Review on Perfect Getaway

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Fury, Aug 26, 2009.

  1. Fury

    Fury Level I

    May 26, 2009
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    Outer Space
    The movie was personally awesome with a very interesting ending. If you watched the movie, you should notice it. Other than that, the movie is one my personal favorites of 2009. I don't want to ruin the movie for all of you who haven't watched this movie yet but post what you think the movie is about or post if you would watch the movie or not. :maha:

    If you want to know what happens at the very end...

    The main characters, Cliff & Cydney are actually bad guys (good guys in the beginning). At this point, it's very confusing since the main characters talk about the other young couples (Nick and Gina) that they are insane but the main characters are actually insane in the end.

    My favorite part..

    When the Nick tries to kill Gina and runs into a group of travelers and tries to convince them that Gina is on Morphine. One of the traveler asks him why his pupils are the size of olives and Gina's eyes seems normal.
  2. Sigh

    Sigh Level I

    Aug 27, 2009
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    I watched the movie. Very boring until the end of middle to end. Lots of action near there. Other than that, I only rate the movie 3/5 since it nearly made me fall asleep until there was a few nude people. :D