Epic Farmville Guide (With Cheatzzzz)

Discussion in 'Computers and Technology' started by Hally, Sep 3, 2009.

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  1. Hally

    Hally Level IV

    Nov 16, 2006
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    So for the past week or so, I've been pretty addicted to this game called Farmville. It's a Facebook application, and it's played in flash.

    That being said, the majority of you that are reading this probably already KNOW what the game is, so I won't go over the uber basics.

    Guide Guide Guidey!

    What you'll need:
    • Facebook
    • SCAR
    • One Facebook friend who plays Farmville
    The first two should be easy, almost everyone nowadays uses FB.

    Install the app by going to http://www.facebook.com and clicking "Applications" on the bottom left corner. Click "Browse more applications"

    Then search for "Farmville"

    Click the first one that comes up, and click on the "go to application" button on the page. Then add it from there.

    SCAR can be downloaded at:

    The last shouldn't be too hard either. Just in case, here's how to add your Facebook friends as Neighbors on Farmville.

    Click the "Neighbors" tab on the top of the farmville main page


    You should see a page like this. The first guy is an example of someone who's already my neighbor. The second few I've invited to use the app. The last one is already playing, but is NOT my neighbor. I'm going to want to add him as a neighbor by clicking the "Add Ricardo as a Neighbor" button. This sends a request to the person.

    Once you're up and running:
    Use the green "Plow" tool to plow yourself some more plots. Plant Strawberries to start out. Certain crops are better than others. Use the ones that have the most convenient end times for you, measured by the coins/hour ratio here.

    This chart is a big help:

    Source: http://gameolosophy.com/games/farmville ... egy-guide/

    When you start the game, plant your entire field with strawberries. Only overnight, use pumpkins.
    Why not pumpkins all the time?
    Because you need experience. While pumpkins give you more coins per hour than strawberries, you'll get 2x as much experience by planting strawberries as with pumpkins, because strawberries mature twice as fast.

    A few things to keep in mind:
    A crop that matures in 2 hours will also spoil in 2 hours. A crop that matures in a day will spoil in a day. You will lose coins if this happens.
    Animals and trees are pointless. Don't waste your money with buying them. I've done the math. It never pays to get animals and trees. It just has to do with the space they take up, vs their actual yield. Not worth it at all.

    Now for the juicy, not-so-legit parts :)

    SCAR is a HUGE help with Farmville. 2 huge things that you can do with it:
    [*]First of all, you can use it to convert 10 coins to 1 experience. Meaning if you've got 10k to spare, you can make it into 1k experience.
    [*]Second, you can use it to "stack" plots, exploiting a glitch in Farmville. That's the extra juicy part :)

    Convert Coins to Experience:
    This is done by repeatedly plowing a field (for 1XP using up 15 coins) and then planting soybeans (for 2XP using up 15 coins). Then you delete the soybeans plot and repeat, 3XP/30 coins.

    SCAR can automate this process for you as shown below.

    (to be finished in a later edit. My mom's getting angry and I have to get going for now)
    Commy likes this.
  2. Phee

    Phee Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 18, 2007
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    One thing to note- after the alloted harvest time (e.g., 16 hours after you plant pumpkins), you still have time to harvest. I harvested my tomatoes at 12:30-ish today, when they were supposed to wither at 10:30-ish. However, only a couple had withered, and in random spots. So my guess is that after the allotted harvest time, each plot has a x/y chance on withering every ten minutes.

    Similarly, I harvested my superberries half an hour late and they were all still ripe.

    Harvesters/tractors are NOT worth it. Buying the gazebo earns you 500xp, which can boost you up half a level or more depending what level you're already on.
  3. PrinceErik

    PrinceErik Level IV

    Jan 13, 2009
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    Hally, check farmville, it was just updated at the things to plant are different
  4. joltally

    joltally Level I

    Aug 25, 2009
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    nice ill give this to my girlfriend, shes crazy about this app

  5. Lightning

    Lightning Administrator
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    Nov 8, 2008
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    Florida, USA
    Ehh, they just added flowers and stuff...

    Hally, do you have the SCAR script yet? XD
  6. Phee

    Phee Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 18, 2007
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    I do :)

    Attached Files:

  7. peanut

    peanut Level I

    Nov 3, 2009
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    I love Farmville! I can't wait to try this!
    Except I won't be getting rid of my animals of trees anytime soon :(
  8. dudelov3r

    dudelov3r Newbie

    Nov 18, 2009
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    Wow cool I want to try this too :D I've been just buying haybales and deleting them for extra xp but it takes forever even with the speed hack thing
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