If ´m doing a xmlhhtprequest, what´s the best way to do the connection? Using post or get? In wich page the script should act? I was thinking in: www.neopets.com/games/arcade_more.phtml?cat=sponsor If neopets check the reffer, the´ll see that cames from their site... So, what´s your opinion about the questions? Thanks.
You can't just pick and choose. You have to either use POST or GET depending on the type of request the form uses. Check to see what type it is by using a packet sniffer or something. I recommend TamperData.
Yeah, but i have to click in a link from neopets and see what´s the method. I don´t know where i find links sponsors for i click. Wich method are used in programs from downloads section:?
Oh I see... Well if you look in the HTML code, you can tell if its a GET or POST. Direct links are GETs, while button clicks are usually POSTs. Read up on HTML forms and the "method" attribute.
yeaahh i know about that. But where´s those links? I need see than, to look the source code of the page. The links to make the script i´ll copy from: http://www.geocities.com/neopetsneoclicks/clicks.html