Haven't played this game for about 3 months. Now I just realized there's nothing to buy in varrock general store except for the previously always stocking basic items... WTF ?? I changed world thinking it was just that not enough users where there and everywhere, it's the same thing. Did they killed the market ???
You have to click the tab that says *player stocked* or something like that, that is where all the items players have sold appear. ALTERNATIVELY Above varrock theres a place called "Grand Exchange" where you can sell expensive or frequently bought items (ores, runes etc) to users. You just enter the price you want to sell them for and it will match it with someone who is willing to buy for that price (or more, it'll always sell for the max price someone will pay). The grand exchange works over all worlds so it doesnt matter if your not on a popular world it'll still sell.
Yeah, thanks... I've read about this today... they did killed the market. Now, you can't really find great deals cause you can bid less than 5% of the set price.
Yeah and you can pretty much only get a 50k discount off the item if you find someone selling it cheap anyway. You know all this was brought in to stop people real world trading right?
I had a clue but they just made the game boring as hell. Remove RE from neopets and it's done. 80% of the users will leave.
Yeah, old RuneScape was strong members live, others die. Wildy was also awesome . Now, it's all shitty and you don't fight other unless you're in PvP world T___T