: inheritance or environment?
    Do we know whose method of using their intelligence is the best, boys’ or girls’? While girls are sitting and reading their homework – because girls always do their homework, right? – boys use their time on unacademic activities and they often risk dropping out of school or even being expelled. Nevertheless, they often do better than girls later on in life.
    One of the theories is that men’s brain is bigger than women’s; but a Blue Whale’s brain is huge!
    Sometimes you get information that is completely unimportant.

    Ps. No matter if my brain is small or big, I promise to be nice and quiet and pay attention and work hard and be active and enthusiastic in school the last year. It will make everybody happier: my sweet classmates, my lovely teachers and last but not least, myself.
  2. Tricia

    Tricia Level IV

    Dec 2, 2006
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    Hey Freya :)

    I'm not entirely sure if this is what you want, but this is how I would write it (amendments in red):

    A lot of research shows that men have higher intelligence than women. Therefore; women’s intelligence is lower than men’s. Even though I enjoy reading that sort of research, I can’t help but wonder what they actually mean. Have the scientists ever considered defining what intelligence is? Do intelligence tests really show anything about a person’s intelligence? Do we have different types of intelligences or just one? What is the most important thing for the development of intelligence: inheritance or environment?
    Do we know whose method of using their intelligence is the best; boys’ or girls’? While girls are sitting and reading their homework – because girls always do their homework, right? – boys use their time on unacademic activities and they often risk dropping out of school or even being expelled. Nevertheless, they often do better than girls later on in life.
    One of the theories is that men’s brains are bigger than women’s, but a Blue Whale’s brain is huge!
    Sometimes you get information that is completely unimportant. (I'm not sure what you're trying to say with this sentence. It makes sense, but doesn't seem to fit very well. Are you trying to say that the size of the brain is not necessarily important?)

    Ps. No matter if my brain is small or big, I promise to be nice, quiet and pay attention, and work hard and be active and enthusiastic in the last year of school. It will make everybody happier; my sweet classmates, my lovely teachers and last but not least, myself.

    Very good :)
    Commy and Freja like this.
  3. Freja

    Freja Level IV

    Sep 20, 2008
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    Whoah, thanks a lot Tricia <3 That really helped ^^; and that was exactly what I needed =) you're the best!
  4. Tricia

    Tricia Level IV

    Dec 2, 2006
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    Ahhh, you are welcome :)

    I wish I knew another language... I only know the tiniest bit of french. I could never translate as accurately as that
  5. Freja

    Freja Level IV

    Sep 20, 2008
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    Haha, well - English isn't that hard for us, we've had it in school for a very long time. But it's still not easy peasy =P we also have a lot of English tv-shows and stuff like that, so we hear a lot of English. I have German too, but I really suck at that, probably because we never hear any German in televisions/radios etc :*D

    French would be awesome to know! :)
  6. draze

    draze Level II

    Aug 11, 2009
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    Ok, I'm sorry I was late in posting this, I see someone else has already helped, but I thought I would put mine in here anyway, just in case it helps :) And i didn't even change the color of the text like Tricia :( But I hope it helps. Oh, and the line about the blue Whale and unimportant information is kind of awkward, I didn't want to change too much because every person's writing style is different.

    Research shows that men have higher intelligence than women. Therefore, women’s intelligence is lower than men’s. Even though I enjoy reading that sort of research, I can’t help but wonder what it actually means. Have scientists considered defining what intelligence is? Do intelligence tests show anything about a person’s intelligence? Do we have varying types of intelligence or just one? What is the most important factor in the development of intelligence: inheritance or environment?
    Do we know which method of using intelligence is the best between boys’ and girls’? While girls is sitting and reading their homework – because girls always do their homework, right? – boys use their time on non-academic activities and they often risk dropping out of school or even being expelled. Nevertheless, they often do better than girls later on in life.
    One of the theories is that men’s brains are bigger than women’s; but a Blue Whale’s brain is huge!
    Sometimes you get information that is completely unimportant.

    Ps. No matter if my brain is small or big, I promise to be nice, quiet, pay attention, work hard and be active and enthusiastic in school the last year. It will make everybody happier; my sweet classmates, my lovely teachers and last but not least, myself.
    Commy likes this.
  7. Freja

    Freja Level IV

    Sep 20, 2008
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    draze; thank you, I could use some of it =) but I didn't wanna change too much, because it's a translation, so it should be close to the original text - anyway, I used the "important factor" thing, which really helped =} thank you!!
  8. Ropi

    Ropi Level II

    Dec 19, 2007
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    damn, i wonder how i managed to get through school without internet... and even more i wonder what grade point average i would have gotten, if i had the possibilities...

    i hope my english is nevertheless fairly well...

    P.S.: Freja, i woud be glad to help you with german :) Ich könnte auch sagen: Ich kann dir gerne bei deinen Deutschaufgaben helfen :)
  9. Freja

    Freja Level IV

    Sep 20, 2008
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    lol, oh the internet <3.

    REALLY? I would sooooo love that, I have German on the highest level in school, and I'm really behind because I always tend to skip homework D: bleh, bad habbit.
    Anyway, that'd be lovely =D

    Too bad no one studies Danish XD
  10. Ropi

    Ropi Level II

    Dec 19, 2007
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    Don't say that... i love denmark for holidays :D I know "knallert forbud", "gamle huus(?) "skinke snitzle(?)". Some terms are quite similar to Low German terms. And I'm quite familiar with Low German. So whenever you have some German work to do, just PM me or ask at AU chat.

    Try in german and danish... so perhaps i learn some danish as well ;) I love Denmark, nice country for holidays. Going to sail on the Baltic Sea next week, perhaps heading lolland or Fünen... :)

    So however, ask anytime you need help.
  11. draze

    draze Level II

    Aug 11, 2009
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    No problem!! B) I really would like to learn a few languages myself (other than Spanish) my wife speaks 3-4, and my 2 year old daughter is already learning 3... i'm slacking... o_O
  12. Valaris

    Valaris Level I

    Sep 8, 2009
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    I speak Danish :|