[LE] Guide to Ice Cream Machine !

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by mavin, Aug 7, 2009.

  1. mavin

    mavin Level I

    Jul 22, 2009
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    Ice Cream Machine: Getting the Avatar & Trophy LEGITLY

    Starting it off
    Click here to start your game:

    Quick Tips
    1. If you’re on a laptop, see what works easier for your computer - using a mouse or not. For me, there are some mouses that work easier on my laptop, and some don’t work very well. If you’re using a mouse, always use it on a very smooth surface-you probably know this, but believe me, it makes an enormous difference.
    2. Use Small 375x405. Open it up and press ‘Play Game’.
    3. Once all the scoops are filled and it tells you to press the spacebar, type in strawberryvanillachocolate. (This gives you an extra life.) Then click or press the spacebar.
    4. If you let your mouse sit still at the beginning of the game for... maybe about three minutes? Adee will change in to the Phantom Orange Shirt Guy (aka Olliver). This gives you a chance of getting a scoop that looks like Olli, which gives you 1000 bonus points. [credit to surreptitious, tyvm]

    The objective of the game is to get through all of the levels with as many points as possible. There are 9 rows of scoops. These scoops will be shot directly upwards on your screen randomly. As you get further into the game, the scoops shoot up faster and faster. You will be playing Adee, a Chia. You have to dodge these scoops, and try and get bonuses. The first few rounds are easy-but soon it gets very hard. This game can get you an avatar. If you hit a scoop, you will lose a life. On each level a certain number of scoops must have reached the top of the screen. For example, the Strawberry level needs 25, Vanilla needs 50, Chocolate 75, and so on.

    [anyone have pics of these i could use?]

    This is the scoop shield. Run through it to get it. This shield will shield you from scoops, meaning even if you run into a scoop, you’ll be shielded and won’t lose a life. However, it will stop. At first, the shield will be blue. When it turns red, it means it’s going to stop soon.

    This is a Cherry Bonus. Running into it earns you an extra hundred points.

    This is a fish bonus. Running into it earns you an extra two hundred and fifty points.

    This is a strawberry bomb. Running into it makes all the scoops disappear, and only the ones which have already gone up count as earned scoops.

    Running into this scoop will give you an extra life.

    This scoop will make you smaller, and easier to avoid scoops.

    This makes you bigger. Avoid these!

    This scoop makes the scoops go slower! These are GREAT to get on hard levels!

    This makes the scoops go faster. Avoid these!

    The Rounds:

    The first round is simple strawberry. Start with Adee at the top of the screen. Once you see a ice cream floating up from the lane you’re in, switch to the nearest clear lane. It’s pretty easy. The main point is to get as many bonus points and extra lives in the easy rounds. That means Fish heads which are an extra 250 points, extra lives, etc. However, if you get a scoop shield, you should still avoid the scoops. The shield will stop shielding you in a certain amount of time, so don’t run into scoops with it on. Also, if you get your character miniature, still keep as far away from the scoops as possible. Having narrow escapes doesn’t give you extra points!


    Again, Adee should start at the top of the screen. This round is a little bit faster, but still easy. You should still try and get bonuses in this round. These easier rounds make it better for the harder rounds so that you have extra lives, and if the game is over, you have a lot of points. Most of the time, only one side of the screen has scoops coming up. Shift to the other side. Don’t get overconfident though-you can still easily lose lives in this round. Chocolate and caramel scoops count as two scoops making your round easier. But do not hit into them-you will lose a life!

    Slightly harder, slightly faster. This is where a good mouse comes in. Start at the top, and don’t stay in one spot to long if a scoop hasn’t come out-it’s bound to come out soon, and very fast. Once again, get to the portion of the screen that doesn’t have scoops. Try not to have a scoop surrounding you on both sides. Don’t take risks to get a scoop shield-it’s not worth it and won’t help you much. Once a shield turns red, it means it’s going to stop working soon. But still, if you can get a fish bonus, cherry bonus, or life, then now is the time to do it. Believe me when I say this is the rounds that you have to collect points and lives.

    I find this round easier than chocolate, actually. Again, having a good mouse helps a lot in this round. (As always), start at the top and in this round you’re going to have a scoop on each side of you a lot. A good mouse will be able to keep you in the right lane while you hold it. A bad one can get you going straight in a direction unless you hold it down very hard. (This has happened to me many times). Keep alert. It’s harder to get bonuses in this round, but it’s a good time to get them. Get those bonuses!

    Harder, faster. Keep your attention fully on the screen and pull you chair up for this one-it’s easier than the coming ones, but still a challenge. Even if you’ve gotten through this level a million times, it’s still something you need to focus on. A good mouse really helps here, if you’re mouse goes a little bit wrong, then another life is lost. Experts can try and risk a little bit to get a bonus, but if you’re new, don’t risk it. You might be able to get a scoop shield, but do not get into scoops even with a scoop shield. Start at the top of the screen!

    Vanilla & Chocolate Chip:

    Start at the top of the screen. Full attention at the screen, and if you’re new, don’t risk getting hit for a few points. After this round, you’re going to need your lives very, very much! So last minute collections for lives are great if you can get them. Scoop shields are good too, when you’re getting lives and points. Use them only when getting lives and points, not to run into a bunch of scoops for fun, because soon you will lose all your lives because the shield goes off when you least expect it. Earn points and lives!

    Strawberry Chocolate Vanilla
    Harder, faster! Get as many slow scoops as possible-they will help you. Don't risk your life for stuff, but extra lives are great! The next round, Peach, is very hard, and these lives will come in handy. Start at the top of the screen. Don't stay in once spot for too long because sooner or later you will be trapped. Use a good mouse, and focus!

    This round is very tricky, and very fast. You've got to really move fast here. Good mouses are necessary, and starting at the top of the screen is too. Get to the portion of the screen with no scoops, but after a few seconds, switch to another part otherwise you'll lose a life. Never stay in one spot too long, that's how you lose lives. Focus! Don't let your attention waver. Don't be multi-tasking.

    Last Rounds:

    These rounds don’t really have perfect instructions. They’re really based on skill and expertise, so you really have to keep trying. These rounds are where the scoops go crazily fast, and you need to have a GREAT mouse, and have full attention on the game. Focus! You need to be able to get in the right lane, (ice-cream scoop lane), when you’re surrounded by two on either side. Start at the top as always. If you’re new to the game, do not take risks! Once you’ve completed the game once or twice you can start trying new things, but you need experience before you try and get top scores, not just finish the game. After peach, there are five remaining levels which you must complete. Good luck! :]

    Earn the avatar by getting 14500+ points.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    this guide is really olddd. i made it years ago. if something is outdated, i'd really appreciate it if you told me! :]
    Lightning and Virre like this.
  2. Ice Nine

    Ice Nine Level IV

    Nov 15, 2008
    Likes Received:
    PA, USA
    Re: LEGIT Guide to Ice Cream Machine !

    This is a pretty okay guide. Do you have any tips, strategies, or suggestions other than:

    1) Get a good mouse and be comfortable with it
    2) Stay near the top of the screen
    3) Gather as many bonuses and lives as you can while the levels are still slow enough to not be risky
    4) Practice practice practice

    Not that I'm poo-pooing the list of hints and tips that you give...but there isn't a whole lot of substance here.

    Great explanation of the game and powerups though.
  3. mavin

    mavin Level I

    Jul 22, 2009
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    Re: LEGIT Guide to Ice Cream Machine !

    i agree, it's sort of short and also kind of obvious stuff.
    i honestly don't have any other ones. if anyone else has any personal strategies they're willing to share i'd really appreciate it.

    and thanks :]
  4. surreptitious

    surreptitious Level III

    Dec 6, 2008
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    Re: LEGIT Guide to Ice Cream Machine !

    If you let your mouse sit still at the beginning of the game for... maybe about three minutes? Adee will change in to the Phantom Orange Shirt Guy (aka Olliver). This gives you a chance of getting a scoop that looks like Olli, which gives you 1000 bonus points. (Y)

  5. flatman

    flatman Level I

    Aug 6, 2009
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    Re: LEGIT Guide to Ice Cream Machine !

    "type in strawberryvanillachocolate"

    lol thats probably the best hint ever. who thought of that!
  6. ilovevicky

    ilovevicky Level II

    May 26, 2009
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    Re: LEGIT Guide to Ice Cream Machine !

    Now thats something i will try thanks for that!
  7. mavin

    mavin Level I

    Jul 22, 2009
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    Re: LEGIT Guide to Ice Cream Machine !

    is it like w/ a normal scoop when you avoid it you'll gain 1000pts? or do you have to get it?
    and thanks for the images!! :]
    i'll add them in as soon as i can.
  8. Fantersam

    Fantersam Level I

    Aug 16, 2009
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    Re: LEGIT Guide to Ice Cream Machine !

    Thx for the nice guide!
  9. lazypando

    lazypando Level IV

    Nov 16, 2006
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    Re: LEGIT Guide to Ice Cream Machine !

    also...for people who are impatient...

    you can go to the screen where you wait for three minutes and then press alt+tab to switch to another window...that way you can do other stuff while you wait :)


    I never knew it could even get that small =P
  10. mavin

    mavin Level I

    Jul 22, 2009
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    Re: LEGIT Guide to Ice Cream Machine !

    awwwww, adee is so cute in that picture!!
    can't you just minimize the window that the game is on and open up a new one/use a tab?
  11. lazypando

    lazypando Level IV

    Nov 16, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Re: LEGIT Guide to Ice Cream Machine !

    yeah that works too

    I'm not even sure if you have to keep your mouse still...but I haven't really tested that yet
  12. camzy

    camzy Level I

    Aug 18, 2009
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    Re: LEGIT Guide to Ice Cream Machine !

    The avatar for this game is quite steep 14,500. I want it quite a lot seeing as Ice Cream Machine is one of my favourite games. I've only gotten 11,000 something. The latter levels are really hard, and it's sometimes impossible to avoid getting hit. I wish there was a way that you could keep your small size between levels, that would definitely make it easier.
  13. WEARD

    WEARD Level II

    Aug 13, 2009
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    Re: LEGIT Guide to Ice Cream Machine !

    A picture of Olly :

    Shield look like :
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Ice cream Color :
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  14. Bobius

    Bobius Level I

    Oct 4, 2009
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    Re: LEGIT Guide to Ice Cream Machine !

    Nice guide thanks. This is my favourite game so far.