I just got the drum kit for world tour. It's kind of difficult even on easy. On the guitar or bass I can play on Hard for most songs. Expert eludes me:-(
I agree that Aerosmith is very annoying band.. It's better to buy GH:Metallica.. I think it's rock! +)
it's similar only Guitar Hero World Tour stole the whole "band" feature because it's so awesome, I live switching it up from guitar to vocals to drums that and the downloadable songs are always a plus! 7 songs of offspring, can't complain.
Rock band, guitar hero.. they all pwn me XD some stupid reason my fingers cant press all the buttons on the guitar.. it SUX Stick to more simple games.
After world tour I got pretty tired of these games, they are awsome and I love the drums but they are becomming money sinks for these companys fans. Instead of offer free songs through download they decide to release the same exact game every 8 months with 40-50 different songs. So your taking the dead horse and trying to dress it up to beat it with a stick agian
i no have guitar to play it i play with joystick (GH 3) and i can play impulse and cliffs of dover with joystick on expert
lol, i can only get more wii games if i get a good report, but for now, its Bioshock and STEAM games. I just recently got 100% on Welcome to The Jungle on hard. and i finally beat TTFAF on expert.... wow. 60 minutes of my life i'll never get back *cries*