ATTN: Uni/College/post-grad Students!

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Will, Jul 25, 2009.

  1. Will

    Will Level IV

    Mar 1, 2009
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    What are you studying?
    Why are you studying it?
    Career opportunities?
    Is it fun?

    I'm finishing my first year of a Bachelor of Commerce degree, and I must say it is utterly soul-crushing and boring. Suffice to say, I will not be continuing the degree next year :p

    Hence, I'm searching for ideas of things to transfer into.

    Don't worry about entry scores/prerequisites/anything.. because I did subjects that gave me a high enough score to get into almost anything - emphasis on almost :)P), and to give me the prerequisites for 99% of courses (ie. Maths Methods, Chemistry and Physics)

    Thanks bros and broettes.
  2. Commy

    Commy Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    What are you studying?
    Currently doing a Masters in management science. Did a bachelor of science, major in stats.

    Why are you studying it?
    The bigger jobs usually require more study than just your normal undergrad, thought I might get a head start on that straight after my undergrad.

    Career opportunities?
    Yeah, there's always a demand for statisticians, even during the GEC. It's used in a lot of different areas, not only in research but in industrial practices. Banks use a lot of stats, such as business forecasting.

    Is it fun?
    Majority of people wouldn't say that it's fun, but it has its moments. If you've done commerce 1st year, you might have done quantitative methods, a statsy subject. If you found that dull as hell, you might not like it. There's also the stochastic part of stats, which is really probability. If you don't directly like applied stats (linear/logistic regression, confidence intervals blah blah) then you could try that.

    Most people hate it, less competition. But your marks seem to be good anyway, so you don't need to worry so much about competition.
  3. Tropicana

    Tropicana Newbie

    Jul 27, 2009
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    What are you studying?
    I'm currently in my first year of a Bachelor of Pharmacy degree. Yay! Medications!

    Why are you studying it?
    Because of the responsibility given, the knowledge needed and the opportunity to help huge amounts of people in the community, not just with drug therapies, but with complimentary medicines and alternate therapies. When I graduate, I hope to be a pharmacist that is compassionate, understand and willing to give necessary information to anyone who asks.
    ... Uh, sorry about that little speech.

    Career opportunities?
    Heh heh. Pharmacists are in major demand... last year, about 97% of graduates were employed immediately after. Definitely have a good opportunity for a job, especially since I'm looking to be a community pharmacist. Every town needs at least one =B

    Is it fun?
    Yes! There is A LOT to learn and know, but it's awesome. The chemistry component is great, the physiology stuff was all new to me (have never done biology etc previously) and yeah ^^

    The main benefit would have to be the employment afterwards, especially in such economic times as these. But the knowledge is very good, you get to learn all this stuff about medications and you can find out how they actually do what they say they do =P

    The only thing is, I'm not sure how difficult it is to transfer into. Here, in South Australia, the entrance score was quite high. We have a fair few people who had pharmacy as their second preference, with dentistry or medicine (ie to be a doctor) as their first. Some people aren't enjoying the course, but I am =B Corny, maybe, but true.
  4. toesocks

    toesocks Level I

    Aug 5, 2009
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    What are you studying?
    BA(Hons) Video (basically filmmaking)

    Why are you studying it?
    I'm way too creative for the course I was originally on (Business degree, yuck) and got so damn bored. Eventually got "kicked off" for a "failed" exam (which i wasn't told anything about...) so thought "sod this", went down to the other campus, got an interview with the head of course, showed my portfolio and why i wanted to do the course, got on the course there and then, started lectures the very afternoon!

    Career opportunities?
    I don't think I could list all of them. But I want to do studio camera-work.

    Is it fun?
    Most fun I've had in years. Creating your own films based on loose criteria set by the lecturers (make 2-3 per year, that's all) and write a couple of essays on the history of film a year. That's all you have to do to get a degree. Obviously you need to know what you're doing, and be any good at it, and be creative. I really can't say how much better this course is than my Business one!

    Lots of down-time (but does get boring), but the fact you can work on private projects and so on really helps, as well as doing work placements etc. Building up a portfolio whilst on the course is a must, or you'll be missing out on chances when you finish the course though!
  5. joltally

    joltally Level I

    Aug 25, 2009
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    Im studying business admin with Accounting and Finance

    I plan to work for a few years in either one of those while investing on the side and eventually work for myself, doing who knows what at the moment

    and Yes business is fun, classes are insanely easy except for the in depth accounting and finance classes where a simple mind will fail
  6. BlazinDivah

    BlazinDivah Level III

    Aug 6, 2009
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    Ontario CANADA
    What are you studying?
    Right now, Early Childhood Education

    Why are you studying it?
    I love kids.. for some reason XD

    Career opportunities?
    The rate under age girls are having kids these days.. you tell me (sorry if that offends anyone but, ITS TRUE!)

    Is it fun?
    Very much, very interesting.
  7. donjuantriumphs

    Sep 4, 2009
    Likes Received:
    What are you studying?
    Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Film and TV and Writing

    Why are you studying it?
    Basically, I want to be a screenwriter. Also, it's so I can bridge between school and Law school, since I didn't get good enough results to get into it straight out of school.

    Career opportunities?
    LOL. Career oppourtunities. That's a good one.

    Is it fun?
    Totally, it's really creative and I love it :)