hey i want the ABer but is difficult to download if everyday the points needed goes up .__. can you cosider it?
This is going to be considered spam. What would we consider? Please do not spam. They are their set points so no on easily gets it.
Most of us are also in your position so don't fret and contribute to the forum and you'll get the aber in no time.
I already have the Psycho Aber. Somehow. I've never used it though o.- That might just be an old version I think.
I was struggling with getting points but I managed to pull through and got it. -sigh- But just when I get it the psyco Aber was released. :?
The points don't go up anymore... they are at their full prices for now. They were just cheaper at first.
l_scorpio I've got everything available in the shop so I'm not trying to get anything at the moment I'm just posting
If my memory serves me correctly, yesterday, Expon's cost 175 points. But with the fixing of the glitch or whathaveyou, that was put up today, it's at 200 now. A small price to pay for a better program, in my opinion. Look at the top of your screen. See the words "And most of all - a friendly community."? That's what this site is. A community. It's not about spamming and getting points to buy stuff. It's a place for like-minded individuals to hang out and discuss things. Sure, I've only been here for a day or so, but I realize that already. Just my two cents ^_^
I downloaded expon's Aber today... the first day I was impatient because I desired the ABer, but now I like posting here cause there are friendly and helpful people... -in one word- IT'S A COMMUNITY!!! No other things... programs are there for sharing, if you share nothing you have nothing...