Guide to obtaining Bon Appetit and Kiss the Mortog, Legit! With this guide, you should get Kiss the Mortog, within 5-10 attempts! And, Bon Appetit with the first attempt!Kiss the Mortog You only need about 2k out on hand, and make your way to the game. Kiss the Mortog The trick for this avatar is pretty simple. Just always select the last mortog on each page, until you get a score of 5,900. Then you submit your score, and you should get: You sure are lucky! You also win an avatar! I have used this method several times and always get the avatar within 5 times. I tried it for this guide today, and got it on the 3rd attempt. Bon Appetit I have found a fail-proof method of getting this avatar the first time! I have done this about 20 times myself, and shared this method with friends, who also get it the first time. Of course, I am sure there are people who will not get it the first time, but you should get it at least by the second time. Firstly, pick a pet you would like to use to get the avatar. Have about 100K out on hand just to be safe. Get some omelettes or whatever cheap food you can find, and feed your pet until it is "Very bloated". Next take yourself over to the Kelp restaurant. Kelp restaurant The menu has been broken, so you are no longer able to just click on your selection. To make your selection you need to right click the item, an "Open in new window" Once you do this, just close out each previous window until you are finished selecting the menu. Menu selections: Appetiser - Fresh Oysters - 16,300 NPs Main Course - Spicy Radish Salad - 28,400 NPs Dessert - Honeyed Horn Of Plenty - 12,000 NPs Cocktail - Lemwar Fizz - 7,000 NPs After you are finished with your selections, click on eat. You should get the Spicy Radish Salad for leftovers, and sometimes an avatar event. For me, I never get the event it just shows up under board preferences at the botton of the list. That's all there is to this guide, I hope everyone finds it helpful! Guide written by JennD
Re: [Guide]Obtaining Bon Appetit and Kiss the Mortog [Legit!] I tried this 20 times, and I didn't get very far any of the times D: so I guess it doesn't really work? .. Also, who is JennD?
Re: [Guide]Obtaining Bon Appetit and Kiss the Mortog [Legit!] Dunno, I worked for me.. [...] JennD is a man for another forum..
Re: [Guide]Obtaining Bon Appetit and Kiss the Mortog [Legit!] You submitted these guides into the Forum Cash For Guides thread. Please do not take somebodies work and claim it as your own. Just because you put the name in a small font in the corner of the guide, does not make it all right. This is plagiarism
Re: [Guide]Obtaining Bon Appetit and Kiss the Mortog [Legit!] Ohh joy I just tried the Kelp avatar. It's totally my fault, but I didn't get the avatar. I don't have enough for a second try. -goes to save-
Re: [Guide]Obtaining Bon Appetit and Kiss the Mortog [Legit!] I Tried the Mortog Avatar but it dont works ... ? Maybe it gots fixed
Re: [Guide]Obtaining Bon Appetit and Kiss the Mortog [Legit!] Mortog is easy with GM scripts. Kelp is hard. Spend loads on it
Re: [Guide]Obtaining Bon Appetit and Kiss the Mortog [Legit!] I will try with GM scripts after I eat dinner, but if that doesnt work, I think i'll use this.
Re: [Guide]Obtaining Bon Appetit and Kiss the Mortog [Legit!] What are GM scripts and where i get them ? i realy want this avatar
Re: [Guide]Obtaining Bon Appetit and Kiss the Mortog [Legit!] GM = GreaseMonkey, so these are GreaseMonkey scripts to be used with firefox, first you will need to install the greasemonkey add on into firefox and you can then go to and search for scripts. I also install greasefire along with greasemonkey because it will automatically find scripts for you on any given website you visit and "light up" the little monkey on your status bar in FireFox. Good luck
Re: [Guide]Obtaining Bon Appetit and Kiss the Mortog [Legit!] thanks for guide tried 5 times up to now no luck so far and the pet is very bloated
Re: [Guide]Obtaining Bon Appetit and Kiss the Mortog [Legit!] I'm having problems getting my pet very bloated.. It just says 'Im too full, no more food please...!' I can never get him very bloated.. can anyone help?
Re: [Guide]Obtaining Bon Appetit and Kiss the Mortog [Legit!] Put your pet in the Neolodge maybe? That's what I did, and it became very bloated.
Re: [Guide]Obtaining Bon Appetit and Kiss the Mortog [Legit!] Thanks for the guide.. It was helpful for me..
Re: [Guide]Obtaining Bon Appetit and Kiss the Mortog [Legit!] nice, thanks for the guide. i usually am just about to get the avvy(mortog) and then KAPOW boom, i kiss the wrong one.
Re: [Guide]Obtaining Bon Appetit and Kiss the Mortog [Legit!] I gave up after 36 try's Gonne try the GM script later...
Re: [Guide]Obtaining Bon Appetit and Kiss the Mortog [Legit!] I love kelp, it certainly lived up to its review in the Neopian Times!! This meal really filled me up!!! Do I get a refund for this failing? :lol:
Re: [Guide]Obtaining Bon Appetit and Kiss the Mortog [Legit!] Thank you so much! I got the Kiss the Mortog avatar after 4 á 5 tries!
Re: [Guide]Obtaining Bon Appetit and Kiss the Mortog [Legit!] Thanx... i got the mortog 1 pretty easy... but the kelp didnt work for me This is a great restaurant! This meal really filled me up!!! i was very bloated but i still didnt get any leftovers and no av oh well.. thanx anyway
Re: [Guide]Obtaining Bon Appetit and Kiss the Mortog [Legit!] hello, could someone tell me what GM script to download to get this avatar? Thanks.